i a ft I R.0Xa'iNVS Li Hi II WI 1 L7 I I ii ir-M vj i in.vg i wjti iwv iu ns i i i i frwsR i 1 anM 'in -i i. 1 wmnw to it Kentais if Rental ill Loan'. I i outinen vDDortuniues 1 1 i Keai csiato i neai estate iv 1 1 FOR RALE OR EXCHANGE. 44 HOUSES FOR RENT. 82 APARTMENTS l-TRMSHED.
SO INDl'STRIAIi liOANS. t.V.'n'tfo'r? Jurin. Wn FARM IANP BV STATES. 43 nr.Tn rrr; Y-i5, Reenter and Tribune. I toou lir VrdB APtS.
tt Tm flAFPOUAPn INVRSTMKNT CO. Sft.MW.M MAKFA first payment on ehole 320 acre farm located miles southeast of Swea City and same distance from Bancroft on good road. room dwelling. 4 bedrooms, new barn, 34x54. eattio barn 24x80.
silo, sranary 34x.ls. double crib 24 Miiwwnini, party, a. nm. ijjj 2m. viiaiiu uvi HIGHLAND Park 4 rm.
duplex, priv. hath, i Business Opportunities Real Estate fPeti, LiTeitock, PoaltryA Farm Supplies TonUry, Chicks and Supplies. 83 CHICK starting mash, cod liver dll. yeast. trattermlis.
13.75 per too lbs. H. P. Feed Supply 3619 6th Ave. 3-2418.
Rentals ROOMMATE WANTED. SEVENTH, 110.1 Roommate fir roaDf man. Pleasant home. Walk, dlst. 3-0203.
Tol'NG man to share Isrge, well furnished front room. Board 11 desired. Walk ing oistauct. tjau s-tma. BOOM AND BOARD.
1 Tt I'alTU fl iiel double rms. Best of board. Large screened porcn. nice location, near car. 4-1 EIGHTEENTH, and good board.
1037 Comfortable room in ear canine. Dial 4-8t5. FORTIETH. 840 Nice comfortable room tnq- poara. wear car llne.
Dial 7-3040. FORTY-THIRD, 1417 Boom in exclusive west end home, a bus, sir is. 6-3480 INGERSOLL. 3116 Front room far 3. In- slant hot water.
Board If des. 6-9753. NINTH, Oak Park, pleassnt room In pnvstenome. wear car line. Dial -50B2, 1 ROOMS FOB RENT.
ARLINGTON. 10 Nice Irs. rm, for hus.women. Breaitiast 11 desired. 4-6684.
EIGHTEENTH, 1042 Keister apts. No. 1. 1 Km. priv.
en plenty not wat. Gent. 3-1489. GRAND, W. 4A2A Well fttrn.
rm. in private home. Sunday breakfast. 6-4927. GBAND, 1204 Very desirable room for, 3.
Meals if desired. Near State House. HIGH. 3001Qu.et sooth room, nicely mm. near car, oarage, uenc.
HIGH, 1528 alp. rooms, neatly for- rjisnea. 4 garages, wanting distance. HIGH. 1718 Clean, cool sleeping rm.
floor. $3.50. 4-7241. HIGH, 1718 Clean, cool sleeping rm. 1st floor.
12.50. 4-7241. KINGMAN H721 Breakrast If desired. Home prlv. Bus.
girl pref. S-8736. KINGMAN Attractive front room, good closet, private home, girl pref. 5-3378. NINTH.
14J9-Attrac. south rm. Gar. Phone 3-8257. POI 804 Nicely fnrn.
rm mod. home. Gent. Ingers. car.
Gar, free. 5-1330. SIXTH. 16JS Room with closet, Prlv. lava.
tory. rriv. ent. un car line. 4-D310.
TWENTY -SECOND, 1118 Larie. well furn. irnnt rm. winqows. gar, near car line.
THIRTY-SIXTH, 1 g. rm. In new home. b. car.
Call before 8, p. m. 7-27 1 0 TWENTY-FIFTH. Ml Nice mod. rm.
on Crocker carllne. Gentleman. $3 wk. 7-3113. TWENTY-THIRD, 10.7 Nice rm.
No ether roomers. 15. Univ. car. Gent, pref.
4-0289. UNIVERSITY 2-219 2 large well furn. rooms, private home. On carllne. 5-0324.
WOODLAND, 1701 clean, well entuateq rms. walking distance. WELLINGTON HOTEL Special rates to permanent gueita. WEST end home, attractive room. KenUe p.an preierreq.
mo. pun tt-iiti. pELIGHTFUL larfe front room, elose In. come. Also single rm.
Reasonable. 4-ioa, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 31 4(Xj line each day for or I a ay tie line each day for to 6 days "7 daya for the price of 6." URATTIEBORO, 2ftl.V 2 larse well furn. Iront rooms. Good location.
7-088H. CAPITOL. 1315 Fine rm. front 1 yindows. fcink.
near capitol. Adu Its. Gar. ElGflTEENTH. 101 1 room and urnlshed.
Complete. 16. Adults. 3-1519. EIGHTEENTH.
iU4 2 rms. and fcitcheaet. Running water. 3-0893. EIGHTH.
72B Choice 1 and room apta. $5 up. Also semi and private bath apts. Sleeping rooms. Gar.
New management. EIGHTH 1104 3 roomi and pantry, sink. Ice box. priv. entrance, walking dlst.
Call evenings. EIGHTH. 72S i 3 rm. overstuffed fnrn. Also 1 rm.
$5 up. New management. EIGHTH, 9222 rm. nioely furn. apts.
2650 week near car. Walk dist. 3-5048. FIFTEENTH. 8X01 alp.
$4 i rm. t6 .50. Newly turn, blk. car. 4-6996.
FOREST. 707 Modern room furnished apt. Private entrance. Re as. 3-8997.
FORTIETH, 6722 nice everything turn Private home. Garage. 7-2203. FOURTEENTH ST. Place.
676 Nicely furn. rm. for employed lady. Walking distance. FOURTH, 2 2 rm.
front ant. wa- er. my. ent -wewiy dec, walk dlst. 4-6873.
I.OCLST. 609 Furn. 2 rm. sink rsnse. prlv.
toilet, builtln cabinet. 5 50 MAPLE 11123 con, front (6.50 per wa. fcveryining turn, nr. car. MAPLE 1M9 2 niee rooms.
thing furnished. $5 week. NINETEENTH, 1130 2 large connecting iront mtcnenet. Newly dec. 5-810B.
NINTH. 1155 Comp. furn. 1 and 2 rm apts. Close In.
Adults. 1 wfc free. 4-0928. NINTH, 19082 front sooth rooms, rom- tletely furnished. Oar.
427.50. 4-1217. SEVENTEENTH, 8142 cool, clean gaaa. everything turn. 46.
carllne. 6-3727. SEVENTEENTH. 829 Modern 2 rm. apt, Pate uath.
Adults. Walking distance. I Ice. s. 815.
Priv. ent. toilet, closets, adults 4-3354 SEVENTH. 1423 Cost Ice. closet, New J3.60.
Nr. car. Walls, 3-7943, SIXTEENTH: 8222 adnlta to share 8 rm. apt. Dial 3-3004 before 9 a.
m. SIXTH. 1711 Pleasant 2 room and kltcb. ant. Everything turn.
Very reas. 3-8966. SIXTH 1068 Lge. bskpr. rm.
Everr- tnmg iurn. Also sip, rm. 3-6008 SIXTH. 17182 rm. apt.
unfurn. 85. fnrn. 86. Priv.
ent. Gar. Also sip rms. 3-1890. THIRTEENTH.
18442 room apt. Every thing furn. 46 wk. On carllne. 5-1765.
