The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

JL at bis 5nth Ktrpul. Three larse fur TrT IMTAT.TTV wnrlrmanshln. llnhnl- NEED CASH? Confidential and nuirk Masonry. Carpentry nished rooms and hath. Renl $50.

atering covering cushions, slip cov BUILDING work. Garai work. GaraRes, MOTOR COURI LAWN Mowers Sharpened, Repaired SEE KENNEDY 421 Evemia St. Phone 2-019T CAMERAS PHOTO SUPPLIES RemodelinR. Financed.

THE PALM BEACH POST Page 10 June 20, 1 95 1 en, spray panning. ui caauu st. Phone. 10th service. Loans maae on aiamonas.

gold iewelrv and silverware. PARK-SIDE LOAN 120 Clematis St. Wm. II. Blythe.

Mgr. sale ot slipcover upholstery fabrics. water and electricity inciuoea. smaller unit in same Adults only, nn pets. See H.

H. Pinkney, S05 1 fit SI. 35-Unft Court with 1W ft. troM on BroariwHy In Riviera Beach, SOLAR enlarger, Eastman chemical scales, various developing tanks and SPECIAL BARGAINS ON RirrnMniTTnNF.n EQUIPMENT blecloth, SI yd. And a special tot of trays.

Cood condition, J45. Phone 36- WOMEN (G) AVAILABLE Federal Hignway jno. i. xeeMfH income. Terms, GRACK MOPTUi.

2-0170. 4318. upnoistery lannrs at 'a pure ies. WILHELM FURNITURE CO. 4717 Georgia Ave.

Phone 3-4658 LEGAL NOTICES QUICK CASH LOANS LOAN UP TO $300 TWO-HOUR SERVICE FAMILY LOAN COMPANY 312 FIRST ST. PHONE 7186 MUST HAVE work at once! General huspcleaning. laundry, ironing. Ethel Thurston. Dunbar Village, Apt.

No. 2. Phone 2-84K2. MEAT CASES WAI.K-1N COOLERS BEVERAGE COOLERS CORSETIERES 19- 3-ROOM apartments, furnished. 331 Gardenia.

a month. 2 BEDROOM apartments, furnished, on Florida. S50 a month. LEE-PARKS, REALTORS 310 Datura Street Phone 7118 Wounded Soldier Had 3 Days Training WASHINGTON, (TP) Rep. Weichel (R-Ohio said Tuesday a soldier from his district had only three days of comhat training before being sept to the Korean front.

The soldier was wounded June 7. Weichel demanded in a FLAMINGO BY OWNER 7B- WANTED -MISC. ARTICLES MEAT CHOPPERS SPENCER individually designed supports. Stella Newlnn, registered c-articre, 401 29th Street. mii u.nt.

nrt-time or Steady LOANS UP TO $300 COMMUNITY LOAN SERVICE. INC. 210 Datura St Ground Fl. Ph. 8105 LARGE duplex, 2 bedrooms each plw' 3 units, one bedroom each.

Good fti-come. Small down payment. Balance like rent. 521 Kanuga JPhon job. Call 52,1 5th Street, WPB.

ELECTRIC Sl.ll t.SS CASH OR TERMS RENT -HOUSES SO- WILL buy large hand saw. Good condition. Lake Worth 5251. K. L.

JONES Rpfrieeration Exchange DAYS work or laundry at home. Nursing. Cooking. Or part-time. Phone 4077.

52-MONET -MORTGAGE LOANS SOUTH 323 Linda Lane. 2-bedroom CHS To December 1st. 965 month. 3-2742. 20- 00GS- CATS-PETS WIRE Fox Terrier puppies.

A.K.C. registered. Hypnluxo 4 miles west of Lantana. Dandywyre Kennels. 4408 Georgia Ave.

Phone 3SS4 Insure Your IMMEDIATE cash for all household furniture. Dirk's Furniture. Buy Sell Trade. 1516 Broadway. Riviera.

Phone 2-2439. Xn, SHI Notice Is hereby given that the un-flemgned, Clara Nielsen and Edna A. Buchanan, Intend to register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Plm Beach County, Florida, pursuant to Section R65.09. Florida Statutes Annotated, the Ilctitious name, Inlet Beach Shop, under which name they intend to dn business at 24th SI reel and Broadway. Riviera Beach.


Attorney. Publish: 6, 13, 20, 27, 1951. 39- EMPLOTMENT AGENCIES TWO leased CBS store insure your FURNISHED or unfurnished. 2-bedroom house. 2-car garage, attic fan.

I. Van Auken, SCOTT'S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. AUCTION icariy oasis. an iwj. BLOND Corker puppy, female, A.KC registered.

2 months old. Phone 120 S. Dixie Room 208-2-lhbfi investment, plus a motel or 6 eny units. This lucation. Jfl extra good $47.5110.

SIMPER REAL ESTATE "We Specialize in Income Property" CAMERA Must, he good and reasonable price. Describe. P.O. Box 357, Boynton Beach. House speech that "the Army be called to account and forbidden to send untrained men into battle." He told a reporter the soldier is Pvt.

William A. Speir of State Soldiers Home, near Sandusky, Ohio. have every Saturday and Wednesday NORTHWOOD. centrally located 3-year old CBS. Parquet floors, unusually large rlosels.


215 South Olive Ave. Phone 3-2463 NO REGISTRATION FEE Stevens Executive Service Employ-mnt Aeencv. Jobs In Dally, all lines. 508 25th St. Phone 2-0700 A.K.C.

RKlilSTKRKD German Shep-hird (Police) Puppies, See Lee, 312 1st Street. SAM PAYS top prices for furniture, houeshold goods, sewing machines, radio and tools. 407 3rd. 2-2698. niKOit I p.

m. Farmer's Market Auction Congress Road Phone S00 Guaranty Bldg. Phone 2-M88. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3-4734. NEW Boarding home for pets.

Sanitary Inspected. Loving care. Reasonable. Spencer's Kennels, 2620 Oswego, West Gate. SMALL concrete mixer without motor.


WM. H. BLYTHE. Opp. City Park.

This duplex 1 a honey. Both unit consists or 3-bedioom, living room, dinette kitchen combination. til baths enclosed breezeway. all ter-razo floors, tile sills, alt sliding doors, ail very large windows, aft elec. kitchens, fun-ed walls.

Lot. 7ox TRIAL POSTPONED 2 BEDROOMS, living-room, kitchen, hath. All furnished. Nice. $15 weekly.

1113 Okeechobee Road. cottage. 1-hedroom. all electric. Adults.


3-4151 MOBILE, (UP) The trial of Harris Mullis. 23. 135. Landscaped. Price only $17,800, MORTGAGE LOANS G.I., F.H.A.

Home Improvement and construction loans our specialty. W. G. MATHES, Inc. 310 Evemia Phone 4191 WE BUY AND MAKE THE MOST LIBERAL LOANS ON DIAMONDS.

JEWELRY. FOR THE PALM BEACHES. UNCLE SAM'S LOAN OFFICE, 405 CLEMATIS. No. Jilt Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned.

E. L. T. Smith. Intends to register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court if Palm Beach County.

Florida, pursuant to Section 865.09. Florida Statutes Annotated, the fictitious name, viz, Burke-Carr Letter Servlc. under which name he intends to dn business at 212 Evernla Street, West Palm Beach, Florida. E. L.

T. SMITH, WILLARD UTLEY, Attornev. Publish: June 20. 27; July 4. 11.

1951. 4-UN1T5 5-ROOMS bath, unfurnished. EDWARD II. RODDY. Tel 6612.

332 So. County Rd. P.B. charged with the murder of a Florida Constable here Feb. 17, was postponed Tuesday for one week so witnesses can be brought from New York.

