Tyler Morning Telegraph from Tyler, Texas (2024)

Tyler Morning Telegraph TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1966 IX RENTAL IX REJVT A1J3 VII LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES 90 Houses Cnfurnished 83- Apartments Furnished 70 Pets, Stock Supplies WE HAVE 2 and 3 hedroom hornet for lease or rent Some ean -be ourrhased for Small Down Payments Call Rob-Inwood Bulldffig Co. LY 2-6518 Uoton REG; COLLIE Pups; Male -A- Female. FURNISHED APARTMENT Tor rent. AUTHORIZED Ready now $35 eacn. LY 3-2345.

bills paid 625 South Augusta Bean LY 3-1514 Neil wncox iy i-'hi Victor Peutz 4-3279 AT STUD. 8" Sliver Toy Poodle, Champion blood line. Call Frankston UP 6-2426 or UP 6-2214. 3-BEDROOM 1 bath $135 oei mo. VILLA MILANO TYLfR'S NEWEST FINEST South, Tyler near.

Green. Acres Center. BEAUTIFUL Baby Rabbits (or sale. Black white and gray. Will make nice Christmas gift.

LY 3-9308. MA I IS Si MAT1SE AaaouiA 1 CO. LY 2-6521, NICE 6-RM. '220 wiring. Nice loca-tlon.

Shop. cent. Adults only No pets. Come see. 3318 Chandler Hwy.

2-0993. BEAUTIFUL CHAMPAGNE female Peke-A-Poo for sale LY 2-5989; Large 1 2 bedroom furnished unfurnished apartments. All electric kitchens, dish washers, disposals. For luxury living at a moderate price $125. up.

Call AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS. TERMS, LY 3-6994. 3 completely redecorated attio TYLER JNGINEJ, TRANSMISSION 1408 W. ERWIN IY 2-8224 REBUILT MOTORS V8 CHEV. FORDS $21 525 Installed including labor, gaskets, oil, oil filter, grind seat valves All Others Reduced Rebuilt Transmissions FORDS POWERGLIDE $75 00 Installed New Fluid 1408 ERWIN LY 2-8224 (an, washer 220 wiring separate gar.

with storage nice vd. LY 3-3469 LY 2-2361. NORTH TYLER AKC REGISTERED -Poodles. Black miniature. $35.

Call GI 6-2481 at Edom. Texas. AKC BOSTON Terrier. 3 Tears old. Reg.

$50. Also white Pekingese 7 mo. old. Reg. S65.

3816 Appletree Lane LY 3-5683. Large BR. and kitchen BARGAIN 1 2-bedroom. central heat, air cond. plugs, redecorated washer near Tyler's best elementary: Jones.

See today at 531 Sunnvslde Dr. Private bath garage. Bills Pd. $50 per mo. llOOVa N.

confederate. LY 4-5991; night No. LY 3-3261. 2-BEDROOM, carpeted, garage, ample storage. 1027 Noond ay Rd.

LY 3-2789. AKC WIRE TERRIER PUPS LY 3-6994 4 ROOM Unfurnished house Ouiet location $30 per month Whitehouse. Tex Call TE 9-4301 or after 5 I 4-3859 iMsttsS FOR SALE REG. CHIHUAHUA Phone TU 2-3317 LINDALE. TEXAS TOWNE OAKS 4001 OLD BULLARD RD.

With Usable Old Block Price Installed TOY POODLE FuppieSjl tiny brown female. 1 white male. TF, 9-4893. NICE 4-ROOM house. Floor furnace.

Fenced yard. 1702 Lake Placid. $47 50 monthly. LY 3-3607. One Two Three Bedrooms Includes Gaskets Oil and Oil Filter 72-A Cattle individually heated A Cooled Dishwasher Disposer A 13' Refr NEW HOME for lease: 3-BR.

2 bath, HA, electric kit. Lge breakfast rm. with built-in buffet. Covered patio. 2000 sq.

ft. Just completed. $175. Call LY Utilities TV Cable Paid SPECIAL STOCKER COW SALE VI MERCHANDISE IV EMPIAtYMENI 3-BR. BRICK.

Bath V2, S.E.. clean. Clarkston. Moore Sens. cor.

lot. Ref. All downstairs All with separate oatlos Pull size Pool Rates 14P to $23 Henderson County Live Stock Auction. req. Call LY 2-3355.

35 Child Care inc. Dec. 31st. 1966. 1 P.m., Ath 50 Miscellaneous For Sale -223 Cu.

In. $2093 332Cu.ln. $28224 JACK AND JILL VILLAGE Day Nur- NICE 3-BEDROOM House between, Gary Hogg School. 309 W. Dobbs.

LY or LY 3-2231. 272 Cu. In. 292 Cu. In.

312 Cu. In. Hot lunch, snacks. Hourly, daily We have a few acaneies Proud to show our facilities USED GARDEN TRACTOR Js CHAIN or weekly. LY 3-'7 or LY ens, lexas.

BUU iu izuu iieau ui vuuus band tested local cows fresh out of the country. Brahman. Crosses. Hereford. Angus.