Thirteenth mis 2 rms. and tit, large closet, priv. ent. Adults. TWELFTH, 12022 lee bog.
electric washer. Near 2 car lines. Dial 5-323V TWELFTH. 17.1m 2 niee clean rooms, Also sleeping rm. Adults.
4-9763. TWENTIETH. 1039 Phone 7-3137. If 2 cooL clean rooms, kitch. Porch.
Private hath. Adults. TWENTIETH. 10482 and rm. apts.
Llv-Ine tm. suite. Lg. rms. Gar.
5-7593, 3-1310. TWENTIETH. 708 New dee. liv. alp, porch.
Walk dist. Univ. car. 3-8492. TWENTY-FOURTH.
132.18 bath. Gar. Univ. car. Adults.
7-3009. TWENTY-FOURTH Ill prlv. per mo. Adults. 7-2733.
TWENTY-SECOND. 12071. 2 or 2 rms. nnfurn. or part turn.
Near 2 cars. 8-3467. TWENTY-SECOND. 1120 2 room apt. 1st floor.
17 week. Call 5-1576. TWENTY-SIXTH, 1124 unfurn. sip, porch. Priv.
ent. Adults. Dial 8-2621. TWENTY-SIXTH. 1074 Belmar Annex.
Very desirable. S8 wk. No extras. TVOODLAND. 1730 2 clean run.
water, back porch. Outside ent. 4-6437. TVOODLAND, 1510 Front rm. and kiteh.
In priv. home. Gar. Adults. Walk, dlst.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Private en- trance. Good loc. Cnlv. carllne.
7.1889. 8 INFVRN. rms. In duplex. $3.50 pes wk.
Nice for elderly couple. E. side. 8-5424. 2 AND 3 $.1 and 86.
Ground floor, unfurn. Private ent By Drake. 5-0386. FURNISIirD 2 room apartment. Working girls preferred.
3-5046. BENNETT 231243 room house, 820. Phone e-. iju. CAPITOL, 1713 5 room modern duplex.
120 per month. Little Pelton Broom Co. Dial 8-3111 otwai CAPITOL Ave, 1393 I room cottage. 8U. A.
Stewart- CENTER at 28th. Coronado 2nd ft. duplex. Light, airy. 138.
6-1686. COLUMBIA. 3SM 8 alcove. Bath, mod. Near school, cat Newly painted Inside and outside.
Will build garage. Days 3-0319. Eves. 3-4211. Room 215.
ELEVENTH. 1809 rms. double 849. IOWA INV. AND MORTGAGE CO Crocker Bldg.
3-3267. FIFTH. E. 817 Moder. 7 rm.
bouse- gar. Reas. rent to responsible party. bexcre 7 p. m.
or FIFTH 31174 rooms partly asoders. 15. Phone 7-2S76. FORTIETH ST. E- S338 ti I J5 iec DiK.
SCO. UU. LYON, 14294 room eott.rc. all aaodern. Tlace for car.
$17.50. Levicn Loan. W. Walnut, NINTH. S.
W. Newly decorated raa. mod. b-ng. Oar.
1 block to school, car. 4-8636. fclNTH St, 919 1 rooms. ad, gar. Oak shade.
3-5867 SCHOOL. 2208 rooms. Irietly 840. Phone 3-8909 or 5-33M TENTH W. inol 4 room apt, wod- ern.
Garage, 120. Walking dist. 3-4694. TFRRACE Dr. Mod.
rm. bong. firewL. Bitfst. base.
gar, j-oaao- ouii. THIRTY -FIFTH. room moder. jnealow. Newly deco Garage 140.
a-wae for mv 2 so I est S. See in Oil IW 31 lce. cold apt. or Real Estate ACREAGE 'pOR BALK. BO urn with fine room modern, borne, beautiful lawn, shrubbery, fruit, fine chicken house.
Hear Johnson station on Number 7. Priced Hint. MUo Hoott, MIM. NEW nedern 5 nm eantalew. 1245 St.
with 1 or more acres. lilt ef elty limits: also beautiful acreace trw on University and on 70th street. lor sale for cash or teTma. Proctor. 0 Younserman Bldr.
Ph. I-10. Bl acres. acres of beaatlfan; timbered; sell In acretou or all. M00 to 11.500 per acre, half down, balance terms.
mile north city Mmlti on Mark Hay road. c. Plcktnbrock. Itouu Pes Moines, 3 Acres $650 Beautiful larlnr (round out BsaTerdale way All tillable Easy term. T- J.
Nolan. 3-tJM or -138, It rooms and bath, acres, mm trait. On Madison Ave. acres and 9 room house North of RT. 3-0676.
Oeoriie Yarn. I-Wl. WANT TO RENT. 51 4 ROOM partly farnisked. by rw sponsible middle ased eouole.
Reference. Write Y-3M. Betister and Tribune. WANT cemfertakle nease fee asaaef school studenu. Reasonable.
4-4303. ROOM and beard wanted en east aide by business woman. 624 W. 36lh Riialnew Pporsrtrtf lop Rent. Every Modern Convenience There Is now available In the Register and Tribune Building two suites havtss every convenience which toes to make desirable business home.
One aontalna prlrato offtco and reception room, the other two private offices snd focoptiOB room. The conveniences ol tho Register BBS Tribune Building are many. It Is do to railroad and airplane ticket office close to th largest hotels, restaurants, stc There la plenty of light and sir. Senile ls prompt snd elflclent there tt twenty-lour hour elevator service. Let us show yon these suites.
Phone 3-9111 or ses a W. Johnson. Room 304 Annex, Resistor snd Tribune Building. OFFICE ROOMS Single or combination, 813 80 and srx See FRANK PCROWSXT. 33 Securities Bldg.
sto.i'doou avn WA.rstnfiSK at (17 3rd St. Suitable for any kind ef business or light manufacturing. Inquire at 418 Valley Natf. Bank Blds rkntaukant lolly equippeo. ee.traaiy located.
Unusual proposition. 150, McCLURB CO. 1-8174. BV. 3-Mt.
Store Bldg. OFFICE soaea subleas at ears saw rental. Phone I-71S0. KKHIDKNCK IaOTS. S4 Build Now M.l.1 lot tndav.
Wa hay choice ones in fast growlng part of elt between Hickman and Franxun on j.ui St. We will plan, build and finance your Home. c. Ellis, 34Q7 34tn at, LOT 100X200 at 58th and Waterhury. Clos to tntwr sou car line.
Meal for home or duplex. Nral A- Co Firming Bldg. Phone 4-8178. I Moines Homes For Sale. 60 Oe li.e each day for 1 to I days.
1 daya far the orle. of A New Home lust being finished that Is twill. fop st home, comfortable rooms, encloses overlooking Greenwood park snd Lake. Two baths, basement garass. au bined to make a real home.
Open This Afternoon and Evening 341 49th St. Place FOR A CAR CALL 3-3171. Walking Distance 6 Rm. Bungalow With Sleeping Porch For 14 ooo you esn own this well mint bung. Oak floors snd finish, newly palntel and decorated, new roof.
Ke.ted ear. Large attic. Pins lot. Better Mil todey. Terms.
4-3188. Nearly New Brick 4 Bedrooms Fine west location beautiful oak Ihsded lot 8 rms. on 1st floor with tile bath and watn.coatlng: 1 bedrooms, toilet end lavatory up. 2 fine porchea. water softener.
Autnmatle heeter. Priced right. Mis lit consider trade. 4-3188. eve.
8-0881. A Real Home An acre of ground with fin brlek house, hot water heat, extra good loc. Hon. A low prlc and easy terms. Eve.
