The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2025)

mr PITTSBURGH PRESS, APRIL 25, 1946 PAGE 25 46 36 South Hills Houses Safe South Hills Homes Sale FUNNY BUSINESS 46 9- MiscellaneousSale BINOCULARS Large selection, used and surplus, values $75 to $150; sale price $39.50 to $65. Wolk's Kamera Exchange, 308 Diamond St. BOTTLE COOLERS AH sires, low prices: immediate dellverr. GOODYEAR. 3811 PENN AVE.

MA. 5959. Building Materials Used Sash, doors, shingles, pipe, brick, stone, locust posts, tin rain pipe, roll roofing and shingles. Tool boxes and other materials. Terms arraneed.

AUSTIN GIVENS. INC. 100 Sandusky N. S. FA.

2464. CAMERA Bell Howell Sportster; a m. m. with case. Call Lehigh 8811.

7-9 p. m. CASH REGISTERS We buy. sell and trade all tvpes. STAR JOBBING CO.


MA. 5959. CHINAGLEAM Deluxe White Enamel. (HORN'S t. for inside and outside.

GOLOMB'S. 219 3RD. AVE. AT. 5353.

Chrome Tables Chairs For restaurants, beautiful chrome leg tables. 30x30 or 24x24, with beautiful colored tops, burnproof; chairs in high-grade chrome: immediate delivery. Leatherette Booths. Helt, 115 9th St. CIGAR stand fixtures, electric beverage box, cash register.

307 4th. Court 2333. CLARINET. flat; Glenshaw 23. excellent condition.

CLOSET bowls and tanks; steel basement sash; package receivers; coal chutes. Paul Lumber, 4066 Liberty. SC. 2115. CLUBS AND TAYERNS TABLES.

CHAIRS. BOOTHS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT See us now while our stock lasts. Material getting scarcer. GOODYEAR 3811 Penn Ave. MA.

5959 COFFEE Grinder 200 lb. per hour capacity. Burns Gump, No. 26. vibrator type.

Phone Cedar 8800. Concrete Blocks Delivered Call evenings. Fieldbrook 8528. Confectionery Equipment Counters, showcases, pop cooler, ice cream tables. See Helt.

115 9th St. COOLERS REACH-IN For home and store use. STAR JOBBING CO. 307 MARKET ST. CO.


58. New York. Circle 7-0240 DESK (Walnut); Underwood Typewriter No. 5 and several ehairs. In good condition.

$75: also General Electfic sweeper. Jackson 4151. DESK and Chair sets (new); ideal for typewriter or telephone set; $19.95. (Limited amount). Churchill 2146.

DL4MOND Earrings From estate; large beautiful precision cut; new yellow gold mountings. Special, $95. including 20? Jewelry tax. Save over 50. Easy terms.

CLARK'S, 419 Smithfield St. Engagement Ring Solitaire Diamond. Out of estate, set in latest mounting. Tbis low a price includes 20 jewelry tax. Easy credit terms if desired.

CLARK'S 419 SMITHFIELD ST. DIAMOND I -CARAT Forfeited Loan. A beautiful dia- A mond. set in lady's ultra-smart lUh mounting with matched side IVW diamonds. This low price includes the 20 Jewelry tax.

East Oredlt Terms. JOHNSTON'S, 405 Smithfield LARGE DIAMOND Forfeited loan. Set In beautiful lady's yellow gold. A beautiful fine cut. gem, sparkling beauty and brilliance.

This low price in 95 cludes Jewelry tax. Easy Credit Terms JOHNSTON'S. 405 Smithfield ELECTRIC BOTTLE COOLERS Immediate delivery. Helt, 115 9th St. ENAMEL Floor porch.

Batt. grav. 72c qt. GOLOMB'S. 219 3RD.

AVE. AT. 5353. FACTORY trucks, zinc lined bins, book-keeping desks. 518 Foreland St.

Cedar 1544. FANS Get them now while thev last. ALL KINDS. VENTILATING, EXHAUST AND- PEDESTAL TYPE Goodyear, 3811 Penn Ave. MA.

5959 FAIRWAY Mowers set of 3 with carriage; fair condition: reasonable; stop and Sock Route 88, Conway, Pa. FILING CABINETS 100 4-drawer and 100 2-drawer oak and green wood, $10 up to $20. Come in while thev last. STAR JOBBING CO. 4th Market Downtown.

CO. 8450 FIXTURES Complete for ready to wear store: must sell before Aoril 30: also millinery fixtures. Virginia Dare Store, 329 Fifth Court 7914. FREEZERS Most any size. Immediate delivery.

Low prires. GOODYEAR. 3811 PENN AVE. MA. 5959.

FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Holllngworth Ill Market St. CO. 4117 FURNACES GAS OR COAL AMERICAN HEATING CO. 524 PENN AVE. COURT 4355 Furnaces, Boilers and Stokers Immediate Delivery Commonwealth Heating Co.

423 Liberty Ave. CO. 7270 FURNACE Air-conditioned coal; excellent condition (converting to gas); $75. Car- rirk 2636-J. FURNACE steel with pipes; good condition; converting to gas.

Fieldbrook 8093. FURNACE, coal. "Air-Temp." S. C. 20, gravity: 4 years old.

$40. Carrick 6898-J GARAGES All-metal. Inverted-panel construction, with up-folding door. F. O.

B. our warehouse, one week after your order accepted. Simple to erect by following instructions supplied. F. H.

A. finance arranged. See display at SE-KURE 209 Anderson N. Pittsburgh. Phone Cedar 1447-1448.

GAS CONVERSION UNITS A. G. A. approved for any furnace. Immediate installation.

Walker fe Sons. 212 Braddock Ave. BR. 4999-HO. 2709.

Gas Conversion Burners, $129 Comnletelv installed. Your furnace thoroughly firebrlcked. A. O. A.

certified controls. Immediate installation by qualified mechanics. This price is complete. No other charges. 112 Market 8t.

CR. 3976. Gas Hot Water Furnaces WITH NEW Fin Type Radiators CONVERSION BURNERS Gas Alf-'Conditionlng: Furnaces METROPOLITAN BLDG. A- REPAIR 5808 Margaretta St. MO.

2810. GAS CONVERSION UNITS For Any Siza Furnace or Boiler The Roberts-Gordon, Nat'! Mfgrs. AG. A. APPROVED No Payment Until Oct.

1st 4618 Fsrb St. MA. 7271 (mt. SC. 7137) GAS AIR COND.

FURNACES GAS CONVERSION BURNERS For immediate installation. Also all sizes cbal furnaces. Call Emerson 4243. GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Golomb's. 219 3rd 1532 Center.

AT. 5353 GROCERY Fixtures Scales, slicer, meat displayer run by ice, Pepsi-Coia cooler. Carrick 6406. GUN P-38. excellent: holster; ammunition: also Kodak No.

3A. Autograph Camera 6.3. Leather case. Millvale 1593. GUNS German Lueger; Evenings, Carrick 5927.

German rifle. HAIRDRYERS (5, "Helene Curtis Em- fress;" excellent condition. Churchill 937 Penhurst 9312. INSTANTANEOUS water heaters repaired All popular makes. Union Water Heater Sales 343 Blvd.

of Allies. Court 1181. JUVENILE table and chair sets (just a tew ieii). value; $7.93. cnurcnui 214S.

KEM-TONE-TEXOLITE In all colors. GOLOMB'S. 219 3RD. AVE. AT.

5353. KITCHEN Sink White enamel, double drainbeard 5' long with supporting legs and chrome faucet set, good condition. $15. 945 Milton Regent Square. Churchill 7822.

LIGHT Fixtures (4) Indirect Ceiling, Aluminum; (1) Mimeograph Machine; Spec-o-Print; Green Carpeting for 4 Offices, 1 year old; 7 Venetian Blinds, 7': 2 Clothes Trees: 6 Red Leather Chairs. Other items of furniture. Grant LOCUST posts, building fences, walls, large quantity seasoned oak logs, building posts, cabins. Churchill 4477 no afternoons. LOCUST posts for fencing, round and tapered.

H. Kaison. 3128 Liberty. OR. 4340.

LOT of greeting cards. Complete with display cies. 5901 Penn Avenue. East End House Sale SHADYSIDE EXCLUSIVE immediate possession. One of the more modern with a Fifth Ave.

address. 10 spacious rooms, 3 baths. Lot 60x120: 2-car garaee. $27,000. Call R.


$8750 3 apartments. 3 garages. Owner leaving city. Must sell. Terms arranged.

C. C. HAMILTON CO. 417 Orant St. CO.

5737. SOUTH GRAHAM STREET Twelve rooms, brick: 3 baths; copper plumbing; air conditioning heat; 2-car garage; nice lot to paved alley. Near schoo.s, churches and transportation. Occupancy 90 days. To be sold for $14,000.

Call Mr. M-llov. PE. 9337. HUSS BROS.

5972 Ban MO. 4700 SQUIRREL HILL DUPLEX, $16,750 MAY 1st POSSESSION 2nd FLOOR Choice location near Wilkins Ave. Linden school. 2 apartments each. 6 rooms, tile bath, gas hot water heat.

2-rar garage. This attractive property in good condition and is priced right. Call Mr. Brosfy. F.

