The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

TIMES HERALD WANT ADS PHONE 7171 THE PORT HURON TIMES HERALD. FRIDAY, APRIL 18. 1952 PACE TWENTY-THREE SOLD CLOTHING! ARTICLES FOR SALE 56 CHILD'S mow suit with 2 pairs leggings, drtmt, and spring jacket, all six 7. Good condition. Phone 2-1250.

Ask for Want Ads! Mrs. Paul Ritzert, 1131 Lapeer: "Well satisfied" with results. Several calls on following ad. Ph 7171 one FARM LANDS FOR RENT 76 HOUSES FOR SALE 85 Pat. Off.

TELEVISION PROGRAMS Court News About Town FRIDAY'S WWJ WJBR Channel 1 6:04 Captain Video 6:30 Teienews Ace 43 -Weatherman 6 50 Ed. Hayes 1:00 Your Better Half 7:30 Doug Edwards 7 45 Perry Coins 1:00 Mama 830 My Frieod Irma Playhouse of Star 8 it'ii News To Me 100O Police Storv 10-30 Charlie Wild 11:00 Teienews Ace 11:13 Hollywood Night 11 45 Serial Theater 12 13 Weathervane 6.00 Traffic 6:15 fioldberg 6:30 6 30 6:45 Man 7:00 Kukia. 7:15 The 7:30 Those 7:45 News 8:00 Weekend 8:30 We the 8:00 Big Story 9 30 Aldricn 10:00 Cavalcade 10:45 Greatest 11:0011 O'Clock 11:13 Let's 11:30 Late 12 00 LaPetit 12:15 Scotti Show Two Caravan Sports People Family of Sports Fights News Date Cafe Weathervane iri ii Channel 4 Parade Film Blasiola In Clay Rogers Announced BUI Hickock To Know Fare Beatty Kane Announced Family B-tvue Show of Snows SATURDAY'S WJJBK Channel 9 53 Coffee Cup edition 10:00 All Around Home 10:15 Sausage Sinema 10:30 Kids Company 11-00 Whistling Wizard 11:30 Smilin Ed's Gang 12 00 Big Top 1:00 Ku Carson 1:30 Wayne U. Series 2:30 Six Gun Theater 3:15 This We Defend 3:30 In Peace and War 4 00 Movie Party 5:00 Western Movie 6 00 Crime Photographer :.0 Cartoon Caoers 6:45 Telesports Digest 7:00 Sammy Kaye Show 7:30 Beat the Clock 8:00 Ken Murray Show 8.00 Faye Emerson Show :30 Songs for Sale Songs for Sale 1100 New at Eleven 1115 Feature Theater 12 30 Wrestling "1:30 Weathei Keport WW 12:30 Zoo 1:00 Western 2:00 Don 2:30 Circles 3:00 Film Roy 4:00 To Be 4:30 Wild 5:00 Wants 5:30 Animal 5:45 Morgan 6:00 Martin 6:30 To Be 7:30 One Man's 8:00 All Star 9:00 Your 10:00 Your 10:30 Your 11:00 Meet UJO Old Amer 12 00 Curtain 12 15 Dasmars 12:45 News Barn Dane Calls Canteen TELEVISION FOR SALE 54 VAN'S $4.00 HOME CALL 57 ACRES on US-23. about two miles west of Mary svi known as Bur-goyne 57.

Write or phone J. Schwender1 St. Thomas, Ontario. HOUSES FOR RENT 77 FIVE rooms and bath, good location, close to river. Call 8230.

1303 St. Clair Street WANTED TO RENT 79 LOCAL businessman, wife, one child, 11 years, desires 5 or 6 room house by May 1st. A-l references. Phone 6897. 3 or 4 Bedroom House Wanted Phone 2-8106 BUILDING WANTED TO LEASE Suitable for Metal Machine Shop rtione Z-4BM7 or 2-oddo 3 ROOM unfurnished apartment.

Heat, lights, gas furnished Phone 2-3913 WANT SPACE suitable for photographic studio, or combination -studio and living quarters. Phone 2-7569. CLEAN, reliable working couple desires unfurnished lower apartment. Call 2-8770 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 80 INVESTMENTS Large Corporation has attractive real estate investment proposition providing 100 return over Ten year period on a guaranteed monthly Cash rental basis. First 10 year rental returns entire investment.

For further information Call Saginaw 2-3111 or Write Post Office Box 691 Saginaw, Mich. Attention: Real Estate Dept. GROCERY BEER WINE Lease with option. Excellent district, ample parking space. Owner leaving state.

Times Herald Box 65. TAVERN AND LUNCH The famous Town Clock Cafe, located in downtown Vassar on busy highway M-15 to all points north. Newly redeco rated and fully equipped with all modern fixtures and equipment. Liv ing quarters. Ideal location with steady business the year 'round as Vassar is good industrial, farming.

and tourist town. Seating capacity over 80. Gross of near $50,000. Ideal for partners. Will trade for modern home near Saginaw, Flint or Bay City.

Investigate now. For further information write or call. TAVERN S.D.M. Sportsmen's Inn, located in the good farming and Industrial town of Elkton. Within 9 miles of Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay.

Has L-shaped mahogany bar 34 ft. long. 24 ft. refrigerated back bar, small lunch counter and other A-l equipment. Large seating capacity.

Only one other bar in town. $12,000 will handle. Balance terms. STATE-WIDE REAL ESTATE SERVICE OF VASSAR Martin J. Volz 201 E.

Huron Ave. Ph. 6531 GOOD GOING YEAR AROUND BUSINESS MUST Be Free To Travel. Equipment loaded, ready for haulaway. Good for $175 to $200 per week.

Selling due to other business ties. Also 1952 Dodge Tractor, only 16,000 miles, like new. Will consider trade. For fur ther information. Phone 2-0048 or apply at 2011 25th Street, South Park GAS STATION FOR LEASE Also inventory 2019 Tenth St.

BROKERS IN REAL ESTATE 81 MILTON E. WESTRICK, only exclusive farm broker in St. Clair County. 29 years selling farms and country homes. 7864 Gratiot Richmond ONE STOP REAL ESTATE SERVICE We will sell, buy, manage or Insure.

Every service in Real Estate or In surance. Murray Hilltop rteaity, Yaie IN ST. CLAIR and Vicinity for Real Estate and Insurance, see Frank D. Beadle Agency. 60 N.