1-7318. DsyS 4-118. Chamberlain, Kirk Co. $35 Per Month No Down Payment NO INTEREST OR TAXES FIRST TEAR. All mod I rm.
bung. Nearly new. 0r-dn planted. West end. Phone 4-8417.
WILL TRADE MODERN ACREAGE bungalow In fine condition. An kinds of fruit. Also shade, cloao to car snd school. Wants thro, bedroom Call 4-3188 or eve. Foreclosure Modern rm.
house, needs repairs, fine loret ion. larse lot, good for duple or aparts. Can be wrecked snd two bunss. built. Very cheap for eash.
or will trod. for mod. bung, well located. Call or rile F. W.
Anders, Hotel Victoria. Leaving City Account of Health Must sell beautiful hnme on 1 arr. of ground Lem, 1800 If sold be for I leave, it not, will rent, can t-7in. Income and Home 9 Room House Will sell at 84.10. House No.
condi tion Near Univ. car. A real. buy. Terms.
4-1188. HAVE namher well located 8 a.S homes, one for hair price it tagen at once. Will aell on liberal terms. Alto have 4 nerttea wsntlnc to rent 8 Or rm. homes.
List your property with me tor outfit results. L. w. Kicn. ssuu 4-4415, New Brick Home Mnm.
t.r living room. fireBue. Tile bath. Stairway to attic. Heated garage.
Built by owner, 3813 43rd St. Open 8 to p. m. RFDKOOM BLNGALOW. Clean end attractive.
1 biock to ear. Junior high and grade schools. Level shaded lot. ahrubberr end flowers. Will 11.
447 pet month. No down payment. Call Dudley Allen Co. 4-4103. BRICK HOME AND INCOME, and living rooms for owner.
Income 8100 month. Large lot. 18 800. 11.000 cash. Robertson Forbes llflO CASH.
SS PER MOT buys new 5 R. mod. bung, with oak builtia features. Paving snd garage. Ktc lawn.
Low price. Near Wakono. etuo. -Mr Scott. 1-42H1 or 8-4387.
Foreclosure Bargain Alt modem 8 rm house. Paved atroet. Price 81 TM Rented to good tenant for t2750 per mo 8e this st once. 7-0833. TRANSIT BED t.
Atlantic. m.at aeO tilu! 8 rm home. 1 story, mod- oak fjoora. la lot with fruit, shrubbery, gar. Sar-tsin: reas.
terms. 4-9084 or 1304 Army Post Rd 550 Down, $30 Mo. 4 ItMfMin mnrt rwinaT Ail nier.iala Bald. gany terms -ff2S fiord A. Jones.
1-8473. 641 48th Charming rmu vtory home. I ldrin, cltiidrens play ground. Owner. 1-6031.
Foreclosure Bargain 9 room btfngalow. Roovelt district. Sat money by calling today. 3-0302. A-i37.
i R. fine Is sens, sej Army Post road, only 83,000 Terms Ilk rent Mr. Scott. J-43SL Res. 5-4J87 or 4-X87.
MOOI1N baosal.w 4 raas. and bath, tat 80140 ft. First class condition 13.31. terms. 3718 Capitol Arc.
Fa. 8-3811. GOINO to OtM.I. Saeriflekos eoay ksnas. Corner lot.
E. front, gar- thruooexy. IS fruit trees. 83 500. Terms.
8-M. CHARMINO ratiralow, farnlihe or rirn. Owner hero for short time only. Will sacrifice for quick ssle. 5-2773.
THREE raa. haste. Fair grown district. 75. 425 dovn.
510 oer mo. wo xnteresa. Torrerson 821-1 Flemins Bldg. Ph. 4-3374.
BRICK koaaea. Urso Uvl.s nu. bedrooms. till 8 p. 338 satf 3US 4S-h et Face wit' t- 5ons.
r-oor 5 ram boDsslow. r.Is.ses in porch, fircniace. Taxe some trace. J4 jtta St 5-162 rei YlgnKTARU! room well boilt kata. Homes an.
In' Des Moines on NO INQUIRIES of your employer, your friends, relattrea or tradespeople. NO ENDORSERS. Loans on signature of husband and wife only. COME IN OR PHfSNE or write for a representative to call at your borne Corporation of America EIGHTH FLOOR JtprmsTirn. trtptimic nrm.nnin 713 Locust 6U Phone 3-6255.
IOWA'S LARGEST LOAN COMPANY STATE FINANCE CO efttahHshM 11 years ago, makes loans of 830 to 1300 on furniture, autos. endorsed notes and oth er security on payments to auit tbe bor- 8TATE FTNANCB CO. covers the field thoroughly. You can art a loan inst hon you need it as easily as opening a charge ii ouicc. rnonc lor a rep-resfntative.
or write for free information. ijoans mane anywnere iowa ny mau. STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-3118. Corner Sixth and Mulberry Streets.
Southern Surety Bldg, Des Moines. AUTOMOBILE FINANCE. You csn make a loan on your car or you can reduce your present note to easier payments at standard rate. No tndorsers. Loans made same day.
BELLER FINANCE CO 1017 Wanut. Ph. 4-6523. UP TO S300 on automobiles, salary, pianos. radios and personal securities.
1 1U 20 MONTHS TO REPAY. Publicity. No Delay. Loans made otTTsrnit ntx moinkr CAPITAL LOAN CO. 31S Taller National Hank- RMi Cor.
4th and Walnut Sis. Ph. 3-4247. BORROW UP TO 53G0 on our new flat payment plan. Both Interest and principal Is Included in one uniform payment, the same amount each month, prompt private, service on furniture, salary and other pergonal property loans.
Des Moines Loan Co. 25J K. P. Blk. a.
B. Cor. th and Locutt. Dial 3-3283 Established 28 years; PERSONAL LOANS 850 to 8300 your own security and slgna- uie an ma is rrquirea. Federal Finance Co.
HARVEY R. SHOLU MOR. Dial 4-3833. 300 Liberty Bldg. WANT TO BORROW.
40 M.OOO ON 80 A. farm. Nr. Dea Malaga. Write Y-717.
Register and Tribune. (Business Opportunities 4flo lino eaea any for I or I nays. SSe line eaeb day for to stays. "1 ila-ra foe the Brie of aV" rm good town of 6.000 on Lincoln highway, kjooq location ana pusiness: weu estao-lishfrj. Good reason for selling.
Write P-6A0. Register and Tribune. BAKERY and restaurant for sale. Folly epuipped. In operation.
Good thriving eastern roan. pop. Sdo. Wi ita Register and Tribune. BAKERY and cafe combined for sale.
For years clearing (8,500 over expenses. Low price. Retiring. Quality Bakery. 300 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, IV BARBER shop 1 chair; only one.
Cheap ior cHsh. c. Woire. Rinard, iowa. BARBER sb.no for rent.
iv ner month. Mae Stark. 2. Mystic. Iowa.
BARBER shop for sale. Two cbair. P-481. Register and Tribune. Bl SINE SBRooming fceasea.
hotHs. for sale. F. V. Knelst.
Peters Tr. Omaha. Cafe, Fountain, uletlon 800. Northwest Ia. Established busi ness.
Modern fixtures. Fine ouiiamg. living room above cafe. Real bargain if sold by June 1. Write P-758.
Register and Tribune. CAFE and confectionery best location I county seat of 4 000. Cigaret sales pay rent and light. Best buy ever otlered on account of illness. Lease fV years.
Cash or terms. Write X-659. Register and Tribune. CAFE For sale. Well tupped: on highway No.
Priced to sell, a real buy. Write Alfred Christensen. Ackley. Ia. CAFE.
feanUin. confectionery. Good n. ness. Ood lease Living rooms upstairs.