Several head of Reg. Angus cows, mixed caws, young stacker Bulls Commissions 3. not to exceed brick, walking Ferrell PI. Bob SAW f'UK BALE. CALL LY 2-8201 2-BEDROOM white distance town.

306 Gaston. LY 2-2530. PHONE LY 2-2665 EDUCATIONAL CLOTHESLINE POLES $12.50 set. 41 Schools 2-BEDROOM Frame on 7 acres of Delivered. Heavy steel.

Bored lor lines. Painted. 3-3060. $7.50 per head. Extra consignment solicited.

BUI Wendelln Auctloneef. For information call Reagan Jenkins. Office Ph. OR 5-3333. Home phone OR iana Mattie Jones Sch.

$65. BR' FHAMB nor Rl AT HOME HIGH 5-3540. CLOSE-OUT sale, clothes, furniture, bikes, what-nots, antiques. Iron beds. Reduced prices.

Bobbles Browsing Shop. 1314 W. Erwln. LY 3-0354. shade trees, lge.

lot. Will furnish if desired. Call LY 3-4S50. EIGHT F-l TYPE heifers. 1 year-old.

Hereford and Angus cross. LY 2-3663. CLAXTON FRUIT CAKE AND. CANDY House pecan log on sale now -old Dickason Jewelry downtown location. West side square.

Open 9:30 until 2-30. $1 per pound 1 2 3 Lb. sizes. Proceeds ao 2611 INDUSTRIAL. 2-BR.

Floor fur. nace. Washer elec. stove conn. $60 FIREPLACE WOOD.

LY 2-8201 FOR SALE: 40 Brahman Cross bred heifers, approx. weight 330 to 340 lbs. SCHOOL Nationwide 90 Day Warranty or 4,000 Miles, Whichever Comes First WABB1 lF0flMS. 700 West Erwin Street LY muuiy. UMI liX J-JZO.

ELECTROLUX Vacuum Cleaner Gom-olete 'with attachments. Lika new 2 average, will sell 10 or more in grouo priced according to amount taken SOUTH TYLER LOCATinN (f you didn't finish high school write Close In. phone LY 2-0964. vrs. guarantee.

.519.95. LY Z-9U91 New 3-bedroom house, large llvlns room kitchen, loads of closet space. Panel rav heat, utt.le fan. call American School today for free to mental retardation program. KIRBY VACUUM Cleaner, like new with all attachments, 2 years guar-.

7 NICE weaned white face heifers. 15 TOP Springing Poll Hereford. Heif. garage with storage washer connec- VERY 1 BR. bills od Adults Rntee.

$49.95 LY 2-9091. oooKiers Ten now vou cnn earn High School Diploma which can be validated hy the State Department of Education S6 0O ner month Includes new books and Instruction Our fifltb year uuiis. Dricg liar-B-y pit. $68.50 per month. Pecan nr nn tnnn 191 ers and cows.

1 GOOD milk nurse cow. Several Brahman Crossbred heifers oniy 4pi. 1-S40 apl j-soa lou? e. Earle Call LY 2-5298 OAid- llvtna room suites refrigerators, dinette sets off New Henderson Hwy. LY 4-5991.

cows. 1 Reg. Poll Hereford null. Bell IV EMPLOYMENT lots or ocms ana enas vuii Paint Co.jLY 3-3670. 724 Flelshel.

one or all CHEAP or trade ror duiis. ff ANNOUNCEMENTS 5 ROOM house. Fenced In yard. 424 cull cows or other livestock. Give uiuuaey ijane.

AMERICAN SCHOOL, CT. Box 1207, Longvlew, Texa PL 8-5345 30 Hell. Wanted, Maie nr take nirrerence. Also lb goose KNAPP SHOES JOHN DURESS LY 2-0367 19 Alcoholics Ationwtnows neck stock trailer. 6ell cheap or trade PARKWOOD APTS.

707 S. Broadway. LY 3-7601 NUNNELEE HIGHTOWER APTS. 2-BEDROOM, dining room frame. Attic fan.

Floor furnace. Fenced baclt yard. 1613 Baruth. $60. LY 3-8648.

for wnat-nave-vou, m-b3. tingore SERENITY AA GROUP Meetings Tuesday and Thursday nights. 8:00 Instructions BELL HOWELL Projector, 8 MM. New. Also Camera with tri-pod and 3 lenses.

$100.. LY 2-6384. DUNN'S Transmission Shop OLDEST IN EAST TEXAS 105 Cosron LY 3-4891 18ms. Pm. rinia Phone LY 4-2650.

LIVING Dining comb. 2 BR. and den. Kit-breakfast nook. Lg.

storage. Washer conn. In good condition LY Sunday Hotel Building. CATTLE FOR SALE 428 431 S. Broadway.