A. Sowash Co. MO. 4530 SQUIRCFi nlUL BKIWK wlehtman Street. 10 rooms: hot water heat: 2 baths.

Early possession. HA. 8697. Squirrel Hill Monitor St. Immediate Possession Ine modern brick; 6 rooms, tile bath, ardwood floors, new hot water heats' system.

Venetian shades, level lot; Jtes $203. Price $12,000. Call Exclusive agent, Wallace Bell. LLOYD CO. MO.

2800 SQUIRREL HILL wlehtman near Hobart, 8 rooms; 2 sun-pariors, gas. furnace, hot water heat; level lot. 34x110; garage: $16,000. Principals only. Hazel 0733 for appointment.

SQUIRREL Hill, Lilac St. Modern 6-room brick; tile bath, porch: possession May lbth; $3,000. Real Realty. Atlantic 7j0 Beacon 10 rooms, 2 baths, garage. Walnut St.

Sacrifice. 5-f amily near fcacred Heart; lot 75x140 Ridgevllle St. Duplex: May 15th 5-6 rooms, hot water heat (gas); garage. Morrowfield near Murray Modern, rooms. 2 baths, hot water "heat.

S27 N. Negley 10-rm. brick. 2 baths. 129 Stratford 12 rooms, 2 baths.

5745 Ellsworth 11-room brick. $RQO0. GOLD REAL ESTATE CO. CO. 4703 JA.

3370. CO. 4821. MOVE RIGHT IN Near schools, shopping, cariine. modern 11-room, 2-family brick; Beechwood near Lilac.

6 rooms, bath: available: $13,000 Lopiduss Realty CO. 0834 NEAR CARNEGIE TECH MURDOCH FARMS DUPLEX $16,000 large rooms, tile bath. Oarage. In good condition. Ca.ll A.


6 rooms and balh each: jraee; gas h. w. heat: hardwood floors; torm windows: Venetian shades; fur-shed or unfurnished. Principals only. JA.

3870. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION North Graham at Broad Frame. 4 rooms, bath. 1st fl 5 rooms, bath 2nd 2 rooms, 3rd fl. Price S7000.

Taxes $140. GEORGE H. BOCK MO. 8304 OPEN FRIDAY. 2 TO 5 P.

M. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 APT. 3321-3 TERRACE ST OAKLAND Modern 4-familv brick duplex. 4 rooms, sunparlor, tile bath each suite: 4 furnaces; 4 garaaes: good income: low taxes; convenient location. Terms.

$22,000. J. H. ARONSON CO. MA.

2110. A BEAUTIFUL LOT Almost 'i an aire of lovely level ground on a private rond in the Point Breeze Section. Price sanoo. Kelly-Wood (Siddy Smith) HI. 2600 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION hadvside executive's home.

Modern brick. 7 rooms, 3 baths, automatic, gas hot water heat, 2-car garage. Large land-leaned lot. If you appreciate beauty and nuslitv. rail Fuiriax DUPLEX IMMEDIATE SI 2.C0O South Dallas Ave.

4 rooms and baUi on first, and on third: hot water bent. Daily Court 3550. evenings WA. H561. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Oakland.

Forbps near Super Market. JO rooms, 2 baths. Only $6500. NICHOLS. 417 ORANT CO 3550 THERE is a good used car to fit every Income advertised in the Classified pjices of The Tress.

35 North Side Houses Safe BAYTREE $11,000 Near Perry High School. Modern brick, f. rooms, tile bah. hot, water heat, 3-car garage. Immediate possession.

Mr. NOPTri SIDE PEAL ESTATE. FA 7721. BRIGHTON ROAD DISTRICT ifaxr Marshall Avenue. brick.

6 rooms, attic, tile hath, hardwood finish. hot water heat Integral garage. Owner iearlng cttv. Price DANIEL C. SMITH OLIVER BIDO.

COUT 0125 BRIGHTON ROAD IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Modern. -room brtck: Integral earae: hot vviter heat; h. w. floors; $12,000. Mr.

AT. 4893. BRIOHTRIDGE ExtenKion 6-room frame, nil modern conveniences; reasonable price. I mden 5323-M. BRIGHTON Hpifehts District Several fine homes.

$14,000 to $:0,000. Realty Sales IT. 4473-P435, F-UENA Vista St. nrnr park Modern 9-jnoin brick, hot water heat, garage lor 4 r3rs, 8500. FA.

7840. CALIFORNIA Trrmon Dist Dnuhle g. 4 rooms, bath es $5500. LI. 802 rTTY View 3-story buff brick.

10 rooms, tne bath At shower. 2-car integral gars ge. nice lot. FA 7R40. EVERGREEN Rd.

Immediate possession; hrlck A- shingle. 7 rooms, modern b.i'h jnd kitchen. new furnace, level lot. Craig H. Orugan Cf CO FVERGREFN Road Dist rk Frame 6 rooms, -bath, furnace, large lot.

$6000. Furman. 842 East, Ohio Ft Cedar 1711. KIRKBRIDE rooms, bath, Ohio Street. gt rept 2-f amily $3500.

Surman, Cedar 1711. brick. 6 842 East Marshall-Perrysville District Owner going to Florida. Can give May 1st fosspssion. Attractive brick home in the eart of ihis desirable residential com-rnumtv.

Particularly well built and in excellent, condition. Spacious living room wjth open fireplace, beautiful dining room, Viichen and breakfast room on 1st floor; 3 fine bedrooms, all tile bath and den on fl finished 3rd fl Secluded porch with view; hot. water heat. Good closets and cupboards. $18,500.

Call MUlvsle 144 for appointment to inspect. MABSHAt.I, AVE jsemf-bunsalow. 8 rooms, brick. 2 bs'hs, 1 "-car sarase. h.

w. heat, WE ri33: AT. 1557. VONTEREY Street. 10 rooms, 2 baths, furnace, rear Park.

Furnished. 5 refrigerators: good income. Fairfax 3332. Principal only. IT.

Troy 8 rooms, bath, furnace, garage inselbric. Possession of 5 rooms Ma? 1st. Price StfSPO. Fairfax 5141. NORTH Side.

California Ave 8-room brick, bath, furnace; low taxes; $9750. FE. 4008. Pennsylvania Ave. Duplex Modern brick.

6 rooms, h. w. tile "hath. h. w.

heat, separate furnaces. 3-rar garace. Frked rignt. AT. 3267.

IE. 21Q5 PERRySVILLE Across from Riverside Park. 4-family rouble duplex'. 5 rooms, sunparlor each; separate furnaces, hot water heat, big lot Call Mr. Metosky.

TTNION FE AL ESTATE CO. AT. 9930 vsvtt.t.E Ave Dist. 6-room brick. ardwood floors, air conditioned heat; ideal location.

FA. 2512. Ft Cvrl's Parish i-room, 2-familv. 7-P0O 'Realtv Sales Co. LI 4473 SAMPSON $3500 dean, well kept brick home with 4 rooms, toilet and shower.

Mr. LuLas VORTK SIDE REAL ESTATE FA. 7721. VOSKAMP St 2 frame houses, for quick s.p. $6500.

FA. 7840. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION PERRYSVILLE DIST BRIOHTRIDGE ST NEAR HOLYOKE Row 3 frame houses, 4 rooms, outside toilets, rent $42. Taxes $76. 1 vacant.

move richt. In. Price onlv $2250 Will make terms. Call Lehigh C395 evenings. DOUBLE BRICK.

$5500 l'redmore near Brighton Rd. rooms, fca'h and furnace each side. Rent per month. Mr. Lucas.


7-room brick. 2 baths, furnace, laundry: separate meters. Present rental $68.00 per tr.onth Call Mr. Sabas. Atlantic 4802.

NEAR ST. BONIFACE CHURCH Frame 6 rooms, arranged for two families. $2350. $700 down; ideal for GI with Fir.a familv. ALLEGHENY REAL ESTATE.

FA. 2100 36 South Hills Houses Sale BALDWIN TWP. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Kew 5-room brick bungalow, breakfast nook, lin-o-wall bath. 2 rooms. 2nd unfinished: pas a.

c. heat, integral garage, large level lot Call anytime. W. W. BARNS 9495.

PK. 9300. 34 2 a 2 3 Miscellaneous -Sale NEW FLAT STEEL BARS Cold Rolled SAE 1030 lUxlxU tt. 55 Tons MARS Manufacturing and Machine Co. Mar's.

Fa. Phone 28 DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS-STAPLE GROCERIES -Pure elder vinegar qt. size Oalcite 18 pkgs. (case) $3.60 Corn Fine quality. 24 cans Early June peas 24 cans (case).

Kitchen cleanser (case) $2 10 Evaporated neaches 25-lb. box $7.50 WINTON CO. 2110 Penn Ave. AT. 9360.

LOOK Direct to vou, new Government surplus. 2-4-8-8 man rubber boats, $27.50 up. Includes sails, paddles, equipment, etc. Ma West. rope bumpers.

$8.50: emergency 8-gal. gas tanks. 12-20 man floats. $27.50: great for vacation pools, lakes, etc. Order now to avoid delay.

Shipped C. O. united supply, irocnranton, r-a. WANTED PIANO Grand spinet or small good upright. Hiland 9000.