Town 600. Money maker. Write P-361. Retrlflter and Tribune. CAFE, barbecue or lunch.
Money makers. Terms. See Mrsv Case. 418 Royal Un. Bldg.
gi and equipped. Illness. 410 E. Walnut. CAFE for sale.
Have other business, 2026 Cottace Orove. Ds Moines. BORROW I the money rod need on jour own 4r mir interna llat pi your automobile, household goods. i is sj "Simple as off a tec." NO OrEPTTONS NO SIGNERS NO DEDUCTIONS NO DEL AT "Sign totj wamk-tbat all Ik cpneWftTio S2I locust 4-4610 HARRY S. oMCOBSOK.
MaT. i i screenea porcn. oar, a canines. -qioj, INQERSOLL 36TH Tudor. 4-D424.
Fireproof. H. R. Prlgidalre 7-0970. Kv-naalratia AT 1TH RTRKFT: Brown Hotel rTUt1.
kitchen nd bath. Maid gervlce. Close to business district. Ideal home for busi. ness folks.
Reasonable rates. Kino-man 250O Eaeeptlonally deslr-Hitman SuB. let or new lease. 5-4610. LOCUST.
1114't Quiet outside I in 1. tin. overstuffed corner 145. Unfurn. 133 ft S40.
MULBERRY, 1206'i Cutler Bldg. Room for a. Everything furn. 15.75 to 6. 4-1406.
NINTH, 13252 rms, prlv. bath. H. w. neat, car line, u.
3-5349, NINTH. Ills Mod. 4 rm. 1st floor. New overstuffed furn.
3-6957. 4-9911. NINTH. 950 mall apt. Everything lira.
Kent very reasonaoie. LOCt ST 1424 Beautiful Mayflower Close In. best ant. location and prlcg Furn. 3-ln-l ana bedrm.
apts. 4-6823. LOCUST. 913 To sublease fnrn. bachelor ant.
3-5927. EWlng Apt. PLEASANT. 1801 2 room basement and private bath In Pleasant apts. 4-8643.
SEVENTH, 819 Strictly mod 2 rm. apt. Well furnished. Close In SIXTEENTH ST, 50: Brady Apts. Newly furn.
Available June 1. See ctlstod. SIXTEENTH. 8342 R- apt, priy. porch, everything furn.
Newly dec. 3-0233 SIYTII Aw. and Kr. Way: Vii-nrin Kltchenet bachelor D. Rooms with or with IHnficI out bath.
Coffee shop in con- nectlon. Reasonable rates. SIXTH Ave 1816. The Ayrshire High class furn. or tinfumlshed apt.
Fireproof Phone custodian. 3-J7JB. Sixth Ave, TJBFurn. Bristol ADtS, and unfurn. Spring Lt isiui rujt-o, cle.tning done.
Call janitor. 3-9881. SIXTH Are, 1047 Balmoral. 2 and rm. nicely turn, reas.
rent, j-eawa. TI NTH 13021 rms, nriv. bath. Newly furn. Also 3 rms.
lor couple. Adults. 3-6396 Twentieth, 702 WVr- nisneo, ssp. can 3-aaga. TWENTIETH.
Io0 Will share des. apt. with 3 girls or emp. couple. 4-5793 'eve.
TWENTY-FIFTH. 1124 Furn. 4 bath, for summer, near Drake 7-0642. TWENTY-FIRST. 1338 8 room ant, 1st floor: ousmess couple prel.
oarage. TWENTY-FOURTH St, 1439 Nicely furn. rm. apt, Reas, TWENTY-NINTH. 634 Apt.
13. Ingersoll Apts. Sublet 4 rm. apt. Prlgidalre.
4-9574. TWENTY-SECOND. 10551 rm. bath. Everything furn.
A 1 ts. 2. 3-2314 WALNUT. 914 Br ant if ill. clean, cool.
eon. venienfapt. Frigidaire. Very reas. 4-6238 WALM'T -SO? .1 rm.
$." per week, everything furitished. 4-6463. GRAND 3 R. snlte. SAV Frigidaire.
Th Birches. Phono 3-0813 or call. Prnat 621-2 Fleming Bldf. jr. rrost p3lorie 4.3373.
VERY rood 4 room apt. Nicely furnished. Good location. Reasonable rent. 7-0553.
Merle O. MiUigan 4-21tfi. Loans. IOAfV OX REAL ESTATE. 87 Money to Loan on Des Moines residence and business property, prompt closings.
Lowest lees. ABSTRACTS KEPT IN DES MOINES. Mark Johnson Son 708 Crocker Bldg. 4-8914. MONET TO LOAN.
Attractive Terras. Quick Closing. M'CUTCHEN Al STANDR1NO CO. 81T rieming Idg; 4-1818 CARROLL INVESTMENT COMPANY. Liberal terms.
Prompt closing. 208 Crocker Bldg. 4-8410. VIRGIL F. STILL, Loans nn Des Moines nronerty.
220 Youneerman Bldg. 4-8810. W. H. BARNARD.
612 Youneerman Bldg. 4-8814. See me about renewing that loan. Investments, Rondn. SO.0.
7 FIRST mortcare on good modern vest de home. V. heeier-eleld Investment 804 Hubbeii Bldg. FIRST class real eatat. contract .4 dls count.
Write J-5S2. Register and Tribune. INDUSTRIAL, IAMXS. DIAMOND LOANS ALTO EH COMPANY. Established 20 nears.
310 Equitable Bldg. Phone 3-5331. unusk biait: supervision. W. ti.
Cotton Former Mgr. Davidson Furniture Store Loans on autos. furniture, diamonds. 328 LIBERTY BLDG. PHONE 3-S144.
Loan Money on Diamonds Iowa Jewelry Co. 708 Locust. 4-0337. I sko-m-a Furniture autos. No red taoe.
World Finance Corp szo capitoi xneaier isiag. 3-2400. AUTO LOANS REFINANCING. STANDARD SECURITIES CORP. 509 Shoos Bldg.
Phone 4-0218. IMMEDIATE Bersonal loans on honsehnM goods or auto. Ecuitnbl. Loan 315 inwa ping, niai LOANS confidentially mads notea, autos and furniture. CALL 5-8523.
CHARACTER LOANS. MONEY FOR ALL PURPOSES. Easy paymenta 8 Intereat. Thrift Incorporated 318 4-9518 Loans Loans Cars Refinanced and Payments Reduced. Phoenix loans meet every money need.
Helps yon pay bills; keeps credit good: buy necessities: get out of debt. $10 to 300 Loans Promptly Arranged Phoenix special features and Phoenia extra service mak. theae loans outstanding. In v.stigate Phoenix's friendly, courteous service today. Out-of-town loans by mall.
Writs, or com. In. 108 Fquitable Bldg. 1300 Locust Street 318 East Locust St. loans oy mau.
write. I 522 i Exchanges IOWA 119 acres In mile and half Oska-loo aw. Wet) improved. Exchange for smaller farm or city real estate. IOWA 218 acres six miles east Oelweln Well improved in good etet of cultivation.
Exchange for unim proved land or building. BELL INVESTMENT CO INC. Realtors "Depend able Service Since 1810. OS ALOOSA IOWA. E.
CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. aACiiAHUa, OK HENTAaU Just See Me CALL 4-7111 OFFICE OR -Q048 For Exchange Have fine farm. 870 acres, two miles from town. Two railroads. Owner will sell this farm for below value, will take 168 acres in exchange.
All fine new buildings. 480 in crop. Lays fine. Balance pasture. The A.