Riverside. St. Clair. Phone 260. BUSINESS PROPERTY 82 FOR SALE WAREHOUSE 3.000 square feet floor space, location 12th at Black river.

Inquire 1115 Tenth St. Phone 2-8832. FARMS FOR SALE 83 33 ACRES Out 10 Miles 2 bedroom house, full basement, good barn. 5 stanchions. 2 poultry houses.

2 brooder houses, granary. 2 car garage. Some tools. Best of land, all tillable. $9000.

Terms. Thomas L. Coggan, Broker, Fargo. Phone Yale 99-F-6. 23 ACRES fenced, 14 acres of wheat, barn, chicken coop.

Crossed by Belle River near St. Clair. Cope Sc. Co. Phone 8771 57 Mi ACRES for sale for colored people only.

Inquire Leo Koneski. 1671 Ditty Road TV SERVICE SERVICE COUNTY-Wi Parts Warranties Honored 73 ROOM for business woman. First floor, next to bath. Newly deccrated. 915 Eighth Street Phcne 6410 NEWLY decorated, next to bath, close iu uui.

ofciKiiii ii aesirea. Phone 8598 611 Division LARGE clean room, close to town. Gen tleman preferred. Phone 4876 LARGE unfurnished room with kitchen ette. 65 per week, on ground floor.

Phone 2-3446 ROOMS BY THE DAY OR WEEK HURON HOTEL 503 Bard Phone 8246 SLEEPING room. Cheap. Elderly man or pensioner. Man preferred. 901 7tn st APARTMENTS, FLATS 75 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT good location.

Children welcome. 2827 Military St. Phone 2-7485 NEWLY decorated 3 unfurnished rooms private bath. 926 Willow St. SMALL PARTLY furnished apartment.

conveniently located downtown area On bus line. 517 Court St. Call 4523 MODERN 5 room furnished and heated $15 per week. Also 3 room furnished and heated, 512.0O per week. Apply 802 Lapeer Ave.

Days 817 8th St. Eves. CLEANEST newly decorated, furnished 3 rooms and bath apartment in town Automatic heat and hot water, private Datn and entrance. Adults. 612 14th St ON MAIN BUS LINE, furnished 3 room apartment, with heat, lights, gas, suit' able for working couple.

Ph. 2-4492 408 STANTON Upper 3 room furnished. neat and hot water, private bath and entrance. Adults UPPER Unfurnished 3 rooms and bath Gas heat and hot water, also stor age and Phone 9051 WILLOW. 2211 Just off State fur- nished.

heated apartment newly decorated, private bath, near bus adults. SINGLE WORKING GIRL Share fur- nlshed apartment, located at 723 Court sr. Phone 2-9455 after 5:30. PINi 609 3 room furnished apart ment, twin beds, heat, lights, gas orking couple or girls. Ph.

2-3749 2 ROOM furnished apartment, private entrance, electric stove, refrigerator. heat, hot water and electricity fur nished. Garage if desired. 927 Chestnut St. Phone 6234 2014 10TH AVE.

Furnished apartment, four rooms and private bath, newly aecoraiea, steam neat. MILITARY ST. 2 bedroom upper, unfurnished, heat, hot water, private oatn. entrance. fn.

Hifaa alter 6 p.m. SEASONABLE Ground floor two room modern apartment, completely furnished, private entrance. 2 blocks to bus line. 1517 Kearney. NICE 5 room apartment, just outside Port Huron.

Heat and water. Phone 7-3175 NEWLY decorated furnished 4 room apartment. 718 Court St. LOWER 4 room apartment, lots of hot water, private bath and entrance, nice vara. Phone 2-0562 2 ROOM furnished apartment.

New re-frigerator. Downtown area. Phone Z-03H2 LOWER, heated, unfurnished 4 rooms, bath. 1 bedroom, private entrances. Garage.

Adults. $65 mo. Ph. 5513. 3 LARGE rooms and bath.

Stove and refrigerator furnished. 2108 Military Street. Phone 2-1123. THREE Room Apartment. Heat and hot water furnished.

Phone 382-W St. Clair 931 PINE ST. Upstairs three rooms and bath, unfurnished. Adults only. Phone 4083 3 ROOM apartment, furnished and heated.

Private bath and entrance. Adults only. 901 Water St- URNISHED apartment, ground floor. 3 rooms and bath, private entrance. Heat, lights, gas, hot water.

Ph. 5582. 4 ROOMS, downstairs. Heat, hot water. Corner Wall and Seventh.

Phone 2-9327 UNFURNISHED FLAT 5 Rooms and Bath Phone 4223 TWO rooms and bath, partly furnished, upstairs, private entrance. Bus stop at door. 1901 Tenth. Ph. 2-8646.

2-ROOM APARTMENT On 1st Floor 2539 Forest Phone 6388 Downtown Apartments t-an 5739 Between 4 and 6 3 ROOMS, unfurnished, with bath, heat ami not water furnished. Nice loca- tion. 910 Howard St. Phone 5860. 2 ROOM apartment, furnished: 2 sleeping rooms for gentlemen only.

Phone 2-3705 2 ROOM furnished apartment, studio couch, share bath. $10 week. B18 Wall Fhone 2-7373 ONE and 2-room furnished housekeeping cabins, very clean. Blue Water Bridge Cabins. 2424 Pine Grove Ave.

3-ROOM Furnished upstairs. Private bath and entrance, stoker heat, lights, gas, hot water. No drinking. 409 Stanton St. Phone 2-0529.

COMPLETELY decorated. heaTi lights ind hot water. Call 2-3698. 1233 Water St. MODERN 4 rooms and bath.

Oil fur nace, hot water, loads of cupboard soace. Side entrance. 403 Henry, Smiths Creek. Phone 2835. WHEN YOU NEED BUSINESS IF YOU CAN'T CALL Appliances, Repairs Service HOOVER Authorized Sales and Service Parts and service tor an oiner manes.

Flood Vacuum Cleaner. 605 Huron Ave. Phone 2-4511 AUTOMATIC WASHER SERVICE CALL 2-0481 FOR KEN MORE WHIRLPOOL SERVICE and PARTS For All Conventional Washing Machines WESTON WASHER SERVICE 2325 GRATIOT AVE AT ELMWOOD BUSY REPAIRS SWEEPERS, SEWING MACHINES WASHERS. OTHER APPLIANCES 507 11th St. Phone 5840 Cabinet Work BAND sawing, planing, furniture repair ing, porches.

steps, garages, roois 1014 Church street. Pti. x-ovo. z-oo't BUY your wall and base cabinets direct from manufacturer. HUAt, taDmei Shoo.