For Immediate Delivery NEW SAFES. $49 50 AND UP THE MOSLER SAFE CO. 395 Union Trust Bldg. AT. 1150.

FOR Sale 10 tons salt in 100 lb. bags. Suitable for manufacturing, farm use, etc $8 per ton. Atlantic 8086. THREE new Fluorescent, Desk Lamps, $4.50 each.

G. B. Tube Tester, new. Ft. 1261.

Thompson's 100 Pure Tinner's Red Oxide Linseed Oil Roof Paint 9t.99 (at. GOLOMB'S. 31 3RD. AVE. AT.

5353. NEW and used fixtures. Sack Store Furniture 1421 Penn Ave. AT. 8907.

46A Wearing Apparel BOYS' blue knicker suit, winter coat, winter and spring Jackets; size 8, daytime, Hiland 4378. CHUBBY Mouton fur; powder blue raincoat: dresses: black Forstmann wool suit; size 16. Excellent condition. Men's rain coats (2). size 37.

Hazel 5170. CLOTHING Wanted Used men's. Highest prices. Dealer. AT.

9066 evenings; Sundays EM. 1340. CLOTHES Wanted Men's, used: highest prices paid. Main exchange, daytime. Atlantic Evenings.

Hazel 5459. CLOTHING Wanted Men's used. Highest prices paid. Dealer. Hiland 6363.

COAT Navy; suit gabardine. dresses (16 s). black shortie coat, dresses (46 S). Jackson 1072. FUR coat, black pony (18); Chesterfield coat, tan (18); both for $60.

MA. 2231. FURS, Scarfs. Jackets, trimmings for cloth coats, hats. De Fazio-Porco Furriers, 119 Federal St.

Fairfax 563L NAVAL Officers' Uniforms Cheap. 37 short, blues, whites, worsteds, etc. Cedar 7674. SPRING Coat Junior miss, size 9. Ever- glade 4557.

AARON'S April Coat Sale Glamour styles, three-piece suits, toppers; navy, black coats: select now. Deposit, layaways. 8De-cial price. 50 sample suits at $18 and $24. Free alterations.

6241 Frankstown. East Liberty. Open Wednesday, Friday, Saturday evenings. SPECIAL Fur coats relined, $12. lining included; storage, clean, glazed.

$5. Benny's. 1501 Potomac Ave. Locust 2616. WE Buy and Sell Good used fur coats, scarfs and chubbies.

Fur Exchange. 12th Floor. Keenan 643 Liberty Ave. SHOP BOGGS BUHL Downstair's store for after Easter values. Open Frl.

and Saturday evenings until 9. HIGHEST prices paid for used fur coats. New York Fur, 250 Century 7th- Penn. CASH paid for used fur coats. Pitt Fur Company, 400 Pittsburgh Life Bldg.

Atlantic ybHB. SELECTION of used suits. $8.95 and up. Als Tailor Shop. 2006 Fifth Ave.

47 Cool oncf Fuel 400 tons slack coal: Sims Mine. Rea Station, near Hickory. to anyone eligible to purchase same. Phone Wash-ington 7155 4 evenings. LUMP Coal 6-7 tons in cellar: take out for $25.

Atlantic 5534. Hazel 3708. 45 Household Goods Antiques Household Goods RIGS FURNITURE WANTED Individual pieces or entire homes. Also bric-a-brac, china, vases and figures, etc. CALL BELMAR STORAGE You'll like our Dealings and Prices.

CH. 3161. EVES. PE. 4533.

ANTIQUES WANTED CASH Vases, china, furniture, dolls, jewelry, brass, silver, lamps, figures, glass, etc. Hi. 2505 MARTHA BROWN SC. 4431 ANTIQUE Dough Tray Maple spool poster bed; chiriti chair, rocker. Fieldbrook 6641.

ANTIQUES Wanted Furniture. Brass. Vases. Brlc-a-Brac, Old Jewelry, etc. Anthony F.

Gorski. Schenley 6660. ANTIQUE Furniture. Glass, China. Silver and doll.

Fremont 063b. ANTIQUE Organ Over 100 years old. $200: also trombone, vaney 36.37-J. BABY Carriage Collapsible; 2 porch rug. Call evenings.

Miiano BABY Bed Buggy, highchair and play-pen. $35. 26-G. McKees Rocks Terrace. BEDS! BEDS! BEDS! Large selection wood and metal bed, innrrsprlng mattresses, maple walnut, mahogany.

Also Roll-away beds, all sires. Studio conches, spring filled. Crib beds, youth beds. IMMEDIATE DcLIYcKr Cocperman'i, 6256 Frankstown Av. BEDROOM, llvingroom, kitchen furnt-ture; no electrical appliances; praetlcallT new; reasonable.

Principals only. Evenings. Apt. 7. side entrance, 75 N.

Llnwood Crafton. BEDROOM Suite Floor lamps; tables; chairs: dresser: blankets; miscellaneous; sacrifice. Schenley 5060. BEDROOM Suite 10-piece. walnut: 9-piece walnut diningroom suite; gas ranee; used only 6 months.

Will sell at sacrifice. Schenley 4636, Between i ann BEDROOM 4-pc, suite, separate vanity: breakfast tPble. 3 chairs; Quick Meal left oven: silver fox furs. Jackson BEDROOM Suite Four-piece. walnut; (Quick Meal) left-oven stove.

Jackson 3691. BEDROOM, large antique: marble-top; excellent condition; china cabinet, victrola. Federal 0089. BEDROOM 3-piece mahogany. $150; solid carved frame, rust Brocatelle sofa.

$100: babv crib. $7. Lehigh 4220. BEDROOM suite, $75: diningroom, $50; poster bed and dresser, $40; llvingroonj suite. $100: misc.

Fieldbrook 2851. BEDROOM Suite Twin. 6 pieces $175; dining room, 8 pieces, $50; tilt-back chair with ottoman. $30. Federal 0481.

BEDROOM Suite 4 piece maple, complete, practically new. S55. Atlantic 7341. BEDROOM Suite Six-piece, so Id oak; ex-cellent condition. Schenley 2167 before 7 p.

m. BEDS Springs, mattresses, brand new. all sizes, $9.95. Open Monday evening. Sleep- wen froauria iinerty.

BEDROOM Suite 3-piece cherry. cedr chest; reasonable; good condition. Locust 2302. EEDSPREAD Hand-crocheted; fringed edge. $100.

LE. 6088. BEDROOM Suite Complete: very good condition: sacrifice. Hiland 7038, 7-10 p. BED, double; baby bed (6 dresser; ail for sa.

tiazei vztn. BEDROOM Furniture Mahogany ana maple: prprtlcally new. Call Court 5055. BEDROOM Suite Bed, chest, dresser, vanity: walnut finish: $40. Lehigh 5455.

rEDROOM Suite Maple bed, vanity, hest. $75. Emerson 0983. BLUE sectional couch; practically new. Churchill 9896.

BOOKCASE: 4 sections, mahogany finish excellent condition, reasonable. Locust 2290. BOX Spring Full sire; practically new: walnut bed (Simmons), vanity, dresser: good condition. Everglade 2613 before BREAKFAST Set Sola bed, overstunei bed -chair vanity, odd tables; rugs. Hazel 4886.

Bungalow Gas Range All whit porcdtlR, with slack trim. $59.95 TAYLOR BROS. 943 Pens Ave. AT. 3790 Oldest Furniture htort CABINET base and wall cabinet.

Linden 3563-J. CARPET (stair), ereen Broadloom. 2 years old; reasonable. Locust 2163 after 7 CATERPILLAR Bulldozer Sell or trade. on heavy duty truck.

Joseph Jaskol. 601 Indiana. Olassport, Pa. CENTRIFUGAL pump, bronze water end, "Weinman," 4x3. 15 h.

like new. Wellington 1094-R. evenings. CHAIR Ottoman, genuine red leather, perfect. Hasel 0776.

CHROME SETS CHAIRS, $5.35 up PREMIER, 1629 5th Ave. Eves. CIRCULATING heater; studio couch; 11 v-ingroom chair; miscellaneous; reasonable. Fremont 1842. COLONIAL bedroom suite: occasional chair: table.

Colonial 409-J. COMBINATION Coal-Gas Range, new; all white: at sacrifice. Community. 745 Penn Wilkinsburg. CONCRETE MIXER Heavy dutr half bag nontllt hopper loading.

PE.820O. BALDWIN Township 6-room. modern brick, gas heat, Immediate possession if you'd transfer lease on larger home. Carrick 2379. BALDWIN 2 acres, trees; plus 2 homes; $3,500.

May poss. See today. KLEIN. 614 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO.

1000 BALDWIN Hazeihurst Ave. 6-room frame, arranged 2 families; $7350. H. O. BENSON SONS.

CA. 1114 BEECHVIEW SPECIAL Brick, party-wail. 5 rooms, bath, furnace, nice yard in rear. Handy to everything. Only $3,975.

Terms. FLOTO MANAGEMENT CORP. 35 Southern Ave. EV. Ask for Mr.

Heffernan. 1154. BEECHVIEW Duplex i rooms, sunparlor and bath each. By appointment only. $9,500.

EV. 0482. BEECHVIEW 4-room apt. and bakery. Qulpr So.

250. LE. 6183. BEECHVIEW 4 rm. store; $5,200 KLEIN, 814 BROOKLINE BLVD.

LO. 1000 BEECHVIEW $8,000. Brick. KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD.