FAim int. Clasa to Inttianola- Want ISO A. JaaDer or Marion Co. SO A. clear Douom land near maiano a.
wan. ion a Prefer Dallas or Guthrie eounty, Might assume. uo a. imp. stock arm on nav ing.
priced right. Mliat exch. for tularin west of Chicago. FISHER tV VAN GILDER. INDIA NOLA, IA.
340 ACRES for saw or trade paved highway, one half of which la bearing peaches and pecans. Balance pasture, a little timber. SO head of Guernsey. Mostly registered with good dairy route. Modern machinery.
Gulf coast, Mississippi. Real china is. Write X-067. Register and i riDune. MISSOURI farms for sale 314 acre river uottom.
322 acre river bottom, sso 183 acre branch uoland. 1.18: 80 acre up land 140. Others, all bargains. 8mall payment; naiance terms. Will answer gii inquiries, write for (-ascription.
E. J. Chrlsteaon, Osceota. Mo DOWNTOWN earner, here In eltr. with nearly new filling station Well tented and property with a future.
Sell on Ions terms or traae ior suburban nusinesarronerty. Duplex-apartment. Iowa farm or what? write A-7S7. Register and Triune. I HAVE an almost complete eel mt sUre fixtures suitable xor hardware or sent i.vtnre.
Value S400. Want late model closed est or wnat nave you to tracer ZD ROREMAN. Lorimor, Ia. I. SO) A.
f'l EAR. well Ima. ft a. tlaknta ranch for farm or income. 3.BO0 A.
clear Canadian 'and for farm or Income. 4 A. rkar? 30 ml. Winnipeg for Des Moines property. Mennensa Realty 310 Iowa in.
rn. MEAT market In connection with general merchant ia store for sale or trade. Very good layout for young man. Other busi ness, leason xor selling, n. r.
umiana. Harris, iowa. 80 ACRE), well "imp're veia Eastern" io wa, All tillable. Hard surfaced road. 8100 per acre, small casn nayment.
Balance 4 annual Interest. Write P-567. Register and i riouno. MO ACRES near Gr.ng Forks. Worth Ba kola.
Lays fine. 13.200. Also cottage 14x38 Arnolds Park. low. 81.000.
Lumber dona cost 41,700. Heiss, perry, iowa. HIGHLY Improved SCO acres, 18 miles 8. E. Moor head.
Inn. Incumbrance 1 800. Will exchange for food garage or other business. Writ A-857. Register and Trlb- une.
Qood producing ta. Well Improved, for sale or trade for smau rarm or wnat pave your Jas. arker. Ql Id den, Ia. GOOD groeery and meat market In town of 10.000.
Will invoice about ttVSOO for stock and fixtures. Want to trade for acreage or acres or good residence. Write R-398. Reister and Tribune. TWO sood modern basses, elose Is ear and school.
One clear end on with small mtg. Price III, 000. Want food farm. Prefer qr. sec.
Kslley, 233 Jewell Bldg. J-914S. TV.M VMS ksan a.rrnal In 1 acta. rom pletelv furnished, rented for 8fi month end livlna ouarters. Want smaller place or groeery stock.
Brewer, 211 Crocker Bldg 3-SBgq. OAK P. bong a lew. modern. Want larger home, small farm or timbered land.
Could use unfinished house on large lot. 3-1472. owner. 3S47 atn at. piece, p.
m. 240 One mils soothwest from Ames college grounds. Good land. Good Improvements. Also 80 good Boone Co farm.
Priced right. Airm Treloar. ogaen. iowa. Sat LARGE bail Mt nasi sorlnsi bloe araaai fruit; good roads: health; near high scnooi.
le.snn. email poultry I arms. Ar thur. Mtn. View.
Mo. MINNESOTA. A. near asrtenltnrat 1 lege. Good Irapr.
Oood road. Insurance company want hardware stock. THATCHro-VVgTSa CO. Fort Podge. Is.
Want Iowa Farm T'" Jy under cultivation. Winnlpef. Canada, dis- trict. owner, bot sis, era i org, saodern borne prfred OCaULlIUl tn Mltch- eiwitle. A town mu will like.
Write K-459. Register anq Tribune. sm Anrfl On Improved oentra 1 kscoBsln eloae to town, (or wnat nave your writ jl-ooi. Register ana Trioune, IMPLEMENT atoclf for finini. station.
Write X-4S9. Register and Tribunf- Santmer Cot law, Retwrts, lake Property Fop Sale or Rrnf. 4fl WANT to bar cottage on leaks OkeboJI or Lake. Must be priced right. L.
S. Flfrh. Qli ISth nt ns Uoinea. MODERN eottages Okoaotl. For lltera- ture write Mrs.
Clements, ffllfprd. Dps M. R. B. For KxrhanKti.
41 WILL trade ear I. 8 raa. mod. bang-alow built reara. Fireplace, tile bath and kitchen table, gumwood finish, oak floora full basement, large tot.
garage. Near city ehoola. church and ear. outside city limits, very low taxes for clesr vacant lot or acreage, 1314 84th. Ph.
-384. 3 MOD. b.niaUw. and 0 rm. h.ow.
14 building lots, good residential district. Income better than SIM) mo. Some incumbrance, exchange for 80 A. to 370 A. farm or what have you? Call or writ O.
S. Gilbert 3110 3th St. 3-1045. DOIiGLA. 715 raa.
seed. Oak Park home. Excellent repair. Will exchange for acreage, email farm equity or what have you. Mortgage SI soo, wilt assume eaua! mortgage.
F. Bulhner. nil 7th St. 4-0378. lt city prewerty.
ale. eeveral wit. reasonable encumbrance lor farm near De Motnea. Wbeeier-Pieid Invest Co. 004 Hubbell Bldg.
WILL trade ateae-ot new moder. bongalow. now rented for 135 for aood hoteL cafe. grocery or any other good business. C.
oilbert, 311 E. 8th. 3-10't BEAl'TrFlX well located eltr residential lots, will trsde for screes. Parker Crouch. Phone 4-3181.
MOB. R. wear 8.7tk and Klnfta.au Want W. smaller, temporary, acreage 5-4174. ACREAGE FARMS TO RENT.
4S FOB REXT Ow. aer. aad fuj a r. house near Re.ver Ave. tit.e.
4-9434. H. R. HOWEU. 4-MOT.
fir. I RyetRte) A Farrns Wanted. 49 WILL SI SOS 4a 83.se eash aad Sheridan St home for brick home. Want 5 room bom. for 8 rm home on 44th St.
or ae. uuoiey Auen co. 4-410. FABsf WATri from owrver having srood farm for sale. If bargain.
and description and price yi na STtneT. y. ACREAfiF FOR BALE. BO Rlrealo S-faw4 UU. serea.
room home, oak floors newly finished. 83.50. Eaa tcraas 5-42S1. 7-I8W8 ACRE. WEST DM MOIVF.S.
ffo citv Lax. CwooA st.il eentir rolllns. Beautiful bulldins site on sood street. N-yn'ot atowt 11 you mnio. RM.
brick ear. ha.e. I rle fir-. Other vacant sc-ase to sell or Llttell 403 Kr.ft Bide 3-7318 or 4-7083 ACRE. mod.
4 rma. sod katk. fall 525 Insurance Exchange Bldg. Ph. 4-4409.
CIGAR store, first class. I. town at Good location, doing good business. Cheap If taken at once. Ooing to Colo rado.
Write P-661. Register and Tribune. COAL Old eslskllshed baslness la fine college town: excellent location. Writ. Register and Tribune; CREAM, ess.
poultry oastneaa for sale. A paying business for man and wife. Will sacrifice. Write X-561. Register and Tribune.
DENTAL practice and equipment. Owner deceased. Unusual opportunity for right man. Established practice of 40 years in jme location. Address Box Lake City.