Does Your Dog Walk You? Try the Obedience Training Classes, National Gunrd Armory, Lak Ave. Thursdays, 7:30 p. m. IE YOU lose your pet come to us the city pound. Home for stray animals.

Animal Rescue League. 23rd and N. Tamarind. Phone ao2B. P.O.

Box 1.184. 21- DRESSMAKERS INSURANCE 43- Only $14,000. 3-Apts. furnished South end location. 3-I-Iniis conslMj of 3 -bedroom.

Jiving room, kitchen hath. 1-llnit SLudio apt. 2-Car MANY attractive articles recently acquired from prominent estates. An-tioues and unusual pieces bought, sold and exchanged. "Treasures Trifles" PALM BEACH ANTIQUES 301 Hibiscus near Royal Palm Way.

Palm Beach. Phone 4281) FARM-implements for sale. Farm tractor, International Cub. like new with cullivalor plow, high wheels, power take off, wheel weighls. Sacrifice.

Owner. 31 NE 5th Ave. Phone 5884, Delray Brarh, Fla. LOVELY 2-bedroom house. Furnished.

Well located. $15 per week. Inquire Phillip's Grocery, 1101 Okeechobee. TOP priced for used furniture, bathroom fixtures, washing and sewing machines, office desks, typewriters, cash registers, doors, etc. Cat! 5945, Lake Worth.

Dixie Fun. Exch. WHEN In need of mortgage money aee us. Long term conservative costs. Mortgages refinanced.

GANE WAGNER 211 So. Olive Phone 7154 THE TRAVELERS INS. repre-ented locally by Thartn Realty Insuianre Service. 200 Datura St. rage.

laundry room. Lot 7axu Apt rent tov season only. 2-UJN1 T5 Phone 5176. LOVELY 2-bedroom house. Furnished or unfurnished.

Well located South. Inquire Phillip's Bar and Grill. 1101 Okeechobee. CBS construction, tile roof. Each apt.

consisls of 1-hedroom, living Classified Ads 17- RENT-HQTEL ROOMS DRESSMAKING Done reasonably, ouicklv. SHra June. 1221 North Lake 'Worth. Phone 4626. room.

Kitchen ft natn. rice io.ou. South end location. 4 LANDSCAPE -LAWN WORK PHONE 3-2300 PHONE 2-8703. TOP SOIL, Cow Manure Mix.

MORTGAGE LOANS. Low interest rates, reasonable costs, long terms. Bring us your problems. 405 So. Olive.

Call Mortgage Dept. 3-166L ANDERSON CARR. INC. REALTORS FINE CHINA. Glass, Art Wares.

"The Connoisseur." 5909 So. Dixie. Phone 5224. TWO-BEDROOM bungalow and apartments. 713 Evernla.

DUPLEX Each apt. rnnsisU of 2-bedroomjr, livine room, kitchen with dinette. A Nn. 95 IN THE COI'NTV .11 IK.K'S OM'RT IN AND FOR PALM BKACH COI N-IV, FLORIDA. In re: Estate of ABBIE KAVANAUGH, Deceased.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of ABBIE XT A A 1 If LI ln.icoH a I'D horohu 24- FLOOR COVERINGS fill tthnll Tnnll RnA SPACIOUS large 2-bedroom furnished house. Large grounds, fruit trees. 7834. HOTEL WILLIAMS 5th St. at North Dixie Cool Clean Central From $8 weekly.

From $25 monthly NORTHWOOD HOTEL 24th N. Dixie Highway. Ph. 9319 and muck. Phone S.

T. Lalnhart, all tile bath. Completely furnished REMODEL your kitchen or bath room now with our beautiful tile board, in all rolors. Also complete line of sink cubinets. National, 500 1st St.

2-0DB4. NOTICE FLOORING by Abrams. Oak, Parquet, and teak wood. Old tloors still an Imi, am lltr IVr Ml It. including dishes.

Lot JUbxiuu. Pnce wtTitniT tnn in nnv ouanLltv. only TWO-Bedrooms, living room, kitchen, and hath. Nicely furnished. 1113 Okeechobee.

Abrams Flooring Co. 1221 No. Dixie, REAL ESTATE LOANS FOR EVERY NEED FOR EVERY PROPERTY Call Mr. Moody. Phone 7188 Studstill Hollenbeck, Inc.

REALTORS CARBURETOR SERVICE. Factory truinpH mfvhnirs. More miles per rv. rniinnrnr tvn chi mr iMke Worth 5005. notified and required to file any claims file any claims SENSIBLE RATES CALL on Sandy Loam Farm Nursety gallon guaranteed.

Clean Modern Centrally Located liWIfh, of ice of he now available for classified asphalt tile md m.n low as rsioir lor tree esitmaie on your umuaLapum. TeL S943. Itaimnn sum 5401 South Dixie smiut'o Aunhnlt ill, In HOTEL HALSEY 7... Connl l. per 9x HKEtiiiaL anui .4 CniinlV advertisers qq 319 Datura St Phone 9548 EN.IOY A COOL VACATION IN THE MOUNTAINS.

Fully epulpped housekeeping cottages, located on highway 4 near Highlands. For reservations write T. M. Dechman, Skywater Lodge, Gneiss. N.

C. 55- MONET WANTED LIVESTOCK CHEFFER TtEAI, ESTATE MART REALTORS Sots S. Dixie Ph. 5543 and 4S0!) NKWOURT MT. Broftr'way, plot SIS 125.

ont building complete, plans for others. Behr, IfW Clemaiis St. 2-1901 OWNER AND BUILDER 4R- 8 PT. Same rate as 10 words or 2 lines ordinary type. 20x14 white porcelain enameled, acid stalled from 14c per sq.

foot. Rubber tile installed 50c per square foot. Plastic tile installed SI per square foot JEKFI.EN TILE SALES 814 So. Dixie Phone 3-2927 VlNYl.lTK plastic. Goodyear rubber WANTED $1600 on new $2600 car as security.

Phone 5480. I BREAK horses tor riding. Reasonable tee. Box C-25, Post-Times. GRAND HOTEL Large rms.

Private and semi-priv. Fireproof bldg. free parking. Open year round. $1 up.

See us for special summer rates. 433 Datura St Phone 9123 Urjrp Same rate as 15 11, words or .1 lines or- SMALL five-room bungalow for rent, furnished. Near Bethesda Park. $H5 per month. $2,500 FIRST mortgage wanled on 40 acres.

Plat for homeslle. For information write Box C-23, formica for dram boards floors. .1. II. Lli.iVir.IN 13, Keg.

rilOKH! VUUIH.V guupc Ul Florida, in the Court House at West Palm Beach. Florida, within eight calendar months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and must state the place of residence and post office address of the claimant and must be sworn to by the claiman his agent, or his attorney, or It will become void according to law. June 5th. 1951.

Executor of the Estate of ABBIE KAVANAUC.H. deceased. Puhllsh: June 6. 13. 20, 27, 1951, 48- LOSTANO F0UND LOST Brindle Boxer puppy, hild's net, white flash on chest, while nn fnl.

Inn? ears. Phone 219 26th St. Phone 78- RENT-PRIVATE ROOMS BEFORE you buy duplex, or three-bedroom, two-hath home, phone 3-1474 Private owner. Metal trim linoleum. Beacon wax.

Same rats ju BAiic0cK'S (across from No. side Howard Johnson's), 3.11 Pershing ordinary type. way. Phone 9073. Free estimates.

18 PT. resisting wasn Dasin, incwoing me-tlme chrome faucets and trap. Modern compact toilets 29.95 5' built-in cast Iron 74.35 14x20 white flat rim sinks. 5.95 32x32 shower cabinets, complete 52.50 4" cast Iron sewer pipes $3.95 per Igt. V4" galvanized water pipe .12 per ft Hot Water Heaters Gas, electric, or oU.