LY 3-3724 ROCKHOUNDS: MINERAL SPECIMENS from private collection for sale. Go out Chandler Hwy. to second house 21 Personal 1315 DAWSON- ntvi newW 7ml 15p Cross-bred cattle Fl Heifers. Reasonable Rate MEMORIAL GIFTS of or donations to American Cancer Society mav be mail on left past Apache Drive In Theatre LY 3-5317. decorated, walking distance of BelL Moore TJC.

Fenced back yard. GLEN WOOD VINE AREA BOY'S 12-18 NOW IS THE TIME TO INVESTIGATE THE load up on good young; Cross-bred ed In care of your local postmas i-toa aner on wk. days. 8x32' Custom De suocKers. oome caives ua mm sruunu MEN NEEDED MACHINISTS and DRAFTING TRAINEES ter Tvler ror imormauun cuutciu- 2339 OTSH MNF I.K.

Krlnl. A luxe. Cost new $4,600. Sacrifice ng this ano an services cap ui I AUTOMOTIVE chain link $80 nio. Eel $2195.

want to buy tractor equip 4 Black Ansus Bulls ii MEN With strained marital relations. ment Polaroid cameras. LY -3J3 oi.cveiiaua tt-fita or J-14ttb. 1 Red Registered Angus uii. lj 1 Passenger Cars BE GENTLE, be ktnd.

to that'exnen. 3-4970. W. E. Socla.

NEAR THE HOSPITALS, 6 ROOM movi In on our uivoklb kuw. rn-vate rooms, maid service, carports all you can eat at prices you can't Call Bill LY 4-2333 sive carpet, clean It with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer SI. Simpson HOUSE. WASHER CONN.

LY 2- Give Us a Try r-nmnarft Refrire YOU Buy 72-D Dorses FANNIN PLAZA 603 a Fannin. LY 3-7601 SHOLOMANOR APTS 1208 E. Houston. LT 4-4291 ROBERTSON TERRACE 80S 8. Robertson.

LT 3-7801 Efficiency 1 St 3 Bedroom Apartments AU Bills Paid $72 50. $147 50 oer month Carpets St Drapes Air Conditioned Coin-Op Laundry eTlle Baths Drus Store. OPPORTUNITIES OF 1557. -i i Ar? ASH WORTH AUTOMOBILE LKL RANCH HORSE FOB 8 ALB APPALOOSA STUD SERVICE S00 GREENBRIAR Up to $2.41 ber hour while tralnlnr. Up to $4.37 per hour after completion of training.

OUR INDUSTRY RELIES ON, YOUR 25 Fraternal and Religious GOOD USED Furniture. All kinds. Linoleum rugs at $3.95 Atkins Furniture. 1321 West Krwin. Cent.

heat. Fenced yd. 223 wiring. 2301 Pleasant. Call LY' 4-5160, FOR RENT or lease: 2-bathT REG MARE Colts.

Triple Stud Call 3-8380 EXTRA nice dining room suite, bed spring, clothes, new boy's bicycle Si '61 CHEVROLET. Black Sports Coupe. Standard. V8. Extra clean.

Call 2-5oll or NEW. '65 2-door, DODGE DART under 7,000 ml. RH air, $1595 1122 Powers Dr. LY 4-9906. CLEAN '63 model T-Bird, 50,000 miles.

41595 sell or trade. LY ricg nouse, located at 3317 Teak-wood. Water' bill pd. Shown bp ap. ONE BEAUTIFUL Spirited Black Mare.


INMAN i sc 3-5652. wiiumcni umy. ijail IE y-48O. One Borrei Mare, one miniature Dnev lanrl TU 5-3838. BUNK BEDS with mattresses $30 for rnmrtl.it.

cet. Rpe nf. (Or. wRaniTRN SADDLE for sale for $9S. 3-BR, BRICK: 1429 N.

Church. Attio fan. near school. Excellent condition. $65 mo.

LY 3-9803. LY 4-2780 or write Box 496. Tvler Tanelowood Addition'. Ira nnriripd Heat and is in real rood will not meet tonight. MOST for the money I 1 BR.

PRIVATE. Bills Dd, Adults. Apt. 1 St 2. $60 1602 Lawrence.


COME BY TODAY AND FILL OUT AN APPLICATION. APPLY CIRCULATION DEPT. 410 ERWIN TYLER. COURIER' TIMES condtlon.v Also have bridle and other courier-limes givine name. age.

aa dress and phone number. 5-rOOm frame. With new flnnr fnrTiQa- ELECTRIC GE Clothes Dryer, automatic dial control. Good buy, $55. Call TW 4-2706.

riding equipment, can ly j-jud. 224 S. Fairmont $ao per mo" G.S.I.C. 3-RM. FURN.

garage apt, 3Va blks. from P.O., to couple or working 1958 FORD V8. 4-dr. Stand, shift. Good tires.

In good condition. $200. Npvt to Methodist Church In Swan. CLEAN 1954 good hv and make offer. 3027 Old Chan LY.

3-3444 Ralph Hager, W. M. Clayton E. Dean, Sec'y. ladies.

Reasonable rent. 2-2893. 3 2 bath brick. Close to elemen 10 KID PONIES FOR SALE FOR Barbie house In good new Barbie car, large size. LY 2-1312.