7 rms. LO. 1000 BRENTWOOD. Lanmore Ave. Brick.

6 rooms, 2 finished rooms third: breakfast room, tile bath. 2-car detached garage, automatic bin-feed stoker furnace, $13,500. Possession June 1st. H. O.

BENSON At SONS. CA.1114 'BRENTWOOD Duplex. 5 rooir bath, sun lriorcn- first. 4 rooms bath second; large finished third: $14,000. Call "Cy," CA.

I0400 Evenings. CA. 6443-M. BROOKLINE Quick poss. Best location.

Widow's sacrifice, $3,950. Handy cars, schools. KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO.

1000 BROOKLINE. $7500 Possession May 15. Lot 100x200, 5-room house, garag fruit trees, chicken house. Hurry! LO. BROOKLINE Immediate possession; 6 rooms, brick; perfect condition; 2-car garage; range, refrigerator; $12,600.

LE. 7402. BROOKLINE Act today. Brick. 6 rooms, oil pamted walls: handy everything: $8400.

BEVERLY REALTY CO. LO. 2600-2610. BROOKLINE Perfect brick, 7 spacious tile bath. $10,500: near school; owner.

KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO. 1000 BROOKLINE Brick 5 bath, parage each, large lot; $13,700. KLEIN, 814 BROOKLINE BLVD.

LO. 1000 BROOKLINE 2 homes, poss: also 2 acres; near car, school: $7,500. Hurry. KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD.

LO. 1000 BROOKLINE New five-room brick. Integral garage. $10,500. LE.

1500. BROWNSVILLE Road. 535 Duplex, rooms, bath, and hall in each. CARRICK DUPLEX Clean as a whistle. Brick, 5 and 6 rooms, tile bath.

h. w. (coal); 2-car garage; level street: nr. schools; asking $15,000. Eves.

CA. 0356. NICHOLS. 1431 POTOMAC. LO.

1700 CARRICK Immediate fine modern home: 6 rooms, tile bath, hardwood floor, hot water heat, garage, fine neighborhood; $15,000. 11. 1579. NICHOLS. 1431 POTOMAC.

LO. 1700. CARRICKS finest residential neighborhood, near St. Basil's. Owner-built and occupied.

Newly decorated; brick; 6 nice rooms, tile bath, garage; level lot to Brownsville quick $15,000. H. G. BENSON fc SONS. CA.

1114 CARRICK $13,800. Brick, double house, 6 rooms, sunporch. tile baih. garage each; convenient shopping, buses cariine. Larhman.

CA. 1153. CARRICK E. Meyers Ave. Double frame dwelling, 6 rooms, bath, hot water heat each.

Immediate. Open for inspection, or call Carrick 7577. CARRICK Bungalow, 4 rooms down, 3 rooms and bath up. $12,000. Possession.

KLEIN, 814 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO. 1000 CARRICK DUPLEX Brownsville Rd. 5 rooms, bath, sunporch 1st 7 rooms, bath, sunporch 2nd fl. MA.

7561: Sunday WA. 0327. CARRICK Brtck double, 6 rooms, bath, garage each. Near Brownsville Rd. PAUL N.

SMITH AGENCY. LE. 1500 CARRICK Ralrigh 6 rooms. tile bath, 2 rooms finished third; Integral garage; arranged two families. CA.

0400. Kvenings. CA. 6448-M. CASTLE Shannon New brick duplex.

5 spacious rooms, glass baths, garage, iarae lots. $15,000. BEVERLY REALTY CO. LO. 2600-2610.

CASTLE Shannon SI). 200. 6-rm. brick, tile bath; ideal near cars shopping. KLEIN.

814 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO. 1000 DORMONT. $11,600 AU-brick; 7 rooms, finished 3rd. gas heat.

2-car garaer, level, handv location, quick possession. Better hurrv. Browniee. LE. 4200.

DORMONT Immediate possession, 7-room brick: gas heat: 2-car garage: block from evervthing; $14,000. LO. 35ii9. BENSON-YORK. 314 WASHINGTON RD.

DORMONT A splendid buy. $3,800. White bric k. 8 near car. stores.

KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO. 1000 DORMONT 6-rm. brick: $10,000: owner.

KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO. 1000 DORMONT 12 rooms. 4 baths; rental $2000.

LE. 5157 Fl. 6745. Duquesne Heights Special Frame, 10 rooms, bath, furnace; easily arranged for 2 families; garage, large lot. Onlv S7000.

Terms. FLOTO MANAGEMENT CORP. 35 Southern Ave. Ask for Mr. EVerglade 1154.

Milton. DUQUESNE Hgts Immediate possession: modern 6-rm. brick, combination storm windows; range refrigerator available, $1000. Fieldbrook 3718 AST BrookHne $4,900. 5 bath.

KLEIN. P14 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO. 1000 KNOXVILLE 315 Orchard Plac $9700 17S Warrington income $1900. $8000 500 Warrington 3 apis $7000 827 Gearing 2 homes, vacant.

Call owner. Hemlock 4209. KNOXVILLE 10-room brick; double rage: good location. Carrick 3P44-J. MISSION Hills 6-room brtck.

lot, 50x140, landscaped; handy schools, shopping, $9,250. IE. 598. Mt. Lebanon Colonial VIRGINIA MANOR In one of the choice locations of 15 Virginia Manor is a stone Colonial jf.

home having 8 rooms with den and maid's room and bath on first floor. Thoroughly modern and situate IpvcI wooded lot. An excellent offering Schofield Huntington Fl. 2100 MT. LEBANON $16,500 Not.

a recently built home but, one which has had perfect, care. It has siven rooms, all of good size; 2-car garage and gas hot. See this promptly. Schofield Huntington Fl. 2100 MT.

LEBANON. $13,250 JUNE 1 POSSESSION poverty Fort. Cenler hall. 7 rooms, bath; double ara a come lot 80x1 50. 3600.

MT. LEBANON 1 2,000 6-room brirk; tile bath, hot water heat, 2-csr earase. lot 50lOR STEVENSON. WILLIAMS CO. WASHINGTON RD IK.

6(100. MT. Lebanon Suburban. 3-year-old 6-room brick with integral garage on bus line; biork from schools: in perfect condition; $12,500 LO. 3560 BENSON-YORK, 314 WASHINGTON RD.

MT. Lebanon Parker Gardens. 7-room brick. 2 tile baths, library, breakfast nook, insulated, hot water heat, integral garsge. larae lot.

nost-cssion 1st. DIXON GOODYEAR Fl. 8200 MT. Lebanon Virginia Manor District; (immediate). 6 rooms, sunroom.

2 baths, gas heat; corner lot; $16,800. LO. 1823. MT. Lebanon Large aoubla brick.

6 rooms, bath each; immediate possession; sacrifice to quick buyer. Fieldbrook 8499. MT. Lebanon Cedar Blvd. 7 room brick.

car garage. 50 ft. lot, $11,500. Appraised lor veteran. DIXON GOODYEAR FI.

8200 1 MT. LEBANON NEW HOME READY JL'NE IV $17,850 good bedrooms, tile bath and powder room, gas a c. heat, insulation; near schools and transportation. J. D.

MARSHALL CO. LO. 2161 MT. Lebanon Suburban $10,500. 5-room brick, excellent condition, gas heat, integral garage, copper plumbing, large well landscaped lot.

Possession quick. Better hurrv. Browniee. LE. 4200.

nMf7TEBTN0N BRICK 516,850 McNelllv Ave, 12 rooms, bath hot air heat: 650 ft. frontage by 200 deep. GEO. A. ALSOP AGENT LE.

3600 MT. Lebanon Close in on 2 buslines. 9 rooms, bath, gas heat, 2-car garage. $11,500. LO.

1823. MT. Lebanon buiider will sell his brand new stone: recreation room LE. 1442. MT.

Oliver Brick, 6 rooms, bath, furnace, coal and fruit cellar, hardwood floors. Possession June 1st; $8900. Walter's ReaJty, 604 Warrington Ave. Everglade 3177. MT.

Oliver $12,050. 7-room modern brick, hot water heat, insulated, integral garage. Everglade 8020. MT. Oliver Residence and investment proriertv; large house; storeroom included; lot faces to streets; price $8500.

CA. 6020 MT. Washington Grandview Avenue. 7 rooms, bath, furnace. Good O.

I. proposition. Patton Realty. Grant 1670. MT.

Washington 7 2-car garage. 2 lots, fruit trees: $9,000. See today. KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD.

LO. 1000 OVEREROOK Brick, six rooms, bath, garage: $9,500. Paved. LE. 1500.

Pleasant Hills, 1 7,500 Immediate Don't miss seeing this lovely S-roorn modern brick home: gas. air-conditioned heat; 2-car garage; beautifully landscaped lot: on one of the beter streets of Pleasant Hills, just ready for a particular famiiv to move in. Better call Fl. 9930. or At.

1567 for an appointment. PLEASANT Hills $16,000. Clapboard buncaiow. beautiful living room, kitchen, dinette. 2 bedrooms, tile bath.

2-car garage; more than sere of ground beautifully shrubbed. Larhman, CA. 1153. PLEASANT Hills One of the finest built homes; owner occupied: English type 6-rm. brick, gas A.