Automatic or manually operated. Most sizes in stock for immediate delivery. 81- RENT -BUSINESS PUCES Lake Worth MOVING 55- 439 Datura Same rate as VVE CARRY the following nationally- LARGE Store. Trackage. Ph.

3-3713 knnwn hrnnrl 48- MATTRESS RENOVATING 24 PT. ATTRACTIVE, single bedroom. Bath, private entrance. Very reasonable. 41 42nd.

FuTwIsHED room, twin beds, off South Olive. 247 Conniston Road. 25 words or 5 lines ordinary KannunfOrl all mnVPrt- ALL THIS FOR $13,000 S-ROOM frame bungalow, 2-car sar-k age, 3-room garage apt, fk 2 addu tional sleeping rooms. In south section on 100-ft. Int.

terms. YATES REALTY SERVICE 70S South Olive Thone 7471 LOCAL and long distance moving. Weekly service anywhere. For cheaper rates and free estimates, call WILLIE'S TRSFR. Sc STRGE.

419 2nd St Phone 3-1666 lypt i i i i nv. ed into innerspcing. Box springs re- 85 RENT HUE PARK RIVIERA Shop at with confidence. Lowest I CLOSE IN. Nice, clean rooms with paircQ ann recoveiuu.

rmuna ''i rrcd Good service and reasonahle rates. WHITE SWAN BEDDING CO. FURNISHED 3-rnom bath. Reasonable and quiet. Adults only.

418 llth lavatories. Mngie or oouoie. neasun-ahle. 415 9th St. posslDle prices every aay.

we meet all advertised prices and we are never knowingly undersold. Friendly advice at the friendly lolks. Street. I'hone li-dnio. All Classified Ads are CASH except our already established active commercial accounts.

PHONE 6161 OUR own new factory is complelcly BiKclow Carpet Armstrong's Linoleum Gaodyear Rubber Ozite Cushion Strylon Wall Tile Sloan's Linoleum Gold Seal Congnleum Ai-dmore Broadfelt Wunda Weve Carpet Harwol Broadfelt Spongcx (Cushion U. S. Rubber Cushion Allen's Rubber-loc Bigelow Glamnrugs Venetian Blinds 41-0 uoriaa Ave. 84- RENT WAREHOUSES SOBER bachelor's east efficiency. Frigidaire.

Utilities. $8 weekly. 424 10th. Service Transfer Storage LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Direct van service to and from the North. Weekly service.

Lowest rates. ami iia api uig iriiuiounS. too largp, none too small. CBS WAREHOUSE anno so. ft.

Clear span ground floor. PALM or-A( 1 1 tiva A MATTRESS CO. ROOM; Private bath, private entrance, nice lor gentleman. 2019 Florida Ave. Drive-in bldg.

Clean and ready for ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SALE Large nearly completed 76' 126" West of Delray Beach at Seaboard: Tracks. This building has been Involved in litigation and CHn be purchased at a fraction of its cost, (onslruction commenced prior to effective date of Government building restrictions. Telephone West; Palm Beach 7121. RTVTFRA Rpnrn nr T.nKi Pnrk nmn. 1910 So.

Dixie Phone 4S.10 occupancy. Long lease. NICHOLS ATfTHini.TrS ANONYMOUS WEST PALM BEACH GROUP, P.O. 417 So. Dixie Phone 76H6 226 S.

Olive Ph. 4400; nites, 3-4287 RIO VISTA. Rooms, lake view. Cool. $5 to $8 weekly.

Near Royal Palm HoteL 711 Chase Ave. WE HAVE crews to Install the above, or your materials, if desired. WELL PUMP Complete Water System Installed Cash or Easy Terms. CROSLEY STORE, 524 Clematis COMPLETE furnishings, fixtures, instruments, supplies. Physician's four-room office suite.

Can be see between 1 and 5 p. rn. riailv at. 413 Guaranty West Palm Beach. 86- PB.

RENT -HOTEL HOX 34.U. rnone w.m, luten 01111- day, 8:30 p. 512 S. Olive. LAKE WORTH.

Meets Wednesday, ROOM BOARD PAINTING 57- SPEND a weekend at the beach. Fri Attractive Banyan House. Shady GUNDERSON FURNITURE Inc. Call Studstill Hnllenherk, 8:30 p. m.

Episcopal Church Annex. SPRAY PAINTING. Power roller. Dave Harper, Phone 25-270. iteaunrs, itiviera Jeacn umce.

Phone patios, screen lounge, Ian cooled. Plenty hot. water. All private entrances. RM.

AND BOARD $3 PER nv ROOMS SI PF.R DAY. 2-0474. day to Sunday afternoon $5 per person 2 in room. Total price. Beautiful, cool, accommodations.

Free bench cahannas, free K-irage. Ambassador Hotel. Phone 50- MISCEIUHEOUS USED 7 cu. ft. FriKidaire.

good running order. New motor. Reasonable. Phone B37 41st Street. RENTAL EQUIPMENT Belt sandcrs.

floor sanders, edgeri, polishers, paint sprays, disc sander, hand sander, vacuum cleaner. Also repair service for your convenience. GEORGE'S PAINT HDW. 4007 So. Dixie Phone 8739 AWNINGS -SHUTTERS No.

fl.ifl NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that by and under that certain alias writ of execution Issuing out and under he seal of the Circuit Court toy Martin County, Florida, bearing date of May 9th 1051 Issued In that certain cause theieln lately pending wherein B. Minschke was plaintiff and Harry Taylor defendant I. John F. Kirk, as Sheriff of Palm Beach County. Florida, have lev-led upon he following described as the property of the defendant Hai-rv Tavlor.

described as lol ows: lZ iiand 5. Block Washington Park No. 2. Pahokee. londa.

according the plat thereof on file the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Palm Beach Coun- Anrt' will' offer the same for sale on BchalContv Tour We Se for cash to satisfy said execution and costs. J0HN As Sheriff of Palm Beach County. By JOHN McKENDRlCh Deputy Sheriff. Publish: June 620. 27.

1951. 813 Lake Lake Worth, Ph. 4843 BEAUTIFUL ALUMINUM AWNING Close in, 1115 Okeechobee. NKKD CASH? Confidential and quick service. Loans made on diamonds.

fold jewelry and silverware. PARK-IDK LOAN 120 Clematis St Wm. H. Blythe, Mgr. 93- SALE FARMS -GROVES FERTILIZER Swifts Red Steer containing cnlordane, S3.J5 bag.

All popular brands stocked. Phone 2-2PS1. Northwood Feed Supply, 2015 North Dixie. W(L I'otton carpets rugs, reasonably prirrrt of top quality. Cttodyear for counters A tloors, Linoleums, PlHstirs Ken tile asphalt tile.

Our specialty is counter 87-PB. RENT -PRIVATE 79- RENT-iPaRTMENTS StiU 1 lr.lv2 Inside control, close in a jiffy. Order now. Free estimates. JALOUSIES Aluminum and Glass PALM BEACH WEATHERIZINQ CORPORATION HOTEL Shamrock.

Rooms 512 per week up. In beach block. 160 Australian Ave. Phone 3-5631. PERSONAL 58 WANTED TO LEASE SMALL farm or acreage.

P.O. Box 1542 or phone 8332. between 6-7 evenings. 30 ACRES for vegetables, glads. Built-in pump.

Total J4.S00. Owner, 306 Southeast 5th Delray Beach. l-BEDROOM and 2-bedrnom apartments, $45 and $60. 5555 Garden Avenue. W.P.B.

WATER. HEATERS Ccmplele stock. Alt kinds, ranging from $'J9 up. Bottled ks. gas.

elec, oil, coal, kerosene, charcoal, etc. National, 500 1st St. tops. All materials snia ipihii or in-silled. Workmanship materials tuilv guaianleeti.