5223 Gratiot. Phone 7-226Q. Carpenters and Builders CARPENTER work, new or repair, or dependable work and quick service Phone 7-317 HOUSES RAISED Basements dug. all kinds cement work. Thomas wooa-warri Call 7-1752 RESIDENTIAL and commercial build ing, remodeling, repairs.

Free estimates. One price. Ted Meismer. Call 2-2236 CARPENTER Finishing, kitchen cabinets. Remodeling.

Winter prices Curly Rowbotham Phone 7-4743 Concrete, Mason Work HAVE that Old Chimney Rebuilt Now! Brick and Cement work. Fireplace construction. JACK BUTLER Phone 2-6837 CEMENT WORK Brick and Block Layinp Free Estimates PHONE 2-3978 DRIVEWAYS, sidewalks, garages built, general construction. Eay terms. Mac MacNeil.

Phone 2-3521. Exterminating HOTEL OWNERS 1 year guarantee for no bugs with Rox-Ex. Ph. 2-1678 Eves. 2-0455 Floor Sanders FLOOR SERVICE Laying.

Sanding. Finishing Lewis Potter 3224 Beach Road Phone 7-3315 McNEICE FLOOR SERVICE Laying. Sanding, Finishing Arywhere. Insured. Phone 2-2970 918 16th St.

CASH LN THROUGH WANT ADS FOR ADVERTISING RATES SLEEPING ROOMS C. 83 119 ACRE DAIRY FARM In Greenwood Township. 7 room, modern brick house. hip-roof bam. 24 stanchions and drinking cups, silo, other buildings.

Exceptionally good soil. $16,500. 50 OTHER FARMS ALL SIZES PETER J. GRACE REALTOR EMMETT Phone 2915 2273 2182 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange LITTLE FARMS 84 A BARGAIN 40 ACRES at 7172 Lapeer Ave. 6 room house, with bath, 3 bedrooms.

Dairy barn, silo, other buildings, productive soil. 10 miles from Port Huron. $10,000, terms. PETER J. GRACE REALTOR EMMETT Phone 2915 2273 2182 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange HOUSES FOR SALE 85 REAL VALUE LARGE television size living room, two bedrooms, closets, utility and bath.

Copper plumbing, oodles of electric outlets, oil furnace, modern as a et. The greatest home value in Michigan. Built on your lot for only $5,375. Low down payment with H.A. terms from $30 per month.

For particulars Phone 2-9151. KENWAY HOMES CO. INCOME PROPERTY 3 apartments with individual gas heat. Will sell or trade for smaller home. 2-FAMILY Apartment.

Near St. Stephen. Has separate heating plants. Terms. Call us for further information.

NEAT 3 bedroom home on White St. Near school and bus. MANLEY W. M0RDEN ASSOC. 420 Erie St.

Phone 2-8521 Cowhy 6355 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange PINE 626 2-family flat, close to downtown. $7200. $750 down. ALLEN ROAD, 1543 4 rooms, bath, oak floors, large lot. $700 down.

FOREST 2539 Large house, made into 4 apartments. income from apartments, $37.00 week. Has gas furnace. $1000 down, $BO montn. E.

R. CURRIE, Realtor Phone 2-5021 INCOME HOUSES, 5 and 4 rooms, 2 baths, GI Loan. 4 APARTMENTS, 4 baths, gas furnace, 2-car garage. 2 FLATS. 2 baths, double store below, paved corner on busy street.

0. D. COPE CO. St. Clair Phone 274 Port Huron Ph.

8771 1726 24TH STREET FURNISHED summer cottage on the lake. 7 miles from Port Huron. 6 rooms and bath, fine beach. Terms cash. Ph.

2-2360 for additional information. 1361 NEW JERSEY Excellent 2 bed-room house in choice location. Basement, stoker heat, oak floors, gum-wood trim, nicely decorated garage, 2 landscaped lots. Terms at 4 interest. 6589 GRISWOLD TIME TO THINK ABOUT THAT GARDEN 2 bedroom, modern kitchen and bath, about 2Va acres of land.

Terms. 3545 LAPEER Neat 2 bedroom, utility room, city water, garage, Vt acre of land. Terms. R. Sanborn 915 Military Phone 5322, 2-3095, 2-6407 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange 1817 UNION has those extras that make a house a home.

3 regular bedrooms and full bath up, plus a master bedroom beautifully carpeted with 3 closets, one cedar lined. Living quarters carpeted, also den, could be used as bedroom, 2 bath. Automatic gas heat, inside garage, large lot fenced. Drapes, Venetian blinds. Everything goes.

See Nelson, Sturmer for particulars. BY OWNER 3715 Ferndale Drive Very complete 2 bedroom permanent home. Garage. Private beach drive. 14x14 utility room.

Screened porch. Oak and rubber tile floors. Exceptional cupboards and storage space. INCOME PROPERTY FINE two family consisting of five room apartment and bath down; three room apartment and bath up. Basement.

Oil heat. This is in good location, close to downtown. Upper apartment rents for $72 per month. Price $9500. Terms.

Rawlinqs Agency 609 PEOPLES BANK BLDG. Phone Days 6571 Eves. Hoskins 2-0534 Fenner 2-2243 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange 714 TUNNEL A 2 bedroom home in excellent condition. Newly decorated Modern kitchen with garbage disposal. Close to schools and churches.

For ONLY $9500. LOUIS C. PETH0 Office 2-8392 Eves. 2-1649 4622 2-4698 2-2504 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange Moving, Trucking, Storage Bradley Son Moving Trucking Storage 1 521 Eighth St. Phone 2-2961 Painting, Decorating, Papering FLOYD CLARK Painting Contractor Interior, exterior, courteous service, free estimates, deep colors a specialty.

Phone 2-9728 FLOOR Sanding and Finishing Steaming wall repair, washing, painting. Doors, window? adlusted Call 4663 PAPER HANGING PAINTING Sample Books Low Prices Phone 2-2246 PAPER HANGING, sample books, steaming. Painting. Repairing. Estimates.

Bert Fenner Sons. Ph 7-2797. 2-6065. PAPER HANGING and Sample Book. Exterior and Interior Painting.