VI MEKCnAHDISE tary school. 3033 Berrvhill Dr. $12J mo. LY 2-3618. LY 2-2590.

dler Rd. A- Golf St rt 2 BEDROOM brick, well est.ahllsherl McNally's Corral. Interstate 20 last. Canton. Tex.

829-2365. Oakland. JEEP 4 WHEEL DR. EXCELLENT apecsas utiiicei 50 Miscellaneous; For Sale SOUTH TYLER LOCATION Large LB. dining room, BR screened In back porch, private garage.

Walking distance to town or shopping center. Quiet. Adults $65 per mo. All bills pd. 304 Bonner.

Apt. B. LY 4-5991 night. No. LY 3-3261 MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR.

JERRYS SEED GARDEN SUPPLY. 207 E. Erwln: Southeast corner of Square LY 3-7491. CLAXTON FRUIT CAKE COND. LY 2-0689.

neighborhood. Birdwell School Dls. trict, 1314 S. Robertson. W.

W. Ghes-nut Realtor. I.Y 2-2189 FOR SALE: One 1 horse trailer. Also one gelding. Very gentle.

Call 589- AND CANDY House pecan log on sale now 1196 Jacksonville, rex, 2 LR. hric.k Sen rten rent. Hi '59 IMPALA Chevy. automatic V-8 radio heater, white, clean, $495. Scaees Motor Co.

219 S. Palace, ALLEN SALES COMPANY blocks off Erwln St on Chandler Hwv Damaged freight bankrupt smoke Si water damaged merchandise Come ft see we might have It net orice.v comnare anvwhere. Carpet, fenced yd. $85. 1326 Powers NEED two salesmen to sell SENIOR POLICY advertised on TV for Tvler 73 Hay Grain Feed old Dickason Jewelry -downtown THE BARCLAY ur.

3-0582 after 5 p.m. (Open) WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA The world's largest selling encyclopedia and the usuable for students. Terms as low as $10 down and S6 a month available. For Information write Division Office. 770 S.

CHRISTMAS 8pectal: Clean '63 Volkswagen. See at 2737 Old Bullard Road. GOOD COASTAL HAY. 65c St 75o at and surrounding areas, leaus i.u nichori rrmtncf. Murohv.

Carl. location. West side square. Open 9:30 until 2:30. $1 per pound.

the barn, ly z. junce. LY 2-3603. ton Hotel. Room 606.

Before 9:30 and 4-BEDROOM brick, 2'a baths. Central heat. Clean house. Walking distanca to Ramey Elementary Boulter Jr. High Schools.

$115 month. Call Bur-ton Rozelle. 2-0821 or 4-5412. highly fertilized coastal hay, TV SERVICE CALI $3 50 Call Bennle Cray's TV Service Old Bullard Road PH IY 3-1061 after 7:30 m. xuesoay.

inruugu rif Beckham or call LYrlc 2-4875. 1958 MERCURY. 1 owner, automatic A C. V-8 4 Extra clean. $295.

1-2-3 Lb. sizes. All Proceeds 45c per bale and up. Rabon Hit t. LY dav morning Bcaggs Motor to.

iiv P. ramie. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Go To Mental Retardation Pro 2-BR. BRICK, drapes, attic fan, fenced storage, Ramey HIGH-QUALITY coastal bermuda hay: Free from weeds and grass burrs. 7 55 GAL.

BARRELS $1 50 UP Taros canvas Items Tool hardware Trailers mach eaup Tires. Manv other items1 Surplus Discount Center Olade-rater Hwv at Loon 323 21 to 35 years old. no 3301 S. Broadway one St Two bedrooms GE. All Electric Kitchen Utilities Cable nahl Large recreation center (with cool) Children's playground 5 Minutes from downtown Rates from 1135 Call LY 2-1060 SEWING MACHINES UNCLAIMED CHRISTMAS LAY-A-WAY $48.20 $7U.

4-04y, 2-lb3. ml. East of Tvler. LY 3-9717. less than 59 tail, itu ira.

School graduate or equivalency. Salary 3 BR HOUSE. NEWLY DECORATED $7 RIDING stable and family, vacations. Ranch. Frankston.

Texas. 876- 2273. GOOD COASTAL and common bermu da. 50c bale at barn, near wuuniau. uxi a.

iravis LY 2-2712 3-4482 $417.50 alter monms. umwrmi iui-rilshed. paid vacation, sick leave- and 1960 STUDEBAKER converllDls. v-o automatic, radio heater. $295.

Bcaggs Motor Co. 219 S. Palare. 1960 Rambler -V-8 4-dbor. standard shift radio heater.

New tires, $395. Bcaggs Motor Co. '219 8. Palace. '60 BLACK Impala Conv.

New white top Si engine. 18.000 milts. AFB Carb. and' new floor shift Tinted windows. P'S.