WHITEHKAD Kt.OOR COVERINGS Bill Krink, Trop. K-10 No. Dixie Phone 98K4 PETER PAN NURSERY and Kindergarten. Hour, Week, Evening. 726 Dobbins Street.

Phone 3-2abl. 2721 S. Dixie Phone 3-1350 88- PB. RENT -APARTMENTS BEAUTY SHOPS JUDY BROWN'S KIDDIEGARDEN CLOSE IN 415 9th St. 2-hedroom garage apartment.

Floors just sanded. Nice, clean and cool. Lovely grounds and patio. No small children. Yearly, reasonable.

BEAUTIFUL bedroom apartment wilh sun deck. Centrally located, hlork from ocean. Very reasonable rent for summer. Phone 6224. BUY RENT SELL 2-pc.

living room suite. S49.50; llol-lywoods, S29.50; Glider. dressers. W0; 5-pr. dinelte.

$39.50. VINCE'S FURNITURE CO. 321 N. Dixie Lake Worth Ph. 5218 ItADEN MANGOKS S2.50.

S3 M.50 per Lug. 2101 Georgia Ave. Phone 6428. 28- HELP WANTED WOMEN tor parents who care. j4-nour enna care.

Outdoor play school Transportation. L.W. 4027. 9 SALE SUBURBAN LLOYD'S BEAUTY SALON Open All Day Wednesday 114 North Dixie Phone 9817 Largest in the Palm Beaches No appointment necessary I.IVINO nnrch. bedroom, kitrhen.

MtLLENDS OF FINE FABRICS Very large selection and ample lengths for draperies, slipcovers, upholstery, below regular wholesale pri ces 2 miles sr th of Bovnlon. Ph. Delray nHLf). CAUCO CENTER. Closed Wednesday afternoons.

BAR 42" Exhaust fan, new, $95; Hdw. plumbing supplies. SURPLUS STORES. RIVIERA FURNISHED room, twin beds, off South Olive. 247 Conniston Road.

MODERN. Twin beds. Complete kitchen, utilities paid. $50. Also bedroom apartment.

ZrO Sunrise. Servel refrigerator. Utilities. Sober CORNER Lot 200 338. Military Hill section.

Sell all or in 50-ft. parcels. Cash or terms. Jean E. Parker, Broker.

Phone WAITRESS wanted from 4-12 in Bar Restaurant. 435 Northwood Avenue. FOUNTAIN Girl wanted, experienced. Apply in person. Northwood Drug Store, Northwood Ave, North Dixie.

Ask for Harry. couple. $12.50. 613 Datura MARIE OF PARIS, 1006 S. DIXIE.

Special oil waves, $2.50 up. Ph. 5745. Silver Tint Wave, white hair, $7.50. CAR OWNERS Try our service we will please you.

Lubrication, washing, waxing, repairs. Hixon's Sinclair Station, 3400 South Dixie. SUBLET Apartment for Single girl. One Blork from Ocean For Summer. Call 2-1159.

BABY grand piano, small size, excellent condition. Price Phone 3-1051. 816 Lytle Street. $6500 LIBBYAPTS. 638 Datura SL New beautifully furnished apts.

Low summer and yearly rates. OFFICE worker betweeen ages 25 BICTCLES-MOTORCTCLES rtllU OV, jm-anillg i.iu... be local resident. Typing, posting and SULTANA Apts. at 424 Chilean Ave.

New elegantly furnished. 1 2-nedrooms, with patio or balcony. JOHN H. BIRDSALL. Phone 650.

CMCI Tail JL AMFPTCiTa RTCYrT.KR EXPERT SHOE Cleaning Specializing in Pick-Up Delivery. Work Guaranteed. Call 2-3937. "Shlnette Shoe Cleaners." FLEXACHROME plastic floor tile at less than cost, $4Uc per sq. ft.

All light colors. Babcock's Floor Covering. 3J1 Pershing Way, across from Howard Johnson's. retail selling. New 3-BR ashesfns shinelr IHmispj Huce porch.

lot 1 1 T2r. Terms cash; bal. per mo. E. Austin Nelson Eroker Phone 2-1 Southern Blvd.

and Military Trail RENTALS, repairs, sales. Beecroft IK THE riRcriT FIFTEENTH 'VVoR PAI VIRGINIA PETERS MONROE, Plaintiff, EOBERTANDREW MONROE, Defendant. TiOTICK L.una, ouu clematis, rnone dou. LAUTER used upright piano in mahogany finish. Good action, splendid tone.

Fine for beginner. Only Many others, from $95 and up. Terms. BRCBAKER MUSIC CO. 119 Datura St.

Phone 7714 LOWpriced hath room towel holders; soap and paper holders, rhrnme and china, at National. 500 1st St. COOL modern bedroom apt. Summer or yearly. 218 Worth Ave.

nox c-iu, WANTED Female cashier, 25 to 35 years of age. 44-hour week. Apply Lindslev Lumber 709 15th ALCOHOLICS, asthmatics and chronic ailments. Wilkas Nursing Home, Boynton. Phone 5171.

SCHWINN and Columbia bicycles. Whi77i. Mnfnr Rikps. Easv terms. ALHAMBRA Hotel Apts.

OLIVE A 4th PHONE 4138 From $12.50 Weekly Bicycle repairs. Economy Auto Sup CLEARVIEW JALOUSIES and Storm Stop Awnings; also Aluminum Storm Panels. Wm. L. Matlettc, 411 24th Street.

Phone 3-2561. Residence Phone 3-5123. Wednesday, 11) to 12 a.m. only. OCEAN Block.

2-bedroom spartment. Adults. Month Year Season. 168 Sunset Ave. Ph.

3-9aS9. 95- SALE ROUSES ply, uemaus U.K. rnone imiu. lL.At.-F IM TTYIir FOR reliable counsellor advice on business, personal or storm problems, consult Edson M. Cleveland.

Registered Counsellor Service. 421 Ever-nia city. Phone 2-0197. T0j 7 GViffln. BOATS MOTORS MERCURY USED WATER PUMPS, 'i to 1-HP.

Some reouilt, some exactly as traded In. All guaranteed to pump. C. B. Perrault, 4405 Georgia Ave.

Ph. 6:100. WILL Drive your car Philadelphia YOU CAN RENT Hospital beds. wheelchairs, commodes, walkers, baby cribs, crutches and oxygen setups. AMERICAS RENTAL 4 SALES Sc'l South's finest Christmas Cards.

M.ikc S50 nn 100 Assortment. EMBOSSED Name-Imprinted Christmas Cards 50 for $1.25 up. Big line fast st del s. No experience needed. FREE Imprint Samples.

Assortments on approval. CHARM. Peachtree N. Dept. 121-B, Atlanta, C.a.

vicinity ior expenses, rmme MURRAY APARTMENTS flamntrnd Ave. Sc Ocean Blvd. Daily, Monthly, Seasonal. Yrly. All utilities.

Daily maid service. Ph. 4053. RO A L7pA LM APARTMENTS 2H9 Hibiscus Ave. 2 blocks from ocean.

SUMMER RATES F.ffiriency apartment S'rO monthly. GENTLE understanding care of the TIRES. Auto-Bike, all sizes. Anthony-Firestone, Lake Worth. 905 N.

Dixie 3-4597 aged. Pleasant, cormonaDie nunie i NEW HOME, modem design. 72-fU lot. Two bedrooms, tile features. Price is reasonable.

Owner, afit Nathan Hale. Simper Real Estate DELIGHTFUL 2-Br frame, east of Spruce, unfurnished, S9.500 cash, RIGHT at Lake Park, 2-Br lurnlshr.fl. CBS reduced for quick sale IrT 59,000 S2.500 down will handle. 3-Br furnished CBS. veil, solar system, car port.