Ted Nugent. 1014 Beard St. Phone 5473. PAPER HANGING PAINTING Wall Washing Low Prices Phone 2-2897 Piano Tuning and Service EXPERT PIANO TUNING Factory Reconditioning Grinnell Bros. 325 HURON AVE.

PHONE 6129. P120 Rug Cleaning FERGUSON JOHNSON Rug Cleaners-Carpets, Furniture Cleaned. Repaired. 4180 Pine Grove Ave. Phene 5593 Sewer Cleaning, Repairs SEWER TROUBLE REMEMBER THERE IS ONL ONI! R0T0-R00TER To clean your sewers, sinks and drains.

Established Here Since 1940 WM. R. MANN 718 Michigan Work Guaranteed Phone 7611 7965 SEWER PLUGGED Electrically cleaned. One price $10. Every Job Guaranteed.

C. Rogers. 1019 12th St PHONE 6543 2-4360. SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned. Free Inspection.

A. Harris. Phone 2-3184 Items For Rent Floor Sander, Wallpaper Steamer, Paper Hanger Equipment. ACME QUALITY PAINT 521 Water St. Phone 2-8822 Upholstering UPHOLSTERING and Furniture Repair- ing Reasonable prices, free estimates.

PRINGLE'S PHONE 2-5561 FOR WANT AD DEM. FARMS FOR SALE Reg. V. S. 3.U SHOP A SPeClftlHAfl HOUSES FOR SALE 85 2-FAMILY Five rooms and batn down; lour rooms ana Datn up, carpeiea living room and dining room, excellent condition, two lots.

Owner leaving city. Phone 8353, 1725 Scott Ave NEW HOMES Now Ready For Your Inspection A complete community of new homes as Up-to-the-minute as Tomorrow! Beautiful bathrooms with Briggs colored fixtures and chrome accessories. Spacious kitchens with Youngs-town sinks and cabinets. Rezzo flush doors and sliding doors on closets. Choose your own decorating! All have automatic gas heat with forced air and filters.

All ceilings and sidewalls fully insulated. Copper water pipe! Every Home Different Ranch Type Street To Be Paved All Improvements Paid Low Marysville Taxes All F. H. A. Approved BY APPOINTMENT See Them Today Open Sunday 2-6 p.m.

CORNER 14TH and MINNESOTA MARYSVILLE W. L. COOPER REALTOR ROOSEVELT DISTRICT Large Living Room Full Size Dining Hoom 2 Good Bedrooms Corner Lot 78x100 Priced Right See1707 White Street W. L. COOPER' REA1TOR Phone 7193 2-1015 Member Real Estate Lifting Exchange ALGONAC MARINE CITY ST.

CLAIR Homes Farms River Lots TUCKER. REALTOR Algonac Ph. 261 1418 HOWARD ST. Choice 2 bedroom, living room, dining and den beautifully carpeted, large kitchen with lots of cupboards, automatic heat, paved drive, garage, fenced yard. 2444 SHARON LANE Off W.

Water St New! Spacious living room, fireplace, dining, beautiful kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath down. Room up for 2 bedrooms, full basement, oil heat, large lot, all new houses in area. Excellent school facilities. 1725 GRISWOLD ST. Fine 3 befroom, spacious living room, fireplace, oil heat, garage, beautiful lot.

W. Bruce Keys 1113 MILITARY STREET Phone 2-6630 Eves. 4849 SHERMAN WOODS NEW brick and frame home. LARGE living room, dining room, carpeted. MODERN kitchen.

THREE bedrooms. TILE bath. WONDERFUL buy. ASMAN AGENCY Ph. 2-0494.

2-B238S3 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange COUNTRY HOME CUTE Two Bedroom on North Street Wonderful garden spot. Attractive living room, modern kitchen and bath. Excellent water. Oil furnace. Electric hot water heater.

Price Only $6500. BRAND NEW NEVER Lived in two bedroom in the country. Huge living room, oil furnace. Modern kitchen and bath. Terms.

BILL JOHNSTON REALTOR Office 2-7265. Johnston 5748, F. Cogley 7989. L. Cogley 8518, Neville 2-8953 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange 101 DTVISiON YALE 5 room home, two bedrooms, living room, dining, kitchen, toilet and coal shed.

For information, see Howard Barr, Yale. Phone 45-R-5 C5NGER STREET By owner, 2 bedroom year around house, on lake. Priced to sell quickly. Call 2-1396 Sunday or Evenings After 6 912 TENTH STREET Three family home in first class condition has two lower apartments and one up. Basement and furnace.

Separate bath in each apartment. Furniture for two units included In selling price. All units now occupied. Income at present $95.00 per month PLUS Owner's apartment. Don't miss this opportunity to buy a home with a moderate down payment which will pay for itself.

Let us show vou this dandy home today. Full Price Onlv $10,000 BERT D. WRIGHT Phones 7971 B859 2-1393 2-2665 WALTER SPARLING Sales Representative Phone 7-4818 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange 8TH STREET 3 BEDROOM, one down 2 up, living room, dining room, nice kitchen, 3-pc. bath. Very CLEAN HOME for $5,250 LELAND ROAD 2 BEDROOM, living room.

LARGE kitchen, 2-pc. bath. 85x200 foot lot. $4,650, $400 DOWN, $40 oo Per Month. PUB NXW 2 bedroom MODERN Home, living room with fireplace, MODERN kitchen with dining area.

3-pc. bath. HARDWOOD FLOORS, automatic oil furnace and hot water tank, 92x416 foot foot lot. TERMS. INCOME 8TH ST.

2 Apartments plus living quarters. $100 per month income, basement, automatic oil furnace. APARTMENTS FURNISHED. $8,500. John A.

Rowling REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 909'-a Military St. Phone 2-2543 Treend, Mgr. 2-4483 Jones Phone 2-5179 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange HOMES Working men look. We have 2 new homes on US-25, 18 miles from City Hall. Completely modern, reasonably priced, large lots, low taxes, low down payments, school bus Kyle Lomawm, Realtor Warren Parker.

Mgr. Phone 346 or 170-H-i. Open 7 da. The LADIES jjc-i i ii by Dorothy Bond 04 HOWTR) Gf A MAW flS SIMPLE HOUSES FOR SALE 83 2524 MICHIGAN RD. North of TXpeer New brick ranch house, natural fireplace, tile bath, tile kitchen, full basement, all copper plumbing.