Iowa. DENTAL oMca for sale. Modem ehalr. Large city in Iowa. Doina good cash business.
HI health reason for selling. Write Y-813. Register and Tribune. DRY cleaning shop that pays for aale. In heart of Des Moines loop district.
Rent reasonable. Finely eaatpped. Best cash offer buy It. Writs Y-713. Register and Tribune.
DRY elranlnr shop for sale In good college Reason sickness. Priced right for 4uick sale. Write A -461. Register and Tribune. FOI'NTAIN.
Lunch. Northern Iowa. County population 5 000. Good business. Bargain for ca.sh.
Pooi health. Writ X-660, Register and Tribune. GARAGE Chevrolet sale and service. Best small town territory in northwest Iowa. Sold elfthty cars last year.
12.600 will handle deal Blomster it Carlson. Swea City. Io wa. GARAGE with Ford franchise In ro llvo town in northeast Iowa. An excellent garage and location.
Write X-569. Register and Tribune. GARAGE bonding for rent June 1st. Well located, near Maytag plant. Denmson Partridge Newton.
Ia. GARAGE and filling station for rent at New Hamora. iowa. writ a. wonnaun.
Parkersnurg. Ia. GROCERY, up-to-date. In nortfaeaatern Iowa county seat. Good location.
Real bargain. Illness reason for selling. Writ X-867. Register and Tribune HARNESS SHOP AND SMALL STOCK FOR SALE. The administratrix of the estate of Albert H.
Zwicltey. Morning Sun. Iowa, offers for sale the stock, furniture and fixtures of a harness shop business in Morning Sun. Iowa. This will be sold at a ha re in to spttla an estate.
Mrs. Alice Zwickey, administratrix. Correspond with H. O. weaver, attorney, wapeuo.
iowa. HiiTFI li rooms, modern, for rent, sale or trade for land. Emma Chasey. La- moni. ia.
HOTEL. 80 rooms, modern, for sale or trade tor city property, write a-joi, wi lder ana -rriDune. LUNCH room, real new eeuip. Low -iverhead. in town of 500.
Only place to cat for a stretch ef 72 miles. Pine busi ness SHOO Consider car. dinner ounineaa opportunities. Highway No. 32.
Writs P-457, Register and Tribune. LUNCHROOM' for sale or will trade for bungalow. 1612 East Or and Ave. Mir AT fnrai nrrtlritl Iip. modem equipment in good mining town of 2.300 only 2 markets, very low rent, doing excellent business, leaving state on account of ill health.
Must sell. Write E-583. Register and Tribune. Meat Market Groety. Town of 1.000 on highway being paved, 18.000 part time.
A real business for a rood meat man. Writs P-35S, Register end Tribune. MEAT mod- eoanty seat, cash bus. Good reas. for selling.
Barg. If taken at once. Write A-558. Register and Tribune. OIL station.
Easy place Lincoln way. Earl V. Fisher.Amea. Ia. PHOTOGRAPH stodle In central Iowa, Write -760.
Register and Tribune. SHOE aloek and repair equipment. Northwest Iowa town of 800. Priced to sell Quick. Owner's death reason for selling.
This Is a real bargain. Write A-458, Register and Tribune. 1 Tourist Camp Located on Lincoln highway. miles west of Boone. Electric lights, good water, good buildings and dining room.
Filling station in connection. A going profitable camp. Phone 1111. Geo. Taylor.
Boone. Ia. GOOD grain elevator, entiling, Sroal and feed business, located In central Iowa, for sale. lre. territory and bla of business.
This business will require the entire time and attention oi a nustier. Good reaoon for selling. For full particulars write A-580. Register and Tribune. A LONG established and meat marKPt in iri-cniea rnmnleta eouloment.
Volumi Mi 000 a year. Stock 13.500 Stand any angle Investigation. P. O. Box 184.
Rock iFlp.nd. III. GENERAL garage and Implement Standard line In Co. seat town of J.5O0. Central Iowa.
Best location, good business. S4 000 will handle. Snap for someone. Have other business. Write E-787.
Register and Tribune. MAKER, of Ross feeds and CEREALS offer electric mill, capacity twenty Trackage sales and earnings, unlimited. Alan thtrtv P. Alils motor, complete. 50 The Webster City Mills.
Webster City. Ia. S4.500 MODERN house for only 8S.8H0. coaL feed business. Pull trackage on railroad.
Address Company Success, Clarion. Iowa. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. Bowling Alleys WlL BRUNSWICK-BALK E-COLLENPER CO. 1100 Farnam Omaha, rfrb.
Riiflfnr lyOTAHonsj Wanted. 42 WANTED to rent rooming boose, for- msncd. Write A-361, Register and Tribune. Real Estate 4(f lino each day tor I ot atva, 8ae line each dar for to days. M1 dara for tbe orlre of IOWA: acre, modern rrwrt farm.
rm. nouse. basement barn, otner necess. biasa. tJLV greens, fruit trees, flowering shrubs, berries.
On gravel road close to county seat. Idal soil snd location. Writs for pa rt leu iars. Write K-7S7. Register and Tr i bu ne IOWA Beau tlfal 4A acre ebiekea and bog farm for sale, located in Clarke county near Murray, good buildings, land and fences.
For particulars writs Oscar Miller. Murray. Iowa, IOWA Improved 1M aero stok farm. Lyon Iowa. Spring water: 860 an acre if sold at once.
Write or see Mrs. Wa Johnson. 1000 8th N. Humboldt. Iowa.
lowa 1 acres well Improved, ft milea city, lays fine GLOBE REALTY 4-051T. I Fire 8 acre farms. Dallas Co. Bargains. Bee us.
J. C. Atkins Land Co. lOWA farm. 170 A.
Well ima. Baraaia by owner. Dr. Mulick. Elms, la.
MINNESOTA; SS.50S cssb will handle 24S acres priced at per acre, balance carried back at Land in Fillmore county. i mile from state line 'and 1' mile northwest of Chester, Ia. About 170 acres under cultivation; Pal- Lies undulating to gently rolling. Rented for S5O0 cash. Good room house: new barn 32x48x14 Artesian well at the house.
irminS 70 Mi-rm- founLrw rhnAl Its mile, no trades Des Moines Joint Stock Land Bank lzflt lldg-, Des Moines. Is MO. it A. Howell 83 per A. I mi.
town. Peterson. II 13 24th P. LAND openings atone the Great Norther. Railway in Minnesota.
North Dakota. Ida- no. Washington ano -jregrm. oeno ior 'free bong and list of bst farm bargains I THIstTT.KEVEXTH Clean 7 ri mod, home. Gar.
Hot water heat. 5-1440. YORK 3308 A rms. and kath. gar.
Excellent cond. 3-0439. WALKER, 15028 rooms, modern, garage. $20. Phone 4-6258.
Mew 8 str. 804 B. Euclid. S4fi i aouo. sos E.
17. so 8 rm. partly 115 20 St. Court 20 HOME LOAN AND INVESTMENT. -3921.
307 Valley Nat B. B. See These Sure 1112 W. 63rd. all mod.
50 867 41st 5 rooms S45 5-7084. R. A. Vanler. 3-8185.
10TH 20189 with baths arranged for 1 or 2 families $30.00 Crocker 1932 6 mod 25.00 M'CUTCHKN Je RTANnRINCl CO 4-161!) 817 Fleming NINETEENTH, 13336 rms. mod. 32.50. 28 West. 13448 rm.
mod. 30 00 East 2Ut, 15034 elec. gas. water 15.00 x. J.
noian. 3-4694 or 5-4139. REAUTIFIL 8 room bouse and solarium, heated garage. Across from Union park. wan oe seen oy appointment.