C. heat, garatre, 'i acre. KLEIN, 814 EROOKLINE BLVD. LO. 1000 PLEASANT Hills Brand new 5-rm.

brick, gas A. C. heat, copper plumbing, large lot: $13,500. KL3N, 814 EROOKLINE BLVD. LO.

1000 SOUTH Hills Twin brick. each 7 bath: near car. school. KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD.

LO. 1000 WILLETT Rd. $7250; 8 rooms, bath, hot water heat, garage; recently decorated interior. Dailv, CO. 3550.

WA. 6561. BEAUTIFUL STONE HOME On large wooded lot miles south of Mt. Lebanon on Route 19: constructed 1941; iunior beam construction, copper plumbing: Bryant gas furnace, studio living room with large picture window, circular stairway, 8 rooms and recreation room, two tile baths and powder room, two-car integral garage, large porch with entrances from living room and dining room. Owner occupied.

Interested selling complete furnishings also. Immediate occupancy. Mc-Murray 93-J. ATTENTION G. HEBE IS A DOUBLE HOCSE Shadycrest Beechview 1173 SHADYCREST DRIVE.

OPEN DAILY 3 TO 5 P. M. SUN. 1 TO 5 P. M.

Five rooms, bath, furnace each. All Fayments $34.72 monthly, plus $50 torn rent house. No down payment except closing cost. S. SANIEL AT.

4270 THIS IS IT Mt. Leb. Suburban 6 rms. and tile bath, in perfect condition, with leaded glass windows, bronze screens. Venetian shades, gas a.

c. heat, streamlined kitchen. Well landscaped lot, 80x170. with patio and grapes. House fully insulated and priced right at $16,800.

Benson-York, 314 Washington Rd. INVESTORS, ATTENTION 1 return; brand new double brlclc. 6 rooms each side, a. c. gas heat, tile bath, integral garage: now rented; if you want something new for investment see this.

DIXON GOODYEAR Fl. 8200 IMMEDIATE Occupancy Mt. Lebanon. Exclusive residential. Six-room brick, tile bath, powder room, finished recreation room: large lot.

$17,000. Principals only. Lehigh 7625. MAY 1ST POSSESSION Mt. Lebanon modern 6-room brick with 2 baths, integral garage and gas a.

c. heat; one large level well landscaped lot; $18,500. LO. 3560. Benson-York, 314 Washington Rd.

BRAND NEW HOMES Mt. Lebanon 6 to 8 rooms, 1 to 3Va baths, gas a. c. heat, junior beams. Trilli Dunbar Co.

LE. 6800 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Mt. Lebanon: $12,000. Brick, 7 tile bath, garage. LE.

7400. 37 Lots For Safe BALDWIN Township lot 50x200; sewered: $700. Write Tt 626. Press. BETHEL lOOx-80.

$1000. Bethel 2 acres, $900. Upper St. Clair 1 acre. $1250.

HUDSON REALTY. LE. 5157 Fl. 6745. BLACKRIDGE 55 sewered: $1300.

WEST REALTY CO. ft. lot. paved and JA. 1234 BRENTWOOD Bracken 50x110.

Paved, sewered, surveved for house, $1,000. Private owner, Carrick 4474. BROOKLINE Resurrection LE. 1500. Creedmoor near Church; 30x120; $1200.

BROOKLINE Lot, 30x110; Lehigi 2622. $750. CHART1ER3 City, West Park 3 new home lots; ideal location. Juniper 2238-W. Crescent Hills-Frankstown Rd.

32 lots adjoining Crescent Hills, suitable for development. Utilities. -Will sell as a whoie onlv. Call Mr. Harritz.

FR. 3657. Lanti Real Estate MO. 1350 CRESCENT Hills Ideal homesite. near beautiful landscaped entrance.

65x157 ft. Priced for quick sale, $1475. Private owner. Penhurst 0863. FOREST Hills, Wilkinsburg Large corner lot.

Call Churchill 7681. GIBSONIA, Hi acres; 0089. Richland Rd. 2 level lots, utilities; reasonable. Hiland MT.

Lebanon Sacrifice; Mission Hills: Rll improvements; 55x200; $1200. CO. 3550. ROSS Twp. 50x100 or larger.

"New plan." $100 cash. $10 mo. 666. Press SOUTH Park entrance district 2 acres, all utilities, ready for builder, near transportation, schools: $3800: eve. Fl.

159. NICHOLS. 1431 POTOMAC. LO. 1700.

WEST Vipw Paved street, choice location, lot 30x120: prewar priee Cedar 4084 3 PERFECTLY LEVEL LOTS Mt. Lebanon; Beverly School Plan: 50 foot front each: buy one. two or three; pric S2100 each. No offers. STEVENSON, WILLIAMS CO.

fififi WASHINGTON RI. LE. fiOOO BEAUTIFUL site of over 6 acres for several homes, or for a developer of finer homes. Could be arranged for 11 single dwellings. Surrounded by fine homes.

Highly restricted. Churchill Heights. $11 000. HOMEWOOD REALTY CO. PE.

3500 FOR Sale Two level building lots. Size 50x150. Murrysville, 200 off Wm. Penn Highway. For Information write P.

O. B. 205. Elrama. Fa.

85 ACRES VACAffT Adjoining Pleasant Hills. $150 per acre; sell as whole. Suttner. Carrick 1900. CHOICE corner lot.

Main Homestead Park: level, side walk; price $2,000. Call HO. 7167. 38 For Sale or xchonge LOVELY four acres with big four-room house, beautiful countryside, Bellevue-Perrysville district. $9,000.

Trade for Colorado property. Elizabeth Newrohr, 605 Majestic Denver 2, Colorado. FOR Saie or trade on good city property. 70-acre cattle farm. 50x60 barn.

3 modern houses. One all hardwood finish. 23 head steers; $25,000.00. Write 644. Press.

NEW 7 room brick, suburban for home In Chicago. Prefer W. or N. Western sijbnrbn 693. Prpss.

39 Investment Property BROOKLINE 2 four family 4 rooms each, hot water heat, gas fired: $32,000. PAUL N. SMITH AGENCY. LE. 1500.

CARRICK location: business building and apartment: large lot: annual rent $3360; cheap at $25,000. F. C. Baur. Cedar 1500.

CENTER AVE. In 2200 block. Income $1500 yearly. Taxes $200 Price $8500. Yielding over 14 -v.

Call Mr. Lewis. UNION REAL ESTATE CO. AT. 9930.

Squirrel Hill Investment 2 apartment bldgs each of T4 suites. Gross income $18,750 for year. For details and price call Mr. Smith. UNION PEAL ESTATE CO.

1 AT. 9930 SI 00.000 Will buy one of the best corners In East Liberty; approximately $10,000 yearly Income at present; very suitable for department store in future. Call Mr. Harrltr, FR. 3657 Lantz Real Estate MO.

1350 $37,500 Rental $5500 South Hills modern Apartment. 2 stores, garages, etc. Lawler Exclusive Agtg. OR. 4191.

1 INDUSTRIAL nlant: good city location If. building: 14,000 n- or rent Call H. A. Wootton. Hiland 7069, after 4.

evenings. 40 Business Properties Sale BRENTWOOD Commercial property: 40x 100; section located between 3200x3206 on Willett good Investment. Carrick 7065-J. FAST End Fireoroof eaj-affe and au xta- tion. 60x60; drive-in basement, storage.

repairs, painuug. xor iniormauon, xiazei 8695 STOREROOM OR SHOP Modern brick bldg. 20x60 with vacant land and 2-car block garage, suitable any small business: located Ellsworth Ave 60-day possession. Price $5500. Call Mr.


PLANT 10.000 to 50.000 sq. ft. Some with railroad siding. NICHOLS. 417 GRANT ST.

CO. 3550 FACTORY 25.000 sq. railroad siding, Pittsburgh district; complete manufacturing plant near Pittsburgh. NICHOLS. 417 GRANT 8T.

CO. 3550. BUILDING, nets 107. 6 apartments; theatre Write P. O.

Box. 1881, Pittsburgh (30i. Pa. GARAGE Brirk, Everglade 4559. lor rent or sale.

Call 41 Farms and Acreage FOR Sale Bedford County farm. 212 acres river bottom land, 5 miles east of Everett, near improved road, 150 acres tillable, balance timber and pasture. 2 frame houses. 2 large barns, buildings In good condition, telephone, electricity, water, bath, heat. etc.

An ideal site for cottages. Available Immediately for $15.000. Applv 20 W. 2nd Everett. Pa.

Dorseyville Road, near Etna 2Hr acres, one-room cottage: young orchard. 30 fruit trees, all varieties. Possession. Price $2500 HORNER DAUBENSPECK 12 N. Diamond N7 S.

FA. 8282. 20 ACRES WOODED clear stream through property: rear North Park: Ideal for summer recreation center: swimming beach can be easily built. $5500. Curtlsville 75-R-2.

30-Acres rolling land with stream; suitable country home. W. E. Bryson, P. O.

Box 152, Bakerstown, or phone Gibsonia 78-J. DORSEYVILLE ACREAGE 5 minutes from Fox Chapel district. Saxonburg Rd 40 acres, $1500 down payment, $3500 mortgage. Sander, JA. 1228.