SIMPER REAL ESTATE Laree or Small We Sell Them AIU 50S 2nlh St. Phone 2-0700 licensed, practical nurse, rn. j-qou. KEEP COOL! Special Summer Rates! On. the Lake Central Location HOTEL ROOMS EFFICIENCIES BEDROOM APARTMENTS AIR CONDITIONED DINING ROOM Tnnwnr Outboard Motors Boats Accessories Boat Trailers REPAIRING All Makes and Models Used Motors, $50 up BURKETT WARE 313 Fifth.

St. Phone 5923 Best tropical slacks 2 for $11; new Army reissues $1.39 up. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that suit for divorce has been brought Lainst vou in the above Court, and vou are ffeby required to serve a co mmm bitten defenses. Herein fall not other the allegations of said bill of torn fn will be taken as confessed by mm eni'rT a I TV la urachino' nrilich UNUSUAL OFFER. Avon Cosmetics has opening for person who makes friends easily.

Contact Mrs. Smedley before 10 Thursuav morning, 2-7513 or write P. 0. Box 1101. City.

ing and waxing any make car. Lou Bargain center, jst diaic, Branca service station. pinnns shabby? EASON NURSING HOME. Friendly surroundings. Lake Worth.

Ph. 5998. Make them look like new, and save ann ua iviniLi PENT HOUSE APARTMENTS YOUNG lady who has recently nffir'n unik and AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE BEAUTIFUL new 5-burner oil ranee. Sacrifice at Son. MW used washer, A'M Hermosa Street.

garden hose, all lengths. Anthony-Firestone, Lake Worth. Kelvinator pore, refrigerator. ('oldspot refrigerator $49.95 Electric range S49. 95 VAN'S HARDWARE CO.

125 S. Dixie Hwy. Ph. 6701 Lake Worlh. ELECTRIC Fans.

allsizes. Anthony' Firestone-Lake Worth. money at the same time Dy reniinu a high "quality floor sander at Ward J. some soliciting. Knowledge of typing THE MICKLE MOUSE.

A Happy-Home Nursery for youngsters. Phone 83 PALM BEACH RENT- HOUSES LIVB this summer in comfort at Florida's finest apartment hotel. Directly on Ocean. Beautiful, cool bpd-room apartments (accommodates 2 or 3). As low as 5 ISO per month to Dec.

1st. Full maid service, free beach cahannas, free gjnace. Ambassador Hotel, phone 2-1651. 51 CHRTS CRAFT 22 FT. EXPRESS helpful.

Box C-27. Post-1 imes. 2-79H4. i it easy 10 jinisn nouis The rates are low. Come in discuss your problem with our Service Dept.

you Complete Hotel Service Available by the year, month, week or dev. LAKE COURT APT. HOTEL 305 R. FLAGLER DR. TEL.

8101 WITNESS my bann aon r- CKU1M1K, '51 CHRIS CRAFT 17' SPECIAL 99 HELP WANTED MEN I KARN TO DRIVE fourt at West Mim MOJN lUUMlitt X-YYAruJ Olive Ave. First SL Ph. 2-3863 In officially approved Dual Control '51 CHRIS CRAFT 31' EXPRESS cars. AA Auto Driving scnoois. rn.

si curis M' commander 1 one dishwasher. No phone calls. Ap- v. rainiei.

i ply Dixie Drive-In. 3800 S. Dixie. 1- SALE -ACREAGE 'bi CHK1S CKAi'l' 84 iJULULf. nprviNf: in fthin 1st.

Accom SEWING MACHINES Repaired and electrified. All miikes. Cash for old marhines. Ph. 3-4745.

1700 ACRES On excellent road west of WPB. modate 1 or 2. Call L. W. 5426.

PLAZA APARTMENTS 623 PARK ST. PH. 9438 Modern, large, cool, clean apts. Accommodate 2 to 5. Close in.

$10 week and up. Free Utilities. COLORED porter for auto dealership. Must he experienced in washing, polishing, and used car reconditioning. Apply Steuart-Poniiac I'sed Car 2017 So.

Dixie. Mr. Partly diked. Fine cattle and farming this Stn oa.v -kx ARNETTE. Clerk' of Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida.

MSolicirN1or Plaintiff, Citizens Building. West Palm Beach. -Publish: June 6. K. 27, 1B.ii.

'51 CHRIS CRAFT 42" COMMANDER PALM BEACH CHRIS CRAFT HOME INCOME This large 3-hcdroom home nn lot has an atlraetlve spl in rear for income. Furnished price 15,000. terms. PROSPECT PARK Kast nf Olive. Bedroom hnme--2 lile baths completely furnished newlv decnraied garage store room, Other good buys in all price ranges.

SLATON. Inc. RKALTORS 1st Street Phone PIANO TWINS 59- land. Nhii per acre, lerms. JOHN H.

BIRDSALL, Reallnr 229 S. County Rd. Phone SR30 WICKER chests, rocker and straight, sofa, refrigerator, piano, reducing machine. Willie's Transfer Storage, 419 2nd St. SALES.

INC Rnv livinp in north and hov living EXPEKT piano tuning and rebuilding. 43 years experience. PIANO SOLON 502 Lake Lake Worth. Ph. 4602 ACREAGE Smalt or large, grazing, tarminc Dial 4641.

C. J. FOX. 1 for Miami HtTfllll TOUtC. Listings Charters HUNTER ARMS APT.

HOTEL 620 SOUTH DIXIE Completely air conditioned, furnished efficiency with utilities, linens and maid service. By year, month or week. Summer rates in effect now. Phone 75151 Phone 6622. 410 4th St.

um N. Dixie ARMY Tarpaulins, all sizes, used, lit up. Canvas cots, $4.50. Bags, 19c up. Bargain Center, 1st Dixie.

GENUINE Winter Co. spinet piano in beautiful blond finish. Thru our shop. I.iKe new. Only $M0 with matching bench.

Terms. BHI'BAKER MUSIC CO. 119 Datura St. Phone 7714 NO 6 PRECISE trimming board, 9-piece dining suite, 1-ton electric hoist, single Hollywood bed, beach umbrellas. 5 me'lal chairs and table for patio, "i h.p.

Berkley rentnflgul pump. Stimpson electric meat scales, hand tools, office desk, sewing machine, gas ranges, lawn roller, taenrti sander, Griswald restaurant elertric grille, kitrhen dining bedroom furniture No telling what you'll find at Al.TMAN S. 2.11 North Dixie. Phone ii921. Lake Worlh.

n' In Pftlm PIANOS Tuned, refinished. Com i. Beach County we will interview for 2 tuv riRCLIT CO I Bl IS piete bann instrument, urm-ment. Local dealer for Baldwin, kim- i i nl.nnc Pnvinir hien- jrnniA FraiT guaranteed to out perform anv in H. ,1, CIRt 11 p.

class. Boats for fishing and pleas-KACH OorViure. Western Auto, 21 So. Dixie, I abi openings. Applicants Must lie Own car and be bondable.

Income nol nri i.i..- fcl EFFICIENCY Apartment, ground floor, large shady lot. close In. Iree parkins. Iris Street Phone 5al9. imu Aim h-- est cash prices for used pianos.

IN AN A unoer $75 Weekly it Qualified. Miller LITTLE RANCHER Here's the 200 acres you have been looking for. Beautiful location, overlooking Lnxahatcbie river. Good road. Electricity.

No waste- land, fertile soil and natural drainage. Don't miss this one. $j0 per acre and really worth It. Walter R. Puckett, Realtor 625 Iris SL Phone 63S9 TV, ELOKlun.

ii muait. 522 Clematis St. Phone 5697 Btush KM 41st Mieei, nest Palm Beach or Phone 6731. No. 10- BUILDING CONTRACTORS TWO lurge rooms, kitchenette, tile hath.