8-0739, BKllK home. Univ. car. 6 tile bath, newly dec. double gar.
Maple. 4-6273. 5-2255. BEAVERD ALE Small house, rtrut. larae wear car.
snu. o-oua. 2 A-l BUNGALOWS. 5 gar. Best S.1D-S40.
Extra good. 4-8373. 5-2255. NEAR I'nion park, bungalow, all modern, i.10. 3-0613.
HOUSES FURNISHED. S3 FORTY-FIFTH St. Place. 727 Attractive west end bungalow, solarium, real home, will lease. KINGMAN Blvd.
9 rm. bouse for rent fur. July. $65 per mo. 5-0395.
OHIO, WiU share 8 rm. bung. Very cool, clean. 2 screened porches. 412 mo.
SHRIVER Ave. Excellent home, three bedrooms, from June 15. Three months or more. Write J-389. Register and Tribune.
TWENTIETH. B. mod. Nice as new. Screened pch.
Open days. 3-5774 eve. THIRTY-SEVENTH, 8 room modern nome: garage. a-4jia. WELL furnished ft rm.
home. Nice lawn. Gar. Good location. 4-5263.
Johnson Realty Co. 5-7018. NEWLY decorated 5 rm. also 2 rms. mod.
Adults. Walk dlst. 3-0378. WILL share modern fi room home with young couple. Nicely furnished.
3-2277. MOVING AND STORAGE. 34 WARP Transfer Storage C. Every "nIV" load Insured. Reas.
rates. Ph. 2-6161. Off, and warehouse 12th and geo. APARTMENTS.
33 BRATTLEBORO, 284S 6 rm. upper duplex. Heat and water furn. Gar. 5-7929.
EIGHTEENTH. 732 Concord 2-1 fireproof. Prlgidalre. elevator. Phono Miss Flacb, 3-8141 or custodian.
4-2748. EIGHTEENTH St. Modern 2 rm. ant. 1st lioor.
Private bath and ent. 5-4150 fir Keister EIGHTH. 1354 5 rooms and solarium, very reasonable. Would consider furnishing it one year lease or longer 3-0469. EIGHTH, 1008.
Clark Ants Mod. 6 rm. apts. 1st and 2nd fir. Walk, dist.
3-5670 FIFTEENTH, corner of High St. Chalfont and Blenheim Apis, uniurnisnea or lur-nished: 4 rooms. Call custodian. 3-0049. FORTY-NINTH and Woodland.
4 rma tile bath, G. E. refrigerators. Sea this. OAK LAWN APTS.
3-5219. GRAND AVE. at 16tb The Jefferson Newly decorated, well located. 4 rms. Bnectrio refrigeration, elevator service.
Short term lease. 3-3345. Eve. and Sun. 4-6083.
GRAND .024 Fireproof. 4 and 8 VVetherell Dial 8-UM GRAND. 2925 Joan lovely 4 rm. front. 2nd floor, to sublet.
Frieidalre, heated garage, etc. 880. Phone 4-0501. GRAND AVE, 2801 Rare opportunity. wonderful 3 room apt.
wun ln-a-uoor oeu. Available June 1. GRAND Ave, 620 Martlndale Apts. slrable 4 room apt uiai j-ojio. 1.119 Jefferson 2 us furn.
or unfurn. Dial 4-3728. INGERSOLL. 2323 The Field Apartments Located In the heart of one of the fin residential sections the city. Equipped wltn electric stoves sua nam- aires.
Call 5-7055, KINGMAN. 3132 Lower duplex. roams, mod. Newly dec. Adults.
5-3745. LOCUST. 1118-1520 Mod, new floors. nice finish. 35.
Pre. tHi Junei-30. rrans Wells, Obs. Bldg. 4-7026.
3-5983. inrl'RT 14.11 Hn.frr aots. In first class conaitlon. can g-oii or inquire a. iuj IjOCUSt.
h-ivrTrtVTN 1A1A Hirh ria. 4 or heat, crater, gar. Adults. 4-1953. NINETEENTH.
821 Strictly mod. and solarium. 3-1326 or 7-0908. NINTH. 1715 Gar.
Near tjnljn parg and canine, t-au a-aooa or NINTH, 821 8 and 4 room mod. apt, furnished or unfurnished. 422 50 and up. custodian of phone 3-5695. NINTH, 1218 Strictly moder.
room st Iloor S35. Dial o-juoi. PLEASANT, 1703 Colonade, Apt. 2 rm. and screened In solarium.
Prlgidalre. None nicer. To Oct. 1st and longer If desired. Ph.
3-7392 or see janitor. SEVENTEENTH, 50 Newly decorated 2 1. S. exposure, mr. wear car, o-oio.
THTRTF.ENTH. 1601 2 anfurn. rms, 832. heat, light, gas. phone Included.
4-4838. TWELFTH near Woodland. Dandy rooms moaern. o-uo. WALNUT.
13132 rm It 3 In 1. 8-3911. Capitol WOODLAND 19tb Dnrrwe'l Ant. South front. Call 3-6318.
338 Liberty or Sublease Reduced Price EXCELLENT APT EXCELLENT LOCATION. 4vfn rm hprirm olso In-S-OOor bed. dining rm, tile floors In kitchen and bath. Call 8-4B19. Mrs, wicne or o-nio.
vol! ABK LOOKING FOR A GOOD apt, furn. or unfurn- 840 to 1136. call FERGUSON REALTY CO. Days 4-7118 4-1280 Rirrhe. 2 R.
suite. 85a. Frigidaire. Phone 3-0813 or call. a-rot, phone 4-3273.
4-3166 unn a RM. aot. aableas. 2 mot. 25 discount.
Prlv. of re-renting. 345 mo. 5-6719 Drakeleigh i mod. espotite 5-3280.
MODERN 4 room set. Small ianitog scrv- 110 per month. Adults. 3-6719. APARTMENTS Ft'RMSHED.
3 BRATTLEBORO. 2918 AO pjewly dee. Sip. pch. Near Dr.
Hot water. Gar. 8-1014. CROCKER. 1923 Bea.tif.lly furn, small upper duplex.
Hot water heat. Hot and water furn. 240 in summer, 150 in inter. 3-1029 EIGHTH. 728 Extra nice front prlv.
bath. Separate sleeping places. EIGHTH, loos Cat. Illlle aat, 4 priv. bath, all apick and span.
3-5870. EIGHTH. 842 Mod. complete for 2 3. Good loc.
Close In. Reas. 4-9835. ELEVENTH ST, 208 2-2329 Tours Apt. notei Downtown location, modern and fire proof.
430 per month and un. Fnrnlshea. FOURTEENTH St. Pla'e Bearnifally tarnished 5 room ant. Dial 3-5750.
1 A.ta. t-ronerirk- Anic. Corrpltely enti'ppfvj 3 in apt, mr- if hd or un ru rn if bed. Ol CI-a WU li X42. macntne shea 30x40, poultry nouse 14x24 and 12x24.
garasa and well house ISx-4 oil fenttd and eroaa fenced with woven wire. Improvements are practically new and In excellent condition. Land lies gently rolling and is heavy black loam with clay subsoil. Priced to sell. Reasonable terms on balance of purctisse price.
One of the best farms In community where located and must be seen to be appreciated. Chicago Joint Stock Land Bang. 208 So. Ls Sails Chicago. WITH SS-SM rash yon eea own a splendid 140 acre farm home about miles 8W.
of MQitnt Pleasant, good room house, three large barns, hot house, good water supply piped from deep well, nice orchard, located on good road In splendid community. Land lies gently rolling, about tillable. This, is a sood combination stock and araln farm and should suit the most critical buyer, must be seen to be appreciated. Good productive soil In good state of cultivation. Priced to sell.