4 acres level, good 6-room frame, 2-car garage, chicken coop, 125 fruit trees, electric and telephone, just off Route 8. on good road. 18 miles to Pittsburgh, $5900. Churchill 7147 or Twinbrook 2250. $3595 $900 DOWN New homes, 4 rooms and bath for sale to veterjns only.

Perrysville district. HA. 8164 46 MiscellaneousSale Market. Restaurant. Bar Equipment, Terms.

EGERMAN STORE FIXTURE 2703 Penn Ave. Grant 4673-4. MEAT DISPLAY CASE ton and bottom, stainless steel bottoms, white porcelain front, two coils. witnout comnressor, p.suu. STAR JOBBING CO.

4th As MARKET ST. CO. 5450 XTTT3 OP A-V Vinralorl rittpl.RK With i' gold leaf frame, plate glass showcase, dressing tables, small mirrors, chest, end tables, etc. AT. 7354.

NECKPIECE 3 Stone Martens. 1 set 5 Kolinskvs; very reasonable. Juniper 3206-W. NEW and Used Building materials: real bargains; large selection. Come out and see for yourself.

General Wrecking 64L8 Penn Ave. MO. 59O0 PAINT BRUSHES (Pure Bristle) No. 530 91. lnh.c CI tQ 1 fnh.

1 QQ Athnrs 219 3RD. AT. 5353. PARTITIONS Wood and glass 370O. moving office.

Grant PERMANENT waving machines. Thermi-oue, just like new, 36 outlets, $75. Har-mor Mfg. 235 Fifth Ave. PERMANENT Wave Machine "Helene used 3 years.

Locust 1930. PLASTIC-KOTE Women: Don't wax or scrub vour floors twice a week: use "PLASTIC-KOTE" once a year. Gimbel's Paint Dept. or your neighborhood dealer. PRE-FABRICATED 64x16' new building, available immediately for balance, $1475.

owed on cancelled order; also 32x16' homes. Carrick 4704. PORTABLE Buildings (3), frame, asbestos shingle; make good cottage or shop. Can move intact. Churchill 8498.

PROJECTORS Sound and silent, including movie camera 16 all in Very good condition. Call HO. 2939. PROJECTORS Sound New and used. Wolk's Kamera Exchange, 308 Diamond St.

RACK bins and drawers all sizes, telescope house, suitable for camp, light plants suitable for camps, homes, farms. AC current. William Archey, Dasher St. and Allegheny River. RADIATOR ENCLOSURES Orders taken now.

Gardner. WA. 6666. RADIATOR ENCLOSURES Quick delivery. MO.

4600 for estimate. RAILROAD Air Brake Engineering; complete set reference volumes; cost $120; sell $60. SC. 3304. REACH-in refrigerator; 6 ft.

meat case: walk-in refrigerators: bottle coolers; all new. Pittsburgh Refrigeration 116 Ninth AT. 6778. RECORDS Used; like new, 10c. Big Special, 10.000 records weeklv.

Laris Music Service, 623 Allegheny Verona. Pa. RECORDS (Juke Box). 5000: slightly used; good price; quick sale. Hazel 2297.

REFRIGERATORS (Hussraan) for restaurants and food stores. Immediate delivery on a few 2. 4, and 6-door reach-in refrigerators. Electric Products, 5928 Penn Ave. Montrose 7200.

REFRIGERATOR Motor York Model. 2 horsepower; perfect condition. Call at Kleban Brothers. 2100 Penn Avenue. RESTAURANT Equipment Walk-in refrigerator 6'x6'x8" with compressor, chairs, tables, small bar, cash register, steam table and showcase.

Will sell reasonable. Court 9064. between 10 a. m. a.

m. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Most complete line in Pittsburgh. LOW PRICES. CASH OR TERMS Goodyear. 3811 Penn Ave.

MA. 5959. ROOFS and gutters repaired and replaced. Terms arranged; free estimates, a a. aau.

SAFES (6) Regular office building compartment safes, 6 ft. high. 36 inches wide, double doors; cost new. $475, sell for $125. STAR JOBBING CO.

4th ft Market Downtown. CO. 5450 SCALE Toledo dial, 2 and 4 ounce bench model: 100 pound capacity. Wellington 1094-R after 6 p. m.

SHELLAC Pure. Orange fe White. S2.99 gal GOLOMB'S. 3T.9 3RD. AVE.

AT. SHINGLE Stain (Brown) $1.48 gal. GOLOMB'S. 219 3RD. AVE.

AT. 53Q3. SHIPPING cases (100), wood: A-l condition; corrugated lined: 14-19-20 I. D. $1 each.

Forbes Cleaning Co. Mayflower 9728. SINKS GALVANIZED ALL SIZES. Low prices. GOODYEAR.

3811 PENN AVE. MA. 5959. STAINLESS STEEL Type 302. 18-8; 2B finish: off-fall; approximately 5 ton in following sizes; Can be inspected at Beatty Mfg.

1216 Metropolitan St. STAMP machines wall type. Coin operated. Penhurst 794X STEAM TABLE Beautiful all-stainless steel tops, with heavy. 20-oz.

copper pans; all sizes made to order. Helt. 115 8th St. STEAM Table Combination; seven crocks 3 meat pans, stainless steel covers and lids; overhead shelf, copper lined, practically new, value $240. Will sell, $195.

R. B. Sandwich Shop. Linden 8018. STEEL Drums for rubbish or ashes, with lid.

$2 delivered. Montrose 2862. STENOTYPE Excellent condition; text books, paper reasonable. Court 2438. Hazel 5119.

STOKER 1944 Eastern Stokol; good condition. $150. Locust 1979. STOKOL" Stoker 75 lb. Capacity.

May he seen in operation in large building. Phone Cedar 8R00. STORE FIXTURES Glass enclosed wall cases, display eases and stock cases, complete equipment for women's wear, haberdashery or children's store. Write for information. Principals only.

680, Press. TYPE CHAIRS Chrome, beautifully colored leatherette seats and barks; available for immediate delivery. $6.95. Also burn-proof, stain-nroof tables to match. United Refrigeration Solet Service 585 Baum Blvd.

Ill Market St. Hiland 7600. Court 4117. TABLES AND CHAIRS Regular wooden booths and modern leatherette. GOODYEAR.

3811 PENN AVE. MA. 5959. TABLE Pads $2.95: glass furniture tops and mirrors measurements free. Montrose 2900.

TAILOR'S pressing machine for sale. 200 California Avalon. TAYERN EQUIPMENT Temprite beer system with tap station and 6x6 walk-in coolers, 6 ft. Victor bottle cooler, work board and 10 wooden booths. Real buy for anvone able to use entire lot.

Call Mr. Bernstein, Hiland 7600. TEXOLITE Paint Close out colors, $2 gallon. Golomb's. 219 3rd Ave.

AT. 5353. TRANSMITTER Attention amateursl One complete 300-watt, all band transmitter, phone and C. call W8 RAP. Reasonable.

Churchill 5986. TURPENTINE (Sherwin-Williams). $1.23 gal. Golomb's, 219 3rd Ave. AT.

5353. TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MACHINES Sold, rented, bought, repaired. American Typewriter 413 Fourth. Ave.

CO. 1019. USED doors and screen doors for sale. Call Fremont 3831. USED brick for sale; free delivery.

South Side Construction. 2732 Carson St. Everglade 4055. VARNISH (Hornite) Waterproof Spar. Stands Boiling Water Test $2.

95 eal. Golomb's. 219 3rd Ave. AT. 5353.

WALK-IN COOLERS 6x6. 5x7'. complete with refrigeration. Cash or terms. GOODYEAR.

3811 PENN AVE. MA. 5959. WARDROBE Trunk Hartman, stamer size; also leather trunk; good condition. Carnegie 898.

WARDROBE Trunk cushion top; like new. Wellington 1094-R. after 6 r. m. WARDROBE Trunk Heavy; $20.00.

Carrick 5116-J. WATER FOUNTAINS ELECTRIC. PRESSURE BOTTLE TYPE Now available; immediate delivery. Get them now while they last. GOODYEAR, 3811 PENN AVE.

MA. 5959. Wood Timber 450 Pieces 12x12 Used 20 to 23 ft. lengths Cheap AUSTIN GIVENS. INC.

100 Sandusky N. S. FA. 2464 WRECKING Million Dollar Estate For sale cheap; marble columns and imported marble, paneled rooms. Shrubs; large hot water heating boiler; Instant heater with copper storage tank; copper window screens, etc.

Paul Lumber. SC. 5115. XYLOPHONE and marimba combined portable model; good condition. Carrick 5912.

Zincolead-Gloss House Paint. $3.95 eal. GOLOMB'S. 219 THIRD AVE. AT.

5353. WE BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT Office furniture, files, safes, typewriters, adding machines, desks. "Kardex" calculators, cash registers, floor coverings, dic- tapnones. all Kinds office machines, water coolers, electric fans. New and Used.

Pittsburgh Office Fur. Eqpt. Co. 316-22 Blvd. of Allies.

CO. 6461. 6-Pocket Billiard Tables (4Vix9) 5 years old excellent condition; like new. Beacon Billiard Parlor, 1925 Murray Ave. Jackson 9750.

ifwm LIFETIME VEPITIUTEB. iMitifsl Bakte EstBtt Colwt. fr Htm. 01e. Fwtwy.