$795. LY 3-6244. USED LUMBER St bldg materials oloe steel fireplace wood Tvler Lumber ffe Salvage. 7n Ferguson LY 4-5R03 LY 2-3147 or Quitman -joj-woa. ret NOt necessary LO live EAR CORN wanted.

Will pay accord- III BUSINESS DIRECTORY trio lrxr limits nf Tvler. APPll 1509 TROUP 2 Lr Sc kit. Needs cleaning up. Reduce rent. A bargain.

$35. 3-5712. mg to quality, ly a-uioi. cations, mav be obtained frorn Police TWO 196B ZIO AG Sewing machines In cabinets. Does everything without attachments.

Button holes, monograms et. $48.20 cash or $5 monthly. For free home demonstration call 3-2173. S. TYLER.

Extra nice neighborhood. PICK UP SERVICE Light Haulina Moving Call Checker Co Call 4-5555 Tvler. Texas, before a P.m 78 Farm Tractors A NICE fenced close to school alterations 21 Jan 1967. upstairs. 4 rms uar.

waier ou. 902 S. Chilton. LY 2-4832. snooping center, one small child Implements EXPERIENCED Automobile mechanic acceptei 4-7396.

a. NICE 1960 Fordor Starchlef Ponttac. Clean sood cnnd. 1 owner, lady. Morrison Mobil Gas Sta.

1736 N. Dixie BRACE yourself for a thrill the first ELECTROLUX Vacuum Cleaner Com-diet with attachments new ') vrs guarantee 1995 9.qnqi wanted Morris Motor uo. ii a- QUICK SERVICE ON ALTERATIONS MRS WELCH 'LY 3-62S5 850 Ford $975. Jubilee Ford $850. A A a -ft- A.

1 1 ARIA A Ttaa time you use Blue Lustre to clean 3-ROOM Oarage Apt. Walking dist. of town. Bills paid. 420 W.

Selman, LY 2-9584 or 2-2408 after 6. Glenwood. LY 4-9501 or 2-1335, ATRRACnVE 3 2 Cent, heat air. Modern kit, Exc. Lo.

cation. 1809 Blossom Lane. $150 a Phone LY mm rugs Rnt electric shampooer $1. 300 International 8850. 420 John Deere $850.

WD 45 -A-C (11 ve Wpl SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE. High Cal Frank Rimmer Hardware. 107 E. 7th 312 E. FIRST.

3 lg. rooms and bath. USED TV's large selection guaranteed Terms to suit Open dailv till 7 Efurds V. -Service 406 Beckham 3-1203" month. LY 4-5575.

1962 F-85 4-DOOR. Air radio, good tires. Will sacrifice; $600. LY 4-7297 or 3-9650. Street.

mCU wuiuci mil $175. Hull's Welding. Chandler, $63 mo. Bills iniormation on ooor. ALTERATIONS Button holes.

Belts. Zippers. Sx etc. SPRING FRESH CLEANERS LNDRY New Jacksonville Hwv. Mrs.

Bostick LY 2-3231 NICE CLEAN 2-br. house! Washer 220 wiring. 1815 N. Winona. iber man to represent national vuruuia-tlon in East Texas Starting income up to $600 per month.

Annual increases up to $1,000 in five vears. Ex-reUpnt. rnanacement opportunities with wobti TPAfrTOR for sale: Cultivator. 4-6887. 52 Antiques WE BUY SELL good used furniture HnrtTtr TVT.Kft IjOCATION Disk, bush hog mower A trainer.

62 Ply. Power and air V8 135 irrlnertal Kxt.ra nice $795 LY 2-3668. Jo mom for mnk. Hart's Furniture Call TTJ2-3079 alter 6 p.m fhrv nower and air Studio 207 Beckham, 4-4182 1021 Broadway. Aot.

3. Large 3-bedroom brick duplex, extra large living room, dining room St kitchen. Modern furniture appliances. One 2-BDRM. Washer conn, Near Doug las School.

$45 a month. 321 Hlllsboro. LY 2-8689. VIII FINANCIAL WATERPROOF TARPAULINS Bookkeeping Tax Service 6X8, $4. 8x10.

$7.20. 10x12. $10.80 in two to five vears based on merit, with Income of up to $20,000 plus intensive trainling Group insurance and pension plan. Ages 22 to 45. College and sales experience preferred.

Send a resume for. appointment. Box 1147. Tyler, Texas. 80 Business CAPCO.

Ill S. Glenwood. LY z-2'iiz of Tyler's outstanding yards. 888 per month. Water 8c gas paid.

Adults. LY 3 BR. frame, S. Tyler, attic fan. car port, floor furnaces, paved St.

LY TV SETS to $69.95 $10 down Opportunities BOOKKEEPING TAX SERVICE Call tor Appointment LY 3-4180 or LY 3-3119 59 Buick power air 57 Dodge V8 pickup $350 54 Dodge pickup new paint Rambler power air 59 Chevy. 6 cy. stand, shift 60 Chrv! power air 59 Fori! wagon $195 59 Ford 6 cv. shift ABOVE CARS IN GOOD CONDITION Mllllman Used Cars LY 2-1252 5991. nlgnte LY 3-33bl, -4lri ana j-'loo.