Completely furnished. Utilities. mo. year round. 4301 Greenwood.

AUCTION REEBE Aurlion Exchange. Sales evrry Friday at 7:30 pm. We sol! anything. ixJvfdere. Phone NO SHORTAGES WE SELL FOR LESS NATIONAL BUILDERS SUPPLY Copper Tubing Galvanized Pipe 4-in.

soil pipe, east Iron sinks. Toilets JiS.jfe. Lavatories. S9.95. Automatic water heaters.

Rnlh tubs, 45" drainboard sink. o4" wall ('Hbinels, .1126. 9o. cabincl. S3.

as. NATIONAL BUILDERS SUPPLY FOR BUILDING, repairing, room additions, painting, anything in home maintenance. Call Kelms. 3-1058. NiGHT manager lor service station Must he salesman between age 26 40 years.

Apply Billup's Station, Riviera Beach. ETHEL A. MANSr 1EL.L? a widow fHARLEsV V1TSOPOULOS. C. y.i a corporation et al Defendants MARGUERITE JULIETTE APTS.

1101 Georgia Ave. Summer and yearly rates in effect. Utilities furnished. PIANOS tuned, restrune, refinished, repaired. We huv and sell pianos.

BRUBAKER MUSIC CO 119-206 Datura tixllJl rTgTmiTCHKLL. Phone 5139. Piano tuning, repairing. Over 30 yean serving Palm Beaches. 500 Ares, Oceola County, grazing and citrus lHnd.

2 mile lake fronl-age, 4 room home Price $28,000. Terms. A CONSTANT INCOiME PRODUCER Here ts the best VALUE wp hsvn offered in MONTHS. It's near Central School and close in. Thcrp ar separate Duplexes and flaragfl Apnrtment.

loi-atcd on a corner lot, IfinxlHO where there is plenty more room to build Additional units. There ate 7 units in all. Each with a Private hath. This property needs some repairs hut at the Jow prir of ft represents a maximum alue in the small investment field. This is listed XCLLSIVEL with 3-ROOM all elec.

furnished apt. Good LAMP Mountings and Repairs: Specialty work. Parchment and siik Shades in any shape, size or design Lampcraft, 1000 lake West location, fnone ur. J-' xiiuim-u. FREE ESTIMATES Buildings, Additions, Repairs, Plastering, Painting, Architectural restorations.

Complete satisfaction assured. Emit Jensen, 127 S. Federal Hwy. Phone 4108, Lake Worth. NOTICE'L fer'tafn1 2-BEDROOM apartment, also 5-room 60- PLUMBING SUPPLIES l'alm Hearn.

rei. under lyf fTTDMtTllRl Acres in hearing grnve 30 yr. old Jlla.OOO Terms. 2400 Acres at JH5.00 per acre. Final cottage.

Adults only, near inii Schools, cool, pleasant and reasonable. Phone owner, 4306. Decree nVadeand 'enlered on 1051 hv the Honorable Jos. S. one of the Judges of the Circu Will buy all household furniture like Lake Worth.

Ph. 4216 WE SPECIALIZE in plumbing. Remodeling repairs and rrpiplng. Estimates cheerfully given, financing arranged. Norman K.

Bennett 1312 Georgia Ave. Phone 86,13. White 5011 First St. At EEC Tracks Cotnf the Fifteenth FOR covered buckles, belts and but POOLS, Pile Driving Piers Seawalls all types heavy construction. Also subdivision development, clearing, grading, roads, crane and bulldozer work.

H. Price and Sons. tons, we use rne unesi inaiciuti ahle. Try us once and you will I a.vvnys COOL, close in, 2-bedroom. newly redecorated apt.

New twin beds, nicelv furnished. S75 monthly, yearly. Phone 40S3. 3001 WASHINGTON ROAD. Cool, nice neighborhood.

Lake view. Reasonable. Yearly. "OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN" A growing concern with 200 stores in 24 slates has a few openings for ambitious young men 21 to 30 who are capable ot advancement in the rttail field. THROUGH training and principle or promoting wilhin insures continued opportunity.

Men are pro-meted from Assistant Managers lo Managers on ability. Managers ot stores ate selected from suc-itssful Managers of small stores. District Managers New York Otflre Buvers are selected from successful large slore MHoagers. F.mplove benefils Include group Insurance and a Company paid retirement plan. Personal Interview may ire arranged.

Write giving name, address, family responsibilities, age, experience, and complete personal history to: Box C-2b Posl-Tirnes. count" in the above entitled cause, "undersigned Special Masler appointed In said cause wiM of fe sM inn sell at ouh tc outcry to tne nignes Walter J. Hayes REALTOR 708 Chase Avenue Phone Telephone 4777 or evenings come lo Xiert ri iwu Vt-Shop. 16 So. Dixie.

Lake Worth. Jib SPECIAL Complete new gleaming while bathroom with cast iron tub, SI 69. EAST COAST TRADING CO. 3777 Okeechobee Rd! Datura, west mim jc.i. A'cnoc itupH pood cotl- PERMA-STONE walls for old or new buildings.

Beautiful, insulate, weathrr proof. 20-yr. guarantee FHA approved. Only one dealer locally. Phonp dition and up.

Crosley Store 61- POULTRY -BABBITS )24 uemaus. house at yesi ra hours 4 EXPOSURE apt. Reasonably yearly. Adults, no pets. 708 3Kth, Merma-Mone, Jane worm wvz, or norma.

irsc County. p. that is to say m-iwn west raim Beam STARTED CHICKS One and two weeks old. few three and four weeks old. These oldest ones will not need heat.

Also have large supply of day 4700 Acres partly improved for grazing $107.00 per acre. 5500 Acres. East Coast section all fenced and partly planted lo pastures. 5 deep wells and tenant houses, 7500 Acres Northwest of Palm Beach FLAMINGO REALTY 1900 South Dixie Tel. 2-2234 OVER 700 acres of the finest farm or grazing land near the east coast, al! fenced.

Two houses and barn. Good well. On hard road. Partially slumped. If you are interested in this kind of land, you can't beat this.

J. D. CLEMENTS, Reg. Broker 219 26lh St. Phone 4805 CONVERT YOUR DIAMONDS INTO CASH.

Sell them to us for spot cash, i ii. tn sell for a PLEASANT apartment. East exposure. J50 including utilities. 626 South Phone 6217.

12- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LOVELY landscaped corner 85 IVh Furnished 2-BR home detachpd House built, in 1941, see the e.v client pre-war const ruction. Garden includes hearing fruit trees. Very fjond terms on price of E. Austin Nelson Broker Phone 2-1 n5 Southern Blvd. and Military Trail Or IfUVC inrtu t.1,1.

small brokerage fee. Bring in un- Monks Cloth 4S" wide Reg. $1.59 NOW 59 cents PEBBLE CLOTH Plain colors, ail fade proof, pre-shrunk. 48" wide Reg. M.9R NOW 1.25 ANTIQUE SATIN 48" wide Reg.

NOW $1.25 OPEN EVENINGS 5009 South Dixie old chicks. Check-R-Buard following escr ne Phones 2-3779 or Lake worm i.ui. iituate in I aim the waniea jewrny, AND JL'ST PRICES NEAT four-room apartment South, near lake. Phone 2-2239. SUNDRIES store, beer, luncheonette.

Well established year round business. Good location. For sale by owner. Call at store, 73 Blue Heron 65- REPAIRS AUTOM0BJLES 01 ne inni That, pan ry Cenerator exchange 9.75 up. Riviera Beach.

l-4(i WITH CAR. Sales distribution. Salary Car Must be settled responsible. I all In person XI Putter Boad 7-8 P.M. Wed.