Call own- T. for appointment. THRIFTY FOLKS WOULD YOU LIKE a place to live Three 3-room modern apartments and one 5-room apartment for yourself 150 derived from the balance of your house. We have Just uch setup in one of the best north end rental neighborhoods. Close to business, transportation and schools.

WE BUY and SELL LAND CONTRACTS TAMES. ALCOCK REALTOR 2-5141 2-8723 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange VIEW PLUS MARINE CITY 459 NORTH MAIN ST Overlooking tha Blue Water of St. Clair River is one of the better homes in this area, living room 16x26 ft. with cut stone fireplace, den 10x18 ft. with fireplare, modern kitchen, lots of cupboards, garbage disposal, ceramic tile counter.

9x9 breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms 12x15 and 10x15. full bath, and 'j bath both tile, laundry room has Westinghouse automatic washer, automatic hot water furnace, hot water heater, attached garage. This beautiful home has cove ceilings, painted walls, carpeiing. and 3 thermo-pane picture windows, aluminum awning over front patio, well landscaped fenced grounds, extra lot. with garage and outdoor fireplace.

Immediate possession. Shown by appointment only. Dan J. McCarron Selling Homes ts Mv Business 2-7160 REALTOR 2-2113 2-3629 5206 2-3923 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange 4700 GRISWOLD ROAD A Imost new FOUR bedroom modern home with attached garage. Large room with carpeting and "Knotty Pine" finish.

Oil forced air furnace. Large Kitchen with dining space. Concrete Drive. This nice home is complete with combination storm win-dows. insulated attic and lai dvraplng.

Better hurry to see it. The Price is Only LAPEER ROAD Near Allendale School. Almost new four bedroom home with full basement, forced warm air furnace, breereway and two-car attached garage. Extra large lot 1100x4001. Thi owner of this dandy home has moved "Up North" and can give immediate possession.

Full Price Onlv BERT D. WRIGHT Phones 7971 8859 2-1393 2-2663 WALTER SPARLING Sales Representative Phone Member Real Estate Listing Exchange A LOT OF HOME FOR $7,950 Three bedrooms, oak floors, painted walls, full basement, central location. Only $1,450 down. Call for appointment E. F.

SOUTAR. 912 11th St. Ph. P77S 1911 Water, built in lfl4 Four large rooms and bath, newly decorated inside. Will paint outside.

Lot Call 2-4919. JUST finished 5 room home, large utility room, on neat, lot jjoxsj. 4093 st. Clair Highway. By owner.

Us south on St Clair Highway off River Road. Phone St Clair LOTS FOR SALE 88 "Vacant S3 water in, on Farley north side, east of 24th. Make me an olfer. SPARLINGVILLE 2 lots, each 100x280. 4-room house with toilet, cement block construction on 1 lot.

Damaged building on the other. See and make me an offer. F. M. GORDON DAYS Gordon 2-4754.

Conlan 2-2Via, Russell 2-4754 EVES, and SUNDAY Gordon 2-4754, Conlan 7-3832, Russell 2-7366. Member Real Estate Listing Exrhange GRATIOT GARDENS 77x100, NT. cor ner LaSalle Blvd Stone St. Beau-t. fully wooded Call 2-3688 MARYSVILLE Marysville Improvement Co.

Phone 8321 NICE LOT 113x2 4 7 Garage, deep well, fruit trees. Also city water Owner. Call 2-6918 2-2324 13TH AND PINE Sacrifice $800 Phone 2-8414 a ft 5 TWO Adjoining lots 40x120 feet Corner 16th and Vermont, Marysville. Phone 2-049W after 5 OUTSIDE CITY. RTsTrTCTE Lots Also.

5. 10 and 20 acre parcels Terms. Edwin Kllbourne, Broker. Ph 2-9031 500 FT. FRONTAGE on 24th bypass cleared and filled ready for building.

About 15 acres of wooded land included. Priced right. See owner. Phone 2-7391 WANTED TO BUY 90 NICE large lot on Lapeer Road or 24th Street or anvwhere. Near bu iine.

913 Crescent Place WANTED 1 0 BUY I have a party that wants to buv a good Two or Three Bedroom House. North Side of Black River. Cash or Terms. Call 2-0967 if you have one you would like to "GEO. L.

EVANS REALTOR Phone 2-n WILL BUY SEASONED LAND TRACTS on Desirable Property. Times Herald Rox 2 farms WAS'TSb Wt MavfTca'STI BTYFRS WATTING FOR FARMS PETER GRACE. EMMETT, MICH. EfO YOU WANT-to sell vour home qiii-k ly and efficiently Try the MODERN METHOD LIST your property through any one of 18 members of the Real Estate Listing Exchange. Every office and their salesmen have a picture of every listing in the exchange.

call FOR fflCK' "Action" In anyTReal EstaTe "transaction," see JOHN A ROWLING. Rea'tor 909'-2 Military St Ph 2-2543 Treend. Mgr. Ph. 2-463 Jones Member Real Estate Listing Exchange LEGAIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE N'otTci Is Hereby Gtven that on the 26th day of April.

1952. at 9:30 o'clock a m. th undersigned will sell at public sale tithe highest bidder for cash, one '42 Pontiac Club Coupe motor vehicle model numb. 6AG0595H. serial number 496M31728.

at 3003 Moak Street. Port Huron. Michigan. Said motor vehicls is stored at said address and may be inspected at said address ASSOCIATES DISCOUNT CORP. Bv A WILLS, Branch Manager.

4 1T-H MARYSVILLE 1834 Pennsylvania 2 Bedroom Home with Extra Lot Phone 6398 2 BEDROOM HOME For Sale At La keport, one block from lake. Ph 7-4442. FOR SALE BY OWNER A spacious 4 bedroom house, landscaped lot, near school, on busline, oak floors, good furnace, painted walls, upstairs ran be used for 3-room apartment, town ship taxes. $8.250 23Q1 24tn St 3 BEDROOMS, one floor, modern utility room. 1't acres.

Krafft Bd. Phone 2-0906 7 ROOM HOME Four bedrooms, base-ment with furnace, garage, large lot, located at 67877 S. Mam in Richmond, Mich. For further Information call Port Huron 2-7048 after 6 p.m. 2429 WALNUT Exceptionally well kept 4 bedroom with den.

Basement, oil heat and hot water. Beautiful grounds. Be sure to see this one. 2549 PINE GROVE Lovely 2 bedroom overlooking the river. Kitchen with tile counter.