Greenlee's. 1523 East Erwln LY 2-3524 SALE OF ANTIQUES GIFTS In time for Christmas giving A SERENDIPITY SHOP 106 6th Open 10-5 or dall LY 3-7891 for appointment pt.DAM -jrm ant. S40 a 1310 SAN ATsTTTiNTA nr Tllt ahvO $15 Permanents for $7.50 WTMPY BEAUTY SHOP month. Call Gordon Gantt. at 2-3167 Wanted.

Female Carpentry Nice den. 1V4 baths, carpet, 2 window unite. a floor furnacea! or 2-32. 905 Tioton LY 2-6729 HELP WANTED Please apply In per washer trees. After NKWT.V RKDECORA' TED efficiency COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE MIKE MATISE REALTY CLAXTON FRUIT CAKE AND CANDY GENERAL REPAIR and remodeling Also brick and concrete work Reasonable LY 4-2472 after .5 om son.

Weber Root Beer, i ivt uaruen LX apt. Gas 8i water paid. $50, HOUSE PECAN LOG ON SALE NOW- Valley Rd. 2-4749. OLD DICKASON JEWELRY DOWN 1961 AND 1963 Impala Coupe.

Both cars extra clean. Very low price. Llovd McMullen Auto 224 8. Palace. 3 BR.

St den, 2 baths tl40.0fj 3 Bedroom, Alr-cdnd. SB 90.00 EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN wanted Contractor rriciC DUPLEX. 4-rms. St bath. TOWN LOCATION WEST SIDE to work in one or rviers most moa- Nice turn.

Bills pd. Adulta only. No mauoy Realty. 4-7040. Eve.

3-7917 SEPTIC TANK Cleaning and Installa ern Salons. GUARANTEED SALARY. ANTIQUES SQUARE. OPEN 9:30 UNTIL SI PER POUND. 1-2-3 LB.

SIZES. PROCEEDS GO TO MENTAL RE- pets. 2-0136, 141b g. r-ront. Fashion Falls.

1807 vine, ui -jjd SALES APPRAISALS CLEAN 1961 Bulck Special 4-door, $595. Llovd McMullen Auto 8ales. 224 S. Palace BEAUTIFULLY FURN. 1-BR.

All tion, water lines. Ditching service Trencher or backhoe. LY 3-4695. LY 2-8327 87- Colored Propertu, Rentals LEASES Just a lew more days until Christ- TArjnATTnW PDOC.BIM DEPENDABLE Waitress wanted. ,40 conveniences, across from Wards, S75 LY J-3192 LY J-8334 HAVE YOU had an accident without 21 .1 iinhiiirv? wi vmi iB tine old antiques, How about you? LY 3-7353 plus duis.

law lAiunDroua. COLORED PROPERTY for runt 3 4-4743. hr work wk Free meals. Free nosni-tali7ation and life insurance. Paid vacations, top salary.

Double time paid on legal holidays. Applv 806 S. I AIR CONDITIONED 1965 Chev. Bcl-" aire. 4 door.

Practically, new. $1,795. Lloyd McMullen Auto Sales, 224 S. Palace BACKHOE' WORK, ditching of anv kind, tank holes dug. septic tanks field, lines installed, complete, or added on to.

For estimate LY 2-3725 vour drivers license and the plates TORNADO Si S8 weekly. Also $50 to $57 monthly. Call LY 3-8333. NEAR HILLSIDE: 3-room garage apt Bills paid. Adulta only.

S55 per mo. Beckham. Toddle Mouse. -hid MARTIN'S ANTIQUES 13. Miles East of Tyler on Highway 84 (On The Right) Aro Texas Apply at 1230 E.

Erwin. LY 2-629 The World's Finest Autoniatlo Car Wash Glyes Cars that POLISHED Look. Drive DIRTY Car In. sit (or 3 oir your car? come bv Gale Wlm-berley's office at 208' E. Houston, and let us explain, the safety responsibility hnnd LY BABY sitter to see after one 14 month f'eer Processing 1963 CAD.

Conv. Like brand hew. Worth the money. Lloyd McMullen Auto Sales. -224 S.

Palace. NICE 3 ROOM apartment at 24 Mor. gan Drive. Complete bath, kitchen and hot water. Only $10.00 per week.

Call LY 2-6571 or LY 2-7462. NICE. 4-ROOM garage apt. Wool old babv. 5 davs a week.

For lnior- rugs, dbl. sink. Near market. Adults. mation call 4-58KR.

mm. drive i-ar out. cut. oc Built to last for yrs. Long life trouble ci nf 4V.

TYlDMinft T4 4 LET FERGUSON Food Center 245 6 Mahon process your deer. Skinned cut. wrapped It frozen Call LY 4-5525 1961 FORD. Radio, heater New white 6H4Y2 Linasey Lane, sap, t-wai, REALISTIC PERMANENTS $8 ESSIE Bridges Beauty Shop 2304 Hosemont LY 4-9258 COLORED Fry Cook wanted for even wall tires. V8.