Thursday. 417 Clematis. "2 doors West Palace CONVENIENT apartment in good location. Call 2-3289 after P.M. week days and all day Sunday.

SOUTH. 323 Linda Lane. 2-hedronm Carburetor It ignition service. 600 Okeechobee Rd. TeL 4777 Theater H.

l.anuscnpeu. n.xceuent mortgage 3-2742. Simper Real Estate 67- REPAIRS -OFFICE MACHINES LOW rates on rental equipment HOT Dog Root Beer Stand. A floor sanders, edgers, pon-meia, MEN with proven sales ability-Guaranteed salary. Call lor appointment, between 9 a.m.

3 p.m. snravs. disc sanders, bann sanners. tti nnuIADl? CX)L bungalow type garage apartment. Bedroom, living room, dinelte, kitchenette, patio.

1026 Upland Road. APARTMENT for rent. Adults. No pets. 530 Street standout at .112.950.

BEER Bar, Dixie Hwy. location. Good lease. S3.n00. SH950 15 ACRES, ditched, cleared: pasture: barns.

6-room house, needs decorating. Krider, 2nd farm. Military Trail, north of Lake Park Rd. r.iv.-, uu, 5 office machinery of all descriptions BOUGHT, RENTED, REPAIRED. Palm Beach Typewriter Co 304-306 So.

Olive Ph. 5144 and 5145 1005 N. Dixie Ph. 5670, Lake yVortb GROt'ERY Mixed trade, nr -mttwRPAPERS 52.000. SERVE yourself laundry.

Own well, 92- SALE -INCOME PRGPERTT COMFORTABLE! house, completely fur. niched. Nicely located south. Quiet neighborhood. Price 39,750.

D. H. STUART, Heallor G101 S. Dixie Dial tn1 DOUBLE your money by finishing a smalt home. Reasonable cash offer, below today's cost, considered.

Tille clear. Owner on premises, 700 West 53d Street, Mangonla Park, W. P. R. 66- REPAIRS APPLIANCES ea, Qua er" "the Southeast Quarter lying north of the right of way Stale Road No.

108. less thf West 5(1 feet and less the north 50 feet hereof of Section 18. Township 46 South Range 43 Kast. Palm Beach Countv Florida, containing appro-Imalel'v three acres, including all mDrnvernents thereon and all fui-nTshings fixtures and equipment Saldp'ioperlv to be sold to satisfy afd final decree and all costs. nATFD THIS 12th day of June 1051 at West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida.

NAS0N Special Master. winters., cook. BvT7dR-VlanoEr. USED FURNITURE 9-pc.

walnut dining room suite, ex MEN WANTED SALES 4 SERVICE If you are between the ages of 25 SO have a car can furnish references. Interested In earning opportunities ot $100 to $200 per week, we would lik a personal interview goon lease. SIMPER REAL ESTATE Ideal for crating and packing. All vou want. 2c per pound.

SFWTNO MACHINES cellent condition. Two beautiful Hollywood beds. Gorgeous red velvet love seat. Solid mahogany round table. BURDINES Electric portables for rrc All makes re- "We Specialize In Income Property" 508 2ith St.

Phone 2-0700 See Mr. Jones, basement Post- ITIll, with you. nnn, nf nop huslness re- paired worK guarantees Times week days. RADIOS, small elee. appliances, sew oulres an Interview at your home in tn onciunr- Peel BEER Sc WINE sandwlrhes.

Will sell stock and equipment. Rent building reasonable. W. R. Anson, 316 44lh Street.

City. Three piece cypress set. S9.95; Dinner set, Haviland Limoges, made in Prance, service for eight. Reauti-fui glass china closets. Dny bed, excellent condition.

Oil paintings. Dinette sets. Gold leaf mirrors. Mcl.EAN'S 4209 S. Dixie, 1 blk.

S. of Sou. Blvd. MovirAn wool ing macnine repairs. FF.I.DER-BELL, Inc.

a.r.: the presence ui yum tne. give your name ft address or us know when we Jackets. S9.95. Everything Under the 310 So. Olive Phone 4222 RIVIERA BEACH or LAKE PARK Sun.

can see you at your home; McNAMAtlA a 70- SEEDS -PLANTS -TREES Simper Real Estate DUPLEX furnished CBS. $2,930 down. Total price only $8,950. 2-BR CBS Home wilh an effy apt. Both furnished.

East ot Spruce, $19,000. BROADWAY location 3-Unlls, 1-Br. each. Check this one for wilh cash down payment. SIMPER REAL ESTATE "We Specialize in Income Property" 508 25th St.

Phone 2-0700 VaTuABLE INCOME PROPERTY, 6-blks. to Clematis. Commercial zoning. Residence with 8-bedrooms, 3 baths, plus two separate apts. Now operating as Guest Home.

K. P. FOSTER, Realtor, 2113 N. Dixie. REAL VALUE! 3-BRDROOM.

2-year old CRS house. Hardwood floors, copper plumbinfi. ventilated foundation. Well Incatpd snulh. High lot.

Close to transportation. Price SP.750, D. H. STUART, Realtor 6101 So. Dixie Dial 6101 Call studstill Honen-beck.

Realtors. Riviera Beach Office. Phone 2-1H30. On the I.antsna 30- MEN OR WOMEN WANTED ing by truck load. O.

ft. Winchester, ONLY A FEW LEFT AT THE Garden Lane LAKEFRONT APARTMENTS FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1 and 2 BEDROOMS FURNISHED at special summer rates monthly. 1-BR. at $50 and 2-BR. at $60.

Weekly including maid service and utilities at $25 and $35. Daily at $3 per person suhject to minimum charge of $5 per day. And listen also a limited number with year's lease at $85 and If 100 per month. UNFURNISHED But Including electric stove and refrigerator, at $65 and $75 per month and up with year's lease. All apartments have large living room, dinette, electric kitchen, tile bath.


1809 N. Flagler Dr. Tel. 3-1529 rnon.X1,..n hnnlrlTMnnP fni" nCr- FRESH CUT ROSES Medium and Long Stems $1 a dozen. J1.25 delivered.

322 Puritan Rd. Phone 3-28o0 Kt. 1, BOX ooi. mac vyuiui. BEGONIA doubles, tuberoses, singles, FRAMED screen sections, including door, suitable for porch.

$20. Animal Rescue League Shelter, 23rd and Tamarind. 9-PIECE dinlnR set. will separate, Maeic Chef gas range, J10. About 200 feet of oak floor.

$40. 2 elec. wall fixtures. 306 Marlborough Place. Phone 6853 between 10 and 5.

manent: position. Write stating qunli- TEA ROOM IN PERFECT LOCATION many cuim. uuip.w gold. Geraniums all colors. Martha nrauons et inticmra 1H6S.

WPB. to the NKW CATHOLIC CHURCH and School. 2 bedroom and bath, home with Cottage in rear. Price $12,500 terml. Call S-2234 Flamingo Realty.


28,54.1. NOTICE TO APPEAR WILLIAM H. KOONE, Plaintiff, CECIL SEATH KOONE, Washington, several conn hibiscus, crotons, bnugainyillea, cnnni.ic PlonfB A Shrubs. 17j3 32 SALESMEN AGENTS WANTED 10th Ave. North, Lake Worthy man and wile, seals equipment.

Rent averages per mi. nth. It's a real opportunity. Always been a money maker. Vacuum Cleaners ALL MAKES Repaired, Sold, Rented.

3719 South Dixie Phone THIS unique piano in mahogany finish 'PIV little SDSCe. 1H 7x9' WALKIN cooler with one-year guarantee. Phone 3-3808. miDDicive Palms. SL Hibiscus.

PRICE cut for quick sale. Going abroad. Bungalow-also 6 apartments. 3-2X75. 50c; Crotons, 15c up.