Basement. furnace. Garage. Paved drive. Lovely lot.

Only $2100 down. 4r interest. 1915 OAK 2 bedroom in perfect condition. Carpeted living quarters. Automatic heat and hot water, car garage.

Priced to sell. 3218 WADHAMS RD A most attractive and roomy newer home Beautiful kitchen. Full bath. 12x14 utility room. 1 acre Only $6500.

Frank D. Hilborn 505 10th St. Opposite Super Market Office 2-6103 Eves. 2-5227, 8820, 2-8319 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange 1500 BL6Ck JENKS STREET Two bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Full basement, fur nace.

Extra large lot. Two car cement block garage. $6850. 1600 BLOCK FRANCIS STREET One floor two bedroom home, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Basement with playroom.

Garage. $6850. 20 ACRES Of good farm land with extra good three bedroom home. Full bath, basement, new furnace. Two car garage.

Small barn, chicken coop. Located on paved highway. Fred Kemp REALTOR Office 6154 601 Huron Ave. Evenings 8468 6085 2-2287 "COOPERATIVE LISTING BROKER" This Is A ROOSEVELT SECTION: Among the nicer homes and walking distance to the Roosevelt School is this ideal 2 bedroom home 'all on one floor. Soa-cious and modern throughout.

Excellent decorations. Modern bath. Nice kitchen. Screens and storms. Basement with hot air furnace.

The home is insulated and has a large fenced yard for the children. 2-car garage. This is a Buy at Only $7950. Town Country, REALTY 611 PEOPLES BANK BLDG Office 2-5111 Evenings 2-8672 3-4234 EXTRA! EXTRA! The Price has been reduced on this modern 4 bedroom home, oak floors throughout, stoker, electric hot water heater, sun porch glassed. This property consists of several other buildings, some now rented.

of fruit. 5 lots located on paved street Near school and bus line. This is is really a good buy. Don't watt, call us now for appointment. GOING TO BUILD? Then why not let us show you this desirable lot located on 22nd St.

Only $550. $700 DOWN 22 Acres, 2 bedroom house, insulated. Hencoop, city waVer. Near school. R.

J.WILSON REALTOR 6-7 Stewart Block Days 9020: Eves. 8803. 2-7169. 5202. 8797 2103 DIVISION ST Nearly new 2 bed room bungalow.

Select oak floors and trim, large kitchen, painted wans, oil furnace, corner lot. Priced to sell. Low down payment. 804 ERIE ST. Price reduced.

Dandy 3 bedroom home. Close in. Basement, new oil furnace, everything top condition. Can be bought furnished. Easy terms.

See this home today. PATERS0N REALTY Phone 8082 -6678 2-9253 Member Real Estate Listing Exchange 3148 RABIDUE ROAD A DOLL'S HOUSE (not by Ibsen). This is the most attractive 2-bedroom bungalow you could possibly find. Plastered and painted walls, oak floors, large attractive kitchen with plenty of cupboards, oak floors. Venetians, storm windows, grade school 1 block, lot 83x350.

Road is black-topped. 1328 10TH ST. 1 block to Washington School: 1 bedroom and bath down: 2 bedrooms up: basement: furnace and stoker, new 80-gallon electric water heater: new roof; reduced to $6,300 with $1500 down. 5550 GRISWOLD 5 rooms and bath on one floor, basement, furnace, water heater, oak floors, water system, 3-car garage, chicken coop, fruit, 3 acres land Terms. 821 PINE Live downtown in this EXCELLENT HOME.

Rent rooms or make an apartment upstairs There are 2 living rooms down, one of which would make a bedroom. 4 large bed rooms and bath up. hardwood floors. nasement. gas heat and hot water, fully insulated, garage, very large lot that is beautifully landscaped.

167 PARKS RD. Now is the time to buy this 140acre farm: clay loam: 6 acres timber: 2 deep wells: 3 barns 36x80. 45x60 and 25x40, respectively: cow stable; 6 bedroom home with basement and Holland furnace: $15,000. 3404 RIVERSIDE DR. Near Pine Grove.

Built in 1947, large living room, dining room. 2 spacious bedrooms, full bath, kitchen and dinette, entrance hall, large utility room with oil furnace, electric water heater, laundry tubs, screens, storm windows, large lot. 1620 LYON Built 1946: 4 rooms and bath on 1 floor; also utility room with leundry tub; maple floors; plastered and painted walls; kitchen has cupboards, counter and ample dining space: Venetian blinds and oil circulator included: fully Insulated: Cnamberlin storms and screens; large fenced lot: garage; side drive; paved street: close to school and bus: $6,950 with terms AND QUICK POSSESSION. Morrow Realty 915 Military St. Phones 7873.

2-196T "CO-OPERATIVE LISTING BROKER" Pays You St 00 Month MODERN kitchen arid bath, 3 bedrooms, living room down. 3 bedrooms, bath up to rent. Separate entrances. Base ment, oil heat, oil water heater, sta tionary tubs, garage, corner 'ot. Price sinooo Will finance.

ED. CURRIE Broker 320 Peoples Bank Phone 7300. 2-7454 2 NEW small homes on Harvey in SparlingviUe. Plastered, running water, inside toilet, large lot. $3300.

$300 down and $35 per month, or 2800 cash. Phon e-4861. ROOSEVELT SECTION 2 years old, 2 bedrooms, automatic heat, utility room, garage and cement drive. none z-8839 GARAGE type house, finished Inside and out. To be moved off lot.

Rea- sonahle. Phone 7-4533. RUBY 3 bedroom house, modern, with oil furnace, attached garage, 1 acre land. $7000. Terms.

Thomas L. Cog- gan. Broker. Fargo. Phone Yale 99-r-6.

MARINE CITY 5 rooms, bath and base ment. In good condition. Priced to sell at $4200. Phone 8062 before 6:00 or Marine City 2-4084. WELL LOCATED Home! near Junior College.

Tourist's rooming house. Living room, dining room, kitchen, den. five bedrooms, oak floors, basement, furnace, wired for electric stove. Fire Insurance Mortgage Loans Roy M. Snellgrove REALTOR 628 Water St Phone 4fiO 3-1792 RANCH TYPE New Home.

Modern Kitchen and Bath Gas Air Condition Heat. Immediate Possession. Only $1300 Down. See 2525 Spruce. W.