Very good cond. LY rice aiiuiu, who v.v..- tt Km, TtualniMx Investment. CLEAN NICELY furn. apt. for 1 or Mgnt alter 7 call 3-5930 or 3-0539 55-A Wanted Used Furniture 4-4219.

LARGE 8 ROOM house at 215 So. Herndon. Perfect house for large fam lly. Only $14.95 per Call LY 2-6571 or LY 2-7462 2 near hospitals $65. Bills pd.

920 a Real Money Mager. aibv a ing snnt nours i p.m. i.u u.m. Sundays off. Colored dishwasher wanted for dav shift.

-Hours 7 a.m.. to 4 pm. Sundays off. Please apply in per Fish and Fish Stock E. Houston, LY 3-3698.

Bay self service units. 1960 4 PLYMOUTH. Air. power, radio, heater, would consider trade LY 4-9552. I GOOD CLOTHING and shoes 25c each while they last.

Heaters furniture and antiaues. Anything of value. 705 Line LY 2-9174. Newlands Bargain House 412 E. BERTA.

Sunken panel den TORNADO CAR WASH. INC. WE PAY TOP prices for used furniture Bell FURNITURE CO 203 E. Elm LY 3-8388 Call Us for a final bid. New furniture.

Bills paid. LY 2-4767. NEWLY REMODELED apartment a 1506 E. Oakwood. All city conveniences, Only $11.95 per week.

Call LY 2-6571 CHANNEL CATFISH Stocker fish and also eating size Gearner's Fish Hatch-erv Star Rt Box 56 Mineola Texas son to fullers nest-auram. oui c. Front. 201 Lyons LY 2-8122 Tyler, Teiaa 320 E. BERTA.

3 BR. brick, fenced I-A Passenger Cars Wanted LO 9-25141 Or 1.X yard. Nice furniture, and washer CALL US FOR final bid before you sell. Harold's Furniture 1914 IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT dryer. LY 8-4767.

Home Improrementt Erwln. LY 3-8621. NTOE LEAN 2 bath. ruga, bllnda. TOP CASH prices paid for extrs COMBINATION Store, garage, service station with 2 bedroom, modern llvins quarters for lease, on Glade-water Hwy, 9 mllet from Tyler where the Hwy.

divides. Yellow buUdlny. Call Sam Baber. Broker. 3-4477 or 3-2426.

NEWLY REMODELED 3 room aparti ment at 312 No. Flelshel. All city conveniences and hot water. Only $10.95 ner week. Call LY 2-6571 or LY 2-7462.

WE NEED good Used Furniture We screen In porch, no drinkers, (45. Bills FOR HOME REMODELING ADDITION OR REPAIR clean low mileage cars, Llovd uc Mullen. Auto Sales, 224 8 Palace1 Pfl. Z-B7Z5 or 3-9606, wilt oav more Erwln Furniture Co Phone LY 4-9544 807 E. Erwln For ambitious woman to serve Avon customers near -home.

Ex FREE ESTIMATES. CALL LY 2-7629 OPEN 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. TYLAND TRADING POST 3215 WEST BOW STREET WANT TO BUY: Extra Clean Late Model Cars Pick Hps and Station 93-B Apartments Furn, IF YOU want good prices for your Home Maintenance 99 Business Properties 82 Loans mr Untum. used furniture call Ty-Tex.

Furniture, 118 Elm LY 4-2666. wagons Bring them to ns. Shelton Motor Co. 206 8 Palace rp YOU NEED a loan of iS to 1100, LIGHT CLEANUP HAULING Window and floor cleaning, yard work trees trimmed leaves raked Flower beds cellent income opportunity. No experience necessary.

'Must act at once! Call LY 3-2446 or write Box 3336, Ty'er. est see Jackson Finance Co. 711 wi ill 3 BR furnished or unfurnished ants. Kitchen equipped. Paneled.

Carpeted Draoes. Central WK. LY t-5462 WE PAY MORE FOR YOUR U8ED FURNITURE. Call us at LY 3-0491 Ariklns Furniture 1321 Erwln be aoore- Your business creaneo LY 3-1412 I Automotive Equipment Erwln elated COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE MIKE MATISE REALTY CARPENTER niumblng painting 5ft Household Appliances 94 Apartments cabinet remodeling rooting house CASHIERS needed for self service gas IX RENTALS evenng uav or night LY 3-7UB7 station. Applv Texas Employment INDIVIDUAL would like to ASSUME vour loan on 3 BR.

2 bath. den. BRICK home Clarkston or Andy Woods Sch dist LY Unfurnished 2-4 BARREL SET. UP for 260 or 289 Fords with progressive linkage, fuel block lines. Bargain at $100.

Mur- phree's Cvcle Shop. 601 E. Valentine. Commission 1520 W. Front St.

Tv 91 Dooms Furnished GUARANTEED RANGES, automatic washers TV's. refrigerator. and freeiers Also repair work. Harold Dome Remodeling er. dining room 2 BR.