Terms on oa ia nee oi purcnase price, cmeaso joint Stock Land Bank. 90S So. La Salts St. Chicago. VI JirvBSVXTU ivui glls llvl a.ia VI g-sSHIUiia, Iowa on gravel road, one mile off paved road No.
10; room house, five bedrooms, basement: barn 40x80; new corn crib and anion t. hog house 24x32: poultry house 12x30; garage; well house; buildings newly repaired and painted; land lies In a gentle siope, goon arainage. gooa sou, eoout 20 acres in pasture. 10 acres tame nay, nuance under cultivation. Priced to sell.
Easr terms on balance of aurehaae nrire. Chicago Joint Stock Land Bank, 208 So. Ls Salle Chicago. ft.S4m.INI WILL seake first payment en SM acres four miles southeast of Leon. Good set of Improvements.
Newly painted. Most of the farm in grass. Land lays rolling. Taxes about 80c per acre, Priee $85.00 per acre. Liberal terms on balance of the ou re ha Re price.
Chicago Joint Stock Land nang, po. gafie vnirsgo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 44 It's Exchange Week Here's your opportunity to "swap" 'someone who is willing to trade. This is the week to put your ad in the "For Sale or Exchange" columns.
Tratie that property now. Below is a complete list of real trades. Check them over now. 6 Rooms. One Acre Paving, ae.er.
wawr, lag. Ouy B. Brunk zio atn en. Phone 4-8821. FOB aaster.
ar Nekr. laid: 1M acrea f.lr Imnrnvem.nt. 8 mile, from Ce dar Palls, mile from paved highway and school. 40 acres alfalfa, balane all tillable. A.
ri. Rersnauge. cedar Falla. la. 180 A.
LEVEL. I'i asi. eoeatr Stale road. Pair Improvements, rented for half and 110.00. Consider small Iowa farm or clear western land, part payment.
Writ. A-357. Register and Tribune. to ACRES. aU tillable.
im4 rooaa ke.ee barn, garage, cave, chicken house, small fruit orchard. Adjoining county sest. What have you for 18 000 equity? t. T.S. Leeth.
Bta. Ames. Iowa. 840 A. CANADA land: fcl.felv laaarnedl all under cultivation, unincumbered.
10 rm. houao. big barn. Trade for farm land near Dos Moines. O.
Sloan. 808 Youngerman Pes Moines, la. IOWA farsarT80 Mm. weB laa.ro.ed. Iw.
milea from town, for aale or exchange. Stock and machinery with (arm. Wilt H. E. Whipple Cedar Falla, Iowa.
APARTMENT FOR EXCHANGE. Have two fin furnished, alg apartment house, for clear Iowa farm. Write K-481. Register and Tribune TRADF 80 acre, level fersslsig land. Clark Wis.
Clear, Uses Mam road. 130 00. A. B. R.
Smith. Fairfield. Ia. pvrhanop 10 re.aa fca.se, well to- LAtuailJJc rs Moines. Want small farm, automobila oardwaro.
Lock Boo: E. Alta. Iowa. GARAGE, well locate. I.e...
Car agency, brak teswr. full line of motor rebuilding equipment. Writ. P-457. Kegister anq ripune.
GROCERT I. No. caster, eoa.ty seal. On axct. of poor health will eel! at bargain.
Good business. Write A-417. RegUtar and Tribune. EXCHANGE. 840 Improved Missouri.
Frleo ITT 94). 17 50X1 Will assume. Tom Chew. Sioux City. Ia.
TRAIiE 43 sverea. Imnrovod farm. horses, 4 cows. 100 chickens, feed wagon. harness, mcc S4.S0V.
ciear. it. emita, Fairfield. Ia VFStBaaK A PPrita tmr JrtUVfnllva flat Holt county farms and ranches. Close to rtirnways ana gooa towns, a.
net it, O'Neill. Web. 14) ACREK stocfe and grain farm. Fair buildtnaa. Running water.
Close to town Graveled road. Write A -Ml. Register and Tribune. ts aarnrn nm M.i.t M.a ooth md Hat atrttta Two block south of Grand. want coiorsao lans.
w. n. iuyn oids. GENEatAL MDSE. Good clean stock good county seat town In northern iowa.
casn ana pare traae. write r-i. negis- ter andTr Ibune. im 1.3t2 ACRE, improved atoek and grain ranch. Lyman county.
So. Dak. for sale or trsde. Sherman Nelson. Buyers Bldg-Portland.
Ore. EQL'ITT I. Well Improved practically all farm land for Iowa eighty or o. W. Parker.
Maxwell. Iowa. MIKXEAOTA PARMA. FOR egrka.ee. Isaarneal Minnesota farms.
Size 108 to 140 gxrea. Beat 383. Rochester. Minn. FINE raa.
m. 140 A. to asi. D. M.Take clear D.
U. prop ap to 18 so. Owner L. Brown. 171) Wltmer Blvd.
Ph. 8-33S5. 10 ACREA. 8 aai. east Kedfleta, WiU trad, for hardware or merchandise gtoro.
J. Hudson. Redllel. Iowa. City for lata coupe, diamonds, or Write K-4S7.
RegitsT anq Trionng. WELL IS. A. St. K.
S.th Dak.t. farm. For a.1 or What have sou? x. Jones, sip a. nroao.
un ssoinea. OWA faraas far half their yam. 8asU cash payment. Eaay terms Low tnter- est. Robert Hunter, mux city.
Iowa. int araate a. m. change for Dea Moines resid.aee. fj.
Morten sto. 350. Olendale. CaL .1 HIARI aerea Unim C. east or trade for property tn central iowa.
Ira uelaaa. Huxley. Iowa. WTOMIKO 4 A. srytrated keet Uad fjear bet factory.
Bell or trad, for Des MOtneg property. Reno. 130 Orand Diimlev 28x44 tkreahlng awtfrt, Kesrly Kumicjr Brm to ta writ, ar call M. Cobum. isoi utn.
p. is. EXCtlANOE 1 ra.ea seeder. s.ae I. Cedar Raptda for 7 room mod.
house In Des Mornes or Ames. Write 414 8. and Bldg HOT and to ate. acre, ia etty to exchange for farm Writ T-404 Register and Tribune LIST roar property fee ease or esehe.se aith Chen of Runnelis. Iowa, for reaulta.
laa.rweeal 8 acres. What kav. 8, iii. ,1 fi.ifJ ance pasture. Cut by a creek.
Bonne ber. A good stock farm. Black loam soil. p-1-al-st4l- I st BBBBBft. aaffa I ILHIIIM mtX 11 eaakA aakaUfW at siiua atl 0iP trV 1 THIRTY-SEVENTH.
xa Very FOURTEENTH .4. Plac-. 72-aa duplex. 6 rooms. Strictly modern.
3 car 'j counlea. 3-173S 8r Lsree lawn 5-8-lllfor sroojmmentl'S -j h( Jk If UP t. 1300 Autos Household (l 7VIrV, sVl7 no Oar uervlee f7- 111 Months to Repay Call or Write It SAeAXar 'v I JMFRlf'AV FIVAVTB II featurea. flrepl- dbl. gar.
8-4531 TWELFTH. 14I mod. ear, XJO. Mis- Kendall. 913 Fleming.
4-9502 w.w in. JjlaMytUlaO in On Ground Fir. Ph. 1-3101 )) nemeacesera raws. Ht Cb tda.
Dtn. 42. tmk IhaLLtoui 2 tersaa AreU tn many ears. liw ss Salvsr Ar. la ass sswsm.
aaaJa a-uu. sua xy. ancrmn. 1112-j rm.du.kl. Bmarm saw.