L. Cooper REALTOR PHONE 7193 2-1015 Member Real Estate Listing IxcbiBf PROGRAMS Channel 4 WXYZ Channel 6:00 Today's News 6:15 Bob Murphy's Sports 6:30 Space Cadet 6:45 Linger Awhile 7:00 Big Game Hunt 7:30 Life with Linkletter 8:00 The Hot Seat 8:30 Stu Erwin Show 8:00 Rebound 9:30 Tales of Tomorrow Fran and Oili Take a Holida 10:00 Cavalcade of Stars 11:00 News 11:15 Mot. Pic. Academy PROGRAMS KXIZ Channel 7 8:43 Music Test Pattern Western Theater 10:00 Feature film 11:00 The Erwins 11:30 Star Matinee 12:00 City Hospital 12:30 Personal Apearanca 1:00 Round-up Time 4:45 Wayne 5:00 United or Not 5:30 Crusade for Christ 6:00 Hail the Champ 6:30 On Trial 7:00 Wrestling 8:00 TV Teen Show 8:30 Fights 9:30 Feature Film Show of Shows Hit Parade the Victim 11:00 Song Time and Music 11:30 America Back to God TELEVISION FOR SALE 54 ALL WORK GUARANTEED DAY NIGHT SUN. HOLIDAYS DE SERVICE -Phone 2-9752 17" Table Model $189 Antennas Installed and Moved VATTER RADIO SERVICE 5057 Griswold Phone 2-6581 T.

V. ANTENNAS Installed and Repaired, S45 and up All Work Guaranteed Phone 2-7891 Kern T. V. Service "BONIN" TV SERVICE ANTENNAS INSTALLED $50 up Specialized In Aerial Repair 616 ST. CLAIR ST.

Phone 5967 ADMIRAL AND R.C.A. 1952 MODELS AT BRADBURY'S 1701 Gratiot Marysville. Ph. 2-3596 Reconditioned TV Sets 10" 12" 16" S65 up USED APPLIANCE OUTLET 612 Water St. Phone 2-9851 HANK CEAS0R Offers R.

C. A. Westinghouse Sylvania DuMont Arvin Sentinel Emerson SERVICE CALLS 9 a.m. -9pm. The TELEVISION STORE 615 WATER ST.

CALL 2-5157 WILTON'S SALES and SERVICE GE Table Model Installed with 20-pt. antenna. 6139.95. 2703 Pine Grove Ph. 2-9611: Eves.

6700 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 64 BED. springs and mattress, full size; Warm Morning heating stove, cheap. 213 12th St. Phone 2-9885 MODERN Norge gas range, clean, ex- 1414 pine Grove GRINNELL'S Trade-in Sale Reconditioned Pianos Uprights and Grands BUY ON EASY-BUDGET TERMS GRINNELL'S 325 Huron Ave. AVERILL'S antiques.

furniture and gifts; also wanted to buy. antiques, cil lost rn. aouj WHITE porcelain Kalamazoo combina-tion gas range. Cheap' 1528 St. Clair St Phone 2-8736.

BARTON washer, used, 3 years old. runs good, $29.95. $7 down. Easiest terms in town. SHOFFNER'S, 943 Military.

Phone 5166. Open Fri- day nights. 5-PIECE CHROME Dinette Sets $59 95 and up, large selection to choose from. HOAG CABINET SHOP. 5223 Gratiot 8 PIECE walnut dining room set, 8 years old, good condition.

Very rea-sonable. Phone 2-8163 before 6 p.m. STOP SHOP Pemberton Used Furniture 720 Elm wood St. Phone 2-6382 or 2-8395 Hours 1:00 till 6:00 p.m. LEAVING STATE Complete household articles for sale.

Friday, April 18, 1J22 12th Avenue. Phone 2-0551. E. electric range, used, $49.95. S10 down Easiest terms in town.

SHOFFNER'S, 943 Military. Phone 5166. Open Friday nights. MAHOGANY Corner Cabinet, mahogany desk, drop-leaf table, 4 chairs, serving table 114 15th. HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS $10.95 up.

Also late models Huh Appliance Stores. Ph. 8145 GARDEN and LAWN TOOLS Fertilizer for Lawns or Gardens Whitney Lawn Seed W. P. SMITH HARDWARE SOUTH PARK NOTICE! Harvey's Used Furniture, 3326 L-apcer, tiosea temporarily on account Port Huron Thrift ShoD 1726 24TH STREET PHONE 8771 XEY Living Room Furniture and 3 pairs of drapes.

Good discount. Ph. S269 after 7 RUGS 9x18 gray Wilton leaf, S75; 8x11 green and beige floral. S50. Pads 1303 15th S.

WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator. used. iu down Easiest terms in town. SHOFFNER'S 943 Mllitarv Phone 5166 Onen Thuns Vi gay nignts. ATTENTION LADIES! Apex Washer, original price $139.50 SLIGHTLY' USED $69.95 Kimball Appliance Co 824 7th Street Phone 6163 ODIN gas range, S24.95.

S5 down. easiest terms in town. SHOFFNER'S 943 Military Ph. 5168 upen Friday Nights LOVE SEAT AND CHAIR Newlv cov ered by Ballentines. Reasonable Phone 2-8689 FUEL 65 SEASONED WOOD Slab or Body Delivered Custom Chain Sawing Phone BAGGED COAL All Types BON ELL COAL 1234 Fourth Street SLEEPING ROOMS 73 ROOM and board for three girls.

18-23. Large home, privileges, very reasonable, PHstn tua 4,. LARGE double sleeping room in private iiTjnivr. suiuck ior i or 2 ladles or gentlemen. Downtown district.

Connections to bus. Fhone 9723. SERVICE, CALL THE COMPETENT FIRMS LISTED IN THE SERVICE DIRECTORY FIND WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR 7171 ASK FOR WANT ADS .610 Church Street Television Servicing LARRY'S TELEVISION SERVICE Phone 2-5964 KEN'S TV SERVICE 5109 North Road NORTH STREET PHONE 7-3146 Do You Have An Accordion or other ins'rument you are not using Trade it in on a Gnnnell TV Set or Television Radio-Phonograph. We Pay Highest Prices Phone 6129 or Visit GRINNELLS 325 Huron Ave. $15 00 CASH YOUR OLD RADIO S3 30 PER WEEK Buys a large 12'2 inch ZENITH table model EXCELLENT condition, good picture qualitv.