Saw ytarly fnie tt wtttinf mi Jtsrini. KOOL-VENT METAL AWHUS C6. 6F FGH. ma Blvd. Allies.

AI. $701 COMPLtft'E Set of Drums Good condition. Fairfax 8081. I r. I 4 C0 io NI 5fviCf INC.

'Quick, lend 41 Farms and Acrtag ACREAGE Folks who want to build. 20 minutes to Charleroi, Vi acre plots up. Write owner for appointment, 719 N. Neg- iey rgn. fa.

ROUTE 19 Small cottage, 5 rooms, small plot, $2800: 8 miles north of Mercer. In-quire Eddie's Cabin. SIX acres of land in Springdale, near Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company's new plant. 622. Press.

MURRAYSVTLLE acre on Sardis Road. Building site. Brandywine 6686 Brandy-wine 0326. BUTLER County 100 acre Farm, with or without eouipmcnt; 7 room house. Cal Prospct 2707.

4 1 A Out of Town Real Estate AN opportunity for you to live In historic Westfield, N. Y. Beautiful custom built brick home. 2-car garage. Ji acre.

Large living room, breakfast nook, lavatory on first floor; 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch. Plate glass windows, copper screens, all hardwood floors, large attic and basement, root and fruit rooms, gas-fired heat; $20,000. Principals only. No phone calls. J.

G. Harris, 116 So. Portage, Westfield. N. Y.

SHARON Charles level lot, LS875. Highland 2758. 6941 Chaucer pittsourgn tat. WOULD like to rent small farm with home, within 25 miles of Pittsburgh. CH.

3794 2 Wanted Real Estate CALIFORNIA bungalow or house with 2 bedrooms and bath 1st floor; Mt. Lebanon or Squirrel Hill preferred. Write 592. Press. Attention! Property Owners We have cash buyers waiting for all types of properties located anywhere.

For quick results, call nr write NAYARRO REALTY CO. 6221 Broad St. MO. 3034 ANY district, any size, I must have home immediately. CO.

3558. CASH for small house, duplex or double; Penn East End. Wllk. FR. 0714.

COMMERCIAL or light industrial buildinsrs. NICHOLS. 417 GRANT ST. CO. 3550 FOR quick sale action list your property DIXON GOODYEAR.

Fl. 8200 HAVE $30,000 cash for 4-family or 6- famiiy unit jn squirrel niu. musi suu good income. 692. Press.

IMMEDIATE CASH We have cash buyers waiting for single or double houses in East End. Swissvale. Penn Wilkinsburg. Also West End, Crafton. Ingram.

Sheraden. Let us sell yout house. PORTER BECK 345 FOURTH AVE. CO. 0151.

LOOKING for homes sell; Spring Hill and Trov Hill district: buyers waiting. CHAS. J. LIPTAK, 1219 Spring "Garden Ave. CE.

0906. NEED 5-6-7 room modern home. Wilkinsburg. Forest Hills, Penn Township, etc. Evenings.

7ba. NEED 5-6-room home; North suburb; $5000: urgent (veteran). Wellington 2342. newcomer to Peh. needs home; South Hills.

Dormont preferred. Fl. 2R31. ON ROUTE 51 Want to buv about 7 rooms. 1 acres ground.

Write M. Box 4790. Pa. PROPERTY Owners We have cash buyers for homes in Esst. End, Squirrel Hill.

Wilkinsburg. Penn etc. Call Mr. Lantz. mo.

ihvo. RECENTLY returned from Oregon, need 1 3 V. XTllls TT rv. O-l-lOOin 1IUIU6 1U OVUUI 3496.

WANTED 5 to 7-room house, anywhere In South Hills or nearby suburban, 2520. WANT level lot with water, pas and electric. North Side or North Boroughs, under $500. Millvale 1344. WANT to buv modern brick horns with garage on level lot; located In Brentwood, Carrick.

Mt. imver. carries; WANTED 5 or 6-room house, modern; Penn Townsnip. rorest nuis. yvuMneourn virinitv; immeaiate ouyer.

re. WAN'D 5 or 6-room bungalow; Penn Township, near transportation; must be modern, rt. ui WANT modern home in Highland Section under $15,000. Mrs. Wpyman.

CO. 6409. WILL pay cash for modern home. South Hilis district. ji-si.

43. Financial1 Mortjoses 5 Mortgage Loans 5, No More North Side's Largest S. L. Assn. DIRECT REDUCTION FI.AN No commission or service charges.

Ideal mortgage plan for purchasing, remodeling and refinancing. Compare with others our low cost of financing. Mortgage loans may be repaid in full er In part anv time without penalty. East Park Savings Loan Assn. 118 E.

Ohio St. at Sandusky. FA. 4396 LOANS UP TO 10O0 For down payment on property. Prompt service.

Personal Consumer Discount 2nd floor. Law fe Finance 429 4th Ave. Atlantic 8170. HELP ME HELP G.l.'s Need a loan ateonce to give G.l.'s a home. G.l.'s need a place to live.

East Liberty business woman needs $6,500 loan to pay balance. ALL CASH, for an estate to remodel into 4 and 6 apartments for G.l.'s only at a reasonable rent. Will repay in 6 to 12 months if necessary, good security. I am now giving 3 O.I. families apartments.

Write 652, East End Press. WHEN planning mortgage in any amount make sure you have right to payment in full at any time without penalty; all our mortgages Include this advantage. W. B. DAWSON.

FAIRFAX S304. 44 Business Opportunities AUTOMOBILE salvage yard for sale. Improved with slag, equipped with 135 units, including wrecker wrench truck, scrap shears. 2 heavy duty trailers. 30 x40' garage with metal lathe, grinder, air compressor, chain hoist, cutting and welding torch and paint spraying equipment.

Stock of new and used parts. 30 acres of ground with f6ur room bungalow. Circle black top drive. Must be seen to appreciate value. Located 1 mile north of North Jackson.

Ohio, on Rt. 45 and mile east. Jay E. Marshall, North Jackson. Ohio.

AUTO repair shop and office, all new. excellent location on Babcock suitable for used cars. Good opportunity for ex-GI: price $1900. Millvale 2448-W Well- ington 1185-M BAR And dining room. 150 seat capacity; city license: ideal location; principals onlv.

Fairfax 0778 after 8 p. m. BEAUTY Shop Unusual opportunity for operator with East Liberty following. Complete one girl shop in East Liberty's best office building. Rent, including all utilities, $35 per month.

Will sacrifice shop for $650 cash. Call Hiland 9309 between 9 a. p. BOWLING and Billiard Lost lease: must sell everything: call 1-4. 3812 Forbes and Bouquet Sts.

Call after 6. Linden 0485. BOWLING alievs. fully equipped; reason-able. 669, Press.

BUSINESS Partner wanted with some capital. Insecticide product. Write 613. Press. CAFE On Braddock Avenue.

Braddock. for $8500. Call Brandywine 1279. DAIRY STORE Doing $450 per week. Make own Ice cream.

Price $4000. 316 Grant Millrale. DRUG STORE Profitable business; store fully stocked. Same location 23 years: will sacrifice. Federal 2506-5428.

DRUG Store Busy corner location; established 24 $8500. LI. 8028. EAST End Rooming house; 20 rooms, fully rented: good condition: must see to to appreciate. 7337 Frankstown Churchill 2849, EAST Liberty showroom and office.

Have capital, abilities, reefrences. Seeking partnership and representation. 621. Press. ELECTRICAL appliance and radio store with re.dio franchises.

Must sell: veteran ill. Will sacrifice. Mavf lower 958JX FUNERAL HOME Established North Side Residential Section, corner location, complete equipment, 3 layout parlors. 2 apartments. Garages.

Asking $30,000. Early possession. Write 688, Press. IG me your bike!" 44 Business Opportunities GROCERY Confectionery Right person can improve business, other interests. Everglade 0193, Sunday 1-9 p.

m. GROCERY and meat market. Doing $1400 weekly. A real buy. Hemlock 9358; Lehigh 9755.

after 7 p. m. Grocery and Produce Market South Hills; high class neighborhoods ideal location; annual business over $65,000. Age compels sale, only $10,000 for large inventory, lease and truck. Phone HE.

1172. LUMBER Yard and planing mill. Pitts- Burgn district. Penhurst 5486. LUNCHROOM Thriving youths' center.

Also 5 room house. Garrett, Pa. Retiring. Sailor Gallopes Lunch, Garrett. Pa-Phone Meyersdale 260-J-2.

NOVELTY as GIFT SHOP Federal St. 100 'l location. (Ideal for card shop. Excellent business. Account partnership.

Price low. MILLER, FA. 2477. OPTOMETRICAL Practice Well-est ab-lished, spacious suite of offices in downtown office building. Owner wishes to retire: $8000 cash.

Write 691. Press. PRINTING PRESS ROOM Complete with all equipment; doing large volume of steady business; weekly and monthly publication. Write 671, Press. RADIO repair and electric appliance shop; going business: sacrifice.

Linden 7286. ROOMING House Good income; 8 rooms, complete, including electrical appliances; reasonable. 1712. Brighton Rd. ROOMING House Business Good location.