1615 2nd EXPERIENCED door to door canvassers lor stainless-steel water conditioners. No shortage. Ten-year warrantv FHA approved. Income high. BOX POST-TIMES.

BASFORD PERRY INC. Monroe luviera. wirfo- 36" hieh: 5S" in lenelli. The 506 Lake Ave. Ph.

4157 TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OI' SOFA, small desk, chairs, end tables, bookstands, table model radio, phono-grnph. beds, dressing folding screen, electric fan. Also some antiques. Phone 4398, 10 A.M. -5 P.M.

Lake worm tone Is deep, rich, and resonant. Only $345 with bench. Terms. hpiirakkr MUSIC CO. HIBISCUS newer varieties.

BUDWOOD 12 ft. 12 varieties. $5. PENNF.Y'S Boynton Beach BUY FROM OWNER HOME and income, north end. near schools, 3 houses, one garage.

150 ft. front, well landscaped. Plenty fruit trees. Phone 25-357. WANTED man for part time sales work.

Prefer man wilh past sales experience in this area. Apply Rich 119 Datura St. Phone 7714 PLASTIC eouiDment for laminating CECIL SEATH KOONE Address Unknown. It Is herebv ordered that you are required to answer or otherwise plead I on J- i UnnHnv 111 2.1 A. D.

1901. RADIOS, good tone. mod. prices. Anthony-Firestone, Lake Worth.

Social Security earns, military EXCEPTIONALLY LOVELY 2-Story home. 3 bedrooms, 2 large garage. Hollow tile construction; hardwood tloors. All in immaculate condition. Beautifully landscaped yard.

Conservatively priced at 513,750. $1,580 Down. 70 per month for this very attractive 2-bedronm CBS bungalow. Excellent neighborhood. 606 West-wood Rd.

WALTER R. PUCKETT REALTOR, 525 Iris St Ph. KW9 SRI9 tun, eii' it lv ni sun leiu is ir Ice cream. Lase wniui jyhhu 10 mornings only. Please no phone calls.

activated this should lw a profitable WELL PUMP 1605 FLORIDA AVENUE. Desirable, Cool 2-Bcdroom Upper Duplex. Garage. Adults. Yearly.

For PLANTS Try DECKERTS, 312 23rd Street. CALAMANDIN, Naval Orange Temples, Ping Pomela Pondcrosa, Persian Lime TROPICAL Arboretum, BOYNTON business. Telephone 60-ft. well, pump romp, Payments to the Bill of Complain! filed against vou in the above styled cause, same being a Bill lor Divorce, and serve a written ropy thereof upon plaintiff at the address given below. BEAUTIFUL 6-pc.

porch or patio set; wicker chairs and desks; 3-3 and 4-6 Innerspring mattresses; 3-3 and 4-6 coil springs; Roll-Away beds. Guaranty Whse. Storage Co. 809 N. Dixie Phone 7414 33- WOMEN (W) AVAILABLE SUNDRIES NEWLY furnished, redecorated 3 rooms, tile bath, porch.

331 Fern. 3-5153. as low as S6.80 montn. paymenu. DAVID HORNE.

Inc. c.mnli.tflv enuinned store located In 60S 2Sth Phone 2-1144 TREES Shrubs Vines -Fruit tree, all sizes and varieties. Island Nurseries, 1100 Southern Blvd. Dill ho luken as con BABY sitting, dav or evening. High school girls.

Nnrlhwood. References exchanged. Phone 9H6S. Flamingo district, good equipment and bath apartment. and the Palm Beach Post Is ATTENTION INVESTORS Only business building In Lake Park.

73 foot frontage. Good lease on stores. Apartments and rooms up. Building In A-l condition. Investigate this at once.

Only $24,000, half cash. FINEST RENTAL LOCATION 5 One, bedroom apartments. Lake Block, 'Riviera Beach. Well established, ample room for expansion. Beautifully landscaped.

$12,000 and easy terms will handle. CARSON CO. INC. 218 Sunrise Ave. Phone 3-2474 and well stocked.

Tel. 2-22d4 Jit TWO-ROOM 529 39th St. 51- MONET -PERSONAL LOANS mlngo Realty. wobv designated as the newspaper In n.aof hp nuhlished 7J- TRAVEL SERVICE WE RENT WILL habv sit by responsible teen agers or adults. Day or evening.

Phone 3-3036. FURNISHED, garage apartment. Adults. Yearly tenants prelerred. 406 Uplnnd Road.

8717. ORIGINAL OWNER WILL SELL Rahv Crihs Hollywood Beds Price Terms Location COMPARE Loan Costs Long established liquor bar and Rollaway Beds-Strollers Mr-CAMPBELL'S ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? Apply for reservation Jor Air or Steamer. Tickets issued here at MAIN OFFICE RATES. NO SERVICE CHARGE. Phone 5181.

Miss Olsen Palm Beach Travel Service. 116 Worth Palm Beach. pHlltHK rent. Will pay out in less than year 34- MEN (W) AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED carpenter, day or mntrael. Fair 3-3445.

200 Amt. Loan Mo. Payment I HAVE three small apts. for rent, close in. $35 year 'round.

Hot and cold water furnished. .1. n. CLEMENTS, Reg. Broker 219 26th St.

Phone 4805 Clematis St. Ph. 2-2728 Spanking new 3-hedroom C.B.S. furnished. $47.08 total per month pays ai low price in CARSON uu.

irvu. Okeechobee Road. 21S Sunrise Ave. Phone 3-2474 74- UPHOLSTERING laxes, ins. low uuwii Compare this with your present rent once a week for lour (4) consecutive weeks WITNESS mv hand and official seal si West Palm Beach.

Florida, this, the 10th day of June. A. D. 1951. (Circuit Court Seal) J.

ALEX ARNETTE. Clerk of the Circuit Court. Palm Beach County, Florl- da. Bv: Thaddle P. Plant, Deputy Clerk.

LOUIS LEIBOVIT. Solicitor for Plaintiff. Suite 401-02-CB Cnmrau Building. West Palm Beack Florida. Publish: June 20, 27, July 4, U.

1051. NOW available for work, general re "SKlL tools POWER LAWN MOWERS IFNTACS SALES SERVIC1 710 V4 I'PLAND. Three snd five-room near bus stop. 3-3017. and see.

SMART BUSINESS Liv. Qtrs 17n0 COMPLETE Insure Your Ws TWO leased CBS stores insure your Investment, plus a motel of 6 effy. units. This loralion Is extra good. $47,500.

SIMPER REAL ESTATE "We Specialize in Income Property" 508 25ih St. Phone 3-0700 $146.67 $12. $218.67 $18. We Operate Under the FLORIDA DISCOUNT PLAN and Can SAVE You COSTS PALM FINANCE CORP. 204 GUARANTY BLDG.

TEL. 2-0243 pairs, cemeni. iin'Miiii. aman reasonable. Phone Lake Worth 4T76.

AIELLO'S Ph. 2-3ftR8 We guarantor all our work: upholstering, slip covers and Fah- rifa snM hv the vafH RilH flljtO APARTMENT 3 rooms and bath. 317 GARDENIA STREET HRS. INCOME WEEKLY. E.

L. PLITT, BROKER 8 So. St. Suite Boydston Bldg. LaVe Worth Phone L.W.

4ioa Clark J. Smith carry upholstery supplies. MODERN efficiency apartment, rinse in. 424 Gardenia Street. Phone 8593.

EXPERIENCED Carpenter. All building repairs. Hurricane Shutters. Fnrrhes, Garages, Concrete, painting. 2-8911.

PALM WORTH REALTY 307 No. Federal Lake Worth Phone 2-0276 ,812 S. Dixit 7.

The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.