90 day warranty. COMPLETE with aerial installed. Nothing more to pay. STAX MARENGO Television Appliance Headquarters 627 Huron Ave 2 Blocks N. of City Hall Phone 2-6551 ONE 12'a inch Motorola television.

Guaranteed Like new. $89 50. Stin-" son Appliance. 718 Huron. Ph 6406.

FARM MACHINERY 63 USED FARM MACHINERY Tractors. Combines, Drills. Rakes. Spreaders. Balers and other farm machinery.

Priced to sell. Ruth Farmer's Elevator, Inc. Ruth HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ott NORGE oil heater. 5 room size. Two 50-gallon oil drums.

Can be seen at 1308 ite rnone z-voxo. WADHAMS HARDWARE Goulds oumps. bathroom fixtures, pipe and supplies. 8 to 8 Sunday iu io Automatic Hot Water The Modern Electric Way EXCLUSIVE A. O.

SMITH Process com bines the enduring protection of GLASS with the structural strengxn of STEEL. To Discover Whv Phone or Write DAVID A IRWIN 1233 Lapee- Ave. PHONE 4814 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New Hot-Point 8 3 Cu Foot Refrigerator Only $174 50 Pay Only 627 down $3.35 per week Goodvear Service Store 1121 MILITARY PHONE 5131 USED GAS STOVES, used refrigerators, home freezers, floor samples. Real huvs 1513 Carleton. KNIGHT'S REFRIGERATION.

Phone 2-0157. 19 Years in the Same Location USEDVACUUM CLEANERS $ll50 UP Regina Port Huron Agency 814 10th St. Phone 2-7361 7 PIECE walnut dining room suite, best offer. Phone 7-2552 GAS HEAT IS BEST CFIf VOI DFA1 FR or SOUTHEASTERN MICH. GAS CO.

937 Military Street Phone 5125 SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE ALWAYS a good buy in a reconditioned, slightlv-used, or new machine at SINGER STOP IN OR PHONE US. SINGER SEWING CENTER 513 WA TE SJT PHONE 5961 WASHING MACHINES as low as S21.50. good running condition. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE SUPPLY CO. 931 Pine Grove Phone 8948 ELECTROLUX Like new, late model.

$35.00. K1RBY CO. 2406 Tenth St Phone 2-7371 DIXON'S. 708 Lapeer, electric mantel clock. $2.95: washing machine.

Speed Queen. $19 95; rocker, newly uphol-fc stered. Si-95. GENERAL ELECTRIC white tub washer, runs and looks like new, $55. Your washer in trade.

Washer and vacuum repairing. Free estimates. MAC'S WASHER REPAIR. 124 Minne. Phone 2-3328 SOLID oak dinette set.

$35 takes set Inquire 1331 Cedar 9 to 12 Noon 9x12 BLUE RUG Will Sell Cheap 1512 7th St. Call Before 7 p.m. 4 PIECE solid mahogany "Duncan Phyfe set. Like new. Reasonable.

425 L5th St. Yes We Buv We Sell We Trade FORT GRATIOT TRADING POST 2J2.1 Gratiot Call 2-4063 ANTIQUES lamps, tables. 2 matching chairs, pic-' tures. hat-not. patterned glass and odd dishes; also bedroom suite.

$80; odd springs and mattress. $20; mirror-4 ed wardrobe. $35: miscellaneous arti-. rlev 1221 Pine Grove. Ph.

7779. BUFFET, drop leaf table. 4 chairs, liv- ing room suite with slipcovers- fhone 7542 SPINET rocker, desk and chair, oc casional table, love seat, davenport and chair with slipcover. Phone 5400 fter 3 p.m. FURNITURE.

22 inch girVs bicycle. Spanish guitar. 4J3 Lapeer Kd DAVENPORT Mulberry brocatelle down cushions- Good condition. $50. Phone 2-1853 NEW Admiral portable sewing ma- chine, siza.

Phone 2-7903 OAS stove, used 7 months; console radio combination: also baby stroller and rrall tricycle Phone 2-0348. EMPUtE barrel chair and matching $70. New webbing. Phone 6504 OIL PtHNIH $15 Call 2-290T Furnace, Stove Repairing JACK QUIN LAN-Installs Services Cleans Warm Air Furnaces Duo-Therm Heaters Oil and Gas Burners FREE ESTIMATES 1331 10TH ST. PHONE 5608 FURNACES, stokers, oil and gas con version burners installed and servicea, cleaned.

C. Recor. 4239 Lapeer 7-2816 Special Furnace Cleaning, $7 SHAVER Heating, 1115 10th St. Ph. 2-8832 Gardening and Landscaping BASEMENTS and yards cleaned, rubbish removed.

Phone 2-3042 BLACK dirt, sand, driveway gravel, fill dirt. KIRKEGAARD. Phone 7-3498, 2-9330, 9791, 5809 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, $1.75 yd Gravel, $2.00 5 yard lots. Fill Dirt, 75c yd. Sand, Clay 2432 10th St.

chone 6839 BLACK DIRT, Sand, Driveway Gravel, Crushed Stone, Clav, Manure. Phone 2-6748 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Dirt. Basement digging and bulldozing. Phone 7-4931 BLACK DIRT, Sand. Clay and Gravel.

Basement digging and bulldozing. William Hall Jr. Call 2-4550 CINDERS FILL DIRT MANURE RUBBISH REMOVED Phone 2-1831 GARDENS PLOWED Gladioli bulbs for sale. Joseph Breckon. Phone 7-2699 3066 Krafft Road.

WE BUILD Lawns, Drivewavs, Parking Lots "HALL BROTHERS DEALERS IN DIRT PHONE 2-0742 PIT GRAVEL Phone 2-6959 or 5703 LAWN CUTTING By the Season or by Appointment Call Z-26B7 House Movers House and Machinery Moving FOUNDATIONS UNDER PINNING HOUSE MOVERS J. E. Davis Sons COMPANY Ph. Port Huron 5513 or Algonac 884-J-2 Items For Rent FOR RENT 23 inch floor scrubber and polisher, hand or power lawn mower. lawn roller.

Phone 2-6643. Moving, Trucking, Storage EARL SWEET MOVERS Weekly trips to and from all noints in Michigan. 1216 Laoeer Dial 4678 2-5130 E. BRADLEY Reliable Movers. Don't fuss, dont cuss, call us.

Reasonable. 1511 Washington. Phone 2-0392. IN THIS COLUMN FHONE 7171 ASK.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.