Only those interested in occupying one of the apartments need call. Emerson 1953-5-7. ROADHOUSE Old established, with big dinner trade. Good living quarters. Owner has other interests.

Principals only. Write 690. Press. RESTAURANT Doing $350 to $450 weekly; good location: other business. Museum 1650 ROOMING house.

Oakland. 432 Atwood St. 11 rooms, rented. Reasonable. SERVICE station and 9-room dwelling, 3 baths.

Can be used for tourist business. On well-traveled highway near Pgh. Large frontage. Juniper 4438 or Juniper 6558-J. Ask for Mr.

Muchow. SERVICE Station Triangle corner, new building. 3 months old. 643, Press. SHOE Stock Complete.

Sacrifice for immediate sale. 813 Linden Avenue, East Pittsburgh. SOUTHERN representation, manufacturers or distributors desiring coverage in Caro-linas and Virginia, contact "Ensee," 309 Builders Building, Charlotte. N. C.

THEATER Wanted Rent or buy; small capacitv; 50 mile radius Pittsburgh. 684. Press. INYEST $28,500 NET $8,000 YEARLY Price includes building. 4-room apartment.

2-car garage, 1940 delivery truck, stock, equipment and excellent grocery business in an ideal East End location. For details Call Mr. Harritz, FR. 3657. Lantz Real Estate MO.

1350 I have coffee shop with a cocktail bar attached: one of best known in city. A lot of capital is not necessary for one of proven ability. Would like to lease this to proper party. Do not answer unless you can produce proof of your qualifications nd vour ability. Call Schenley 5414 or Mavfi'ower 8053.

Ask for Mr. Sullivan. DESIRE to expand cosmetic business with local and state distributorship; need capital. Write P. O.

Box 1881, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. LEAVINO Pittsburgh Will sell profitable office business; established 25 years; profit $1000 month; price $25,000. write 651, Press. VETERAN 10 vears retail business experience willing to invest up to $8000.00 in anv tvpe of business. All replies confi dential.

E. E. press, k. jnv VETERAN wants to buy jewelry, gift or greeting card shop. Or will rent suitable location.

625, Press. COMPLETELY equipped portrait studio and finishing plant: low rent; excellent location. Write 611, Press. YOUNG Man desires small business or partnership. Mayflower 4103, after 6, evenings.

WANTED Drug store or confectionery store: desirable location. Principals only. Jackson 1927. FOR Sale Lucas cleaners; excellent opportunity. Inquire between 2 and 4 p.

m. 231 Atwood St. WANTED Mail order business; give de tails. 613, press. WIDOW wants rooming house, grocery or coniectionery.

wrue ojj. rjew. 45 Loons YOUR competent employment bureau-Press Want Ad. LOANS UP TO $300 FAMILY LOAN CORPORATION. For address see telephone book.

LOANS UP TO $1,000 FOR A COMPLETE LOAN 6ERVICE USE LINCOLN LOAN SERVICE Prompt, courteous and confidential LINCOLN LOAN SERVICE CONSUMER DISCOUNT COMPANY Room 203. Park Bldg. Court 4195 rorrASA Diamond Loan Association .311 Smithfiel.Opp.Old Post Office. 14 E'tmt tar tr fruytv (. i 46 MiscellaneousSale ACCORDION 120 bass, 3 treble; one bass shifts.

Like new. $550. Emerson 303L ADDING MACHINES CALL COURT 2720. AIR Conditioner for sale. 1314 Fifth Avenue.

Richest Restaurant. ALUMINUM Paint (Sheflield gal. a.VU. A 1 A nn 1 ua-ii. i wu.vo Lulu.


BEAMS; Plates, rods, miscellaneous steel in stock i (cut to size), lumber, building material. Ace. 220 1 Liberty Av GR.2256 Angles, Beams, Channels NEW SURPLUS STEEL Liberty Industrial Salvage 1500 RIVER N. S. FA.

4959 AUTOMATIC GAS HEAT Complete, guaranteed installation; $175. A. F. Ambrose. JA.

1094. BAKERY Equipment, complete; at reasonable price. Owner out of business. 679, Press. BAKER'S dough retarder.

75 cu. new. Also reach-in refrigerator; 75 cu. ft. Fieldbrook 7822.

BARRELS (Steel) Large, $2, painted; special delivery service Xor 1 or more. Fairfax 6851. Barrels (Steel) Rubbish $1 Pickup: painted. $2 del. Lids, 50.

CE. 3712 BARROOM EQUIPMENT Bars-Beer Dispensing Svstems. Waik-in Coolers. Special Built Workboards. Air Compressors.

Bottle Coolers. Condensing Units. Blower Coils. United Refrigeration Sales Service 5665 Baum Blvd. Ill Market St.

Hiland 7600 Court 117 BATHTUB and Wash Stand, good con-dition. $50. Fieldbrook 0194 evenings. BATTERY Chargers-Oarage type; fast chargers; 2 h. p.

motor; single phase; exhaust and ceiling; fans; steel file ease; desk: chair. Locust 1818. BEAUTY Shop Equipment Complete; must sell: reasonable. Write 678, Press. BEER SYSTEMS TEMPRITE, DIRECT DRAWS, BASEMENT INSTALLATIONS BOTTLE COOLERS.

TABLES. CHAIRS, WORK BOARDS Low prices. Cash or terms. Goodyear. 3811 Penn Ave.


BEER System: two tap; complete with refrigeration. One bottle cooler, like new. Hen ganger's. Brown Ave. Extension, Turtle Creek.

Call between 10 and 2. It I tl 1.

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2025)


What happened to the Pittsburgh Press newspaper? ›

On October 2, 1992, due in large part to union labor difficulties, the Pittsburgh Press company was put up for sale and purchased by Block Communications, owners of the Post-Gazette, leaving Pittsburgh with just one daily newspaper. The final edition of the Pittsburgh Press had been published on July 28 of that year.

What is the largest newspaper in Pittsburgh PA? ›

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Today, over a million people read the Post-Gazette each week, more than any other newspaper in Western Pennsylvania.

When did the Pittsburgh Press stop publishing? ›

July 28, 1992

Who owns the Pittsburgh Press? ›

During the strike, the Scripps Howard company sold the Press to the Block family, owners of the Post-Gazette.

What is the oldest newspaper in Pennsylvania? ›

The State Library's earliest Pennsylvania newspaper is a December 22, 1719 issue of the American Weekly Mercury. This newspaper is reputed to be the first newspaper published in the middle colonies, and the fourth in order of time, published in America.

Does the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette still exist? ›

PGe publishes every day and is updated around the clock, as news breaks. Founded in 1786, the Post-Gazette provides the Pittsburgh community with award-winning local, national and international news coverage and unparalleled reporting and commentary on Pittsburgh's sports teams.

Does the Pittsburgh courier still exist? ›

The Courier's circulation began to decline during the 1950s and '60s, and in 1965, it was sold to John Sengstacke, the owner and publisher of The Chicago Defender. Today The Pittsburgh Courier is published under the name "The New Pittsburgh Courier."

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers. Whilst larger companies - Gannett, Tribune/News Media Group (owned by hedge fund Alden Global Capital), and Lee Enterprises all owned fewer papers in 2022 than in 2020, some regional chains saw increases.

What is the largest newspaper in the world? ›

The New York Times

Is the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette conservative or liberal? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is a press organization in Pittsburgh, PA and is the most widely-read newspaper in the metropolitan area. It reports with a conservative bias.

What is the oldest newspaper publisher in the world? ›

In Austria the Wiener Zeitung was started in 1703 and is considered to be the oldest surviving daily newspaper in the world. The oldest continuously published weekly paper was the official Swedish gazette, the Post-och Inrikes Tidningar; begun in 1645, it adopted an Internet-only format in 2007.

Where is the University of Pittsburgh Press? ›

The University of Pittsburgh Press is a scholarly publishing house and a major American university press, part of the University of Pittsburgh. The university and the press are located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Who owns KDKA in Pittsburgh? ›

KDKA-TV (channel 2), also known as CBS Pittsburgh, is a television station in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, serving as the market's CBS outlet. It is owned and operated by the network's CBS News and Stations division alongside Jeannette-licensed WPKD-TV (channel 19), an independent station.

Who is the editor in chief of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

John Robinson Block - Publisher and editor in chief - Block Communications—Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Toledo Blade | LinkedIn.

What is the history of the Pittsburgh newspaper? ›

Since 1786, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has chronicled the history of the city of Pittsburgh and the United States of America. One of the newspaper's first public services was the printing of the newly adopted Constitution of the United States in 1787.

What happened to the independent newspaper? ›

The Independent and The Independent on Sunday endorsed "Remain" in the Brexit referendum. In March 2016, The Independent decided to close its print edition and become an online newspaper; the last printed edition was published on Saturday 26 March 2016.

What happened to the Pennsylvania Gazette? ›

The Pennsylvania Gazette ceased publication in 1800, ten years after Franklin's death. Unrelated to the original Pennsylvania Gazette is the alumni on-line magazine of the University of Pennsylvania of which Franklin was a founder and a trustee.

What happened to the Pittsburgh Catholic newspaper? ›

According to its website, the Catholic had a total market of 111,250 Catholics. Publication was suspended in March 2020 due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic but returned as an online news source on September 25, 2020.


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.