LIVING room, kitchen washer r.onn. 220 wlrlnr BEDROOM Dvt, entrance and baths Malri and norm servlte. SU week Furniture Service. 1914 E. Erwin.

Li 3-8621 1 LY 130 Rowland. PIi 3-9231 Help Wanted Male Femala LEASES SALES APPRAISALS LY 2-3192 LY 2-5334 $75. 3-69B2 '63 CHEVY. -409 complete engine. Less carb.

Perfect cond. 6500 miles. Com-plete overhaul. $225. LY 4-3166.

REMODELING CO Remodeling Painting Any size lob-large or small We can do It In Whlte-house TE 9-2466 In Tvler LY 3-1227 Tyler Courts Dial LY 2-9191. III -lii: rooms with private bath. TV.T 3 ROOMS and bath. Carport 1224 LY 3-7353 57 Musical Goods, Pianos nhnna wnklv rata. Terrace Motel SPLIT OAK FIREWOOD LY 4-5803 711 W.

FERGUSON CENTRAL HEATING 2 Trucks A Trailers Magnolia LY u-3ia wees, aava. nu CALL US FOR HBLP House Leveling LY 2-7381. LY nignit ano weeg-enas FOR LEASE: Two 6.000 sq, ft. store buildings. Curtis Building Center, Loop 323, Northeast.

Also one office suite for lease. Carpeted display NEW aND USED Truck Parts Used trucks- and trailers St Truck NICELY furnished laraa bedroom Pyt Home. Pvt. entrance. cteman only EXPERT HOUSE Leveling, barns, brick wail repair Termite work.

Roof work K. Male age 5, davs. SPACIOUS 3 BR. den. 2 oaths brick apt CHAC.

Near schools, shoos, it $400 S250 ODen Need good tvpist 5 davs 416 E. Charnwood. LY 4-5013 iQspg. oar, z-bbnis or 4-441 parts Co LY 4-6042 Texas of all kinds. Guaranteed work.

Dav 1 mile north ol Loop 323 Hwv 271 1 or night. LY 3-5491 Legal secretary 5 top Secretary 5 davs GENTLEMEN: Large room. Nicely furnish. Telephone. Tub shower.

Con rooms and offices. Air conditioned. Paved parking area. Curtis and Associates. LY 2-8158.

1960 CHEVROLET pickup. Flat bed $345-390 Used centrol heating -furnaces ODen 'like new. 60.000 BTtJ to ISO 000 MAS SALE PIANOS ORGANS NEW USED- REPOS HPW RPTMFT PTANOR 11 fuse Pointing Finance ('Trainee) LY'I Good condition. Oi'd tires. 3-ROOM garage apt.

1722 North Dixie Hwy. Textone walls, floor furnace, garage. $50 mo. Bills paid (except lights). Real nice.

Adults. LY veniently located. LY Z-2bH. 4-5836 or at 911 t. Erwln OUTSIDE and Inside naintlne Un I Share 09 A Office Rental TYLER EMPLOYMENT SERi PB TLO" J-753B, with kitchen privileges to retired or semi-retired lady.

141 Rodessa. LY SEVERAL first class office suites locations. South Beckham St. FROM $385.00 AVAILABLE SOON Two bedroom nv Bg ly 4-7182 Call LY 4-6378. Suite 256 Tvler $25 DOWN NTTOJ IHMMftrin ORGANS lentv tree parkins all services jerry taslts.

LY 2-1671. REAL GOOD '56 Chev. FU for 'sale heeirurk finished, like it should be or trade. Will take 'S3 or 54' Chev 4-4121. 'n' "oi s1Be- hY: I PaiiUing 1962 FORD.

2 ton. blg" 6. 2-spTe7mo i LET US bile home moving truck. Heater. A-l YOUR HOME.

SPRAY WORK. condllion. X'onslder trade 4-7771. 1 LOANS ARRANGED IF REQUIRED EXTRA NICElIHrFord pickup. Wide 2-8736; GEORGE 93 Apartments TtTE PHOriTfSRTONAT.

RniT.T,TNfl Dixson Air Conditioning Co. 2503 E. Erwin. PROM $489.00 Fumishetf WANTED WAITRESS AND COOK: Able to work anv sfiift. Must be neat and depend-able.

fiod salarv-, plus meals, and tips. 8ft Mr. Reed. Pitt Grill. Anvttrne diliis -the Hav.

Offices on 1st St 2nd floor, Air con(L heat, elevator. Janitor service 409 w. unfurnished apartment at First National Apartments. 100 E. First at 6.

Broadway Split-level mirror fover no one living over you. carpeted throughout. Your own central heating and air-condltlonlnc system complete, electric "kitchen private parkins. Six closets upstairs plus large storage and utility room. Phone LY for n.nno1ntment.

$25 DOWN TTBWT ORGANS Erwin. LY Z-1666 hed. fi rvl nverrtrive I.lovrt McMlll- 1 FINAL CLEARANCE FROM S295.O0 OFFICE Space andor retail space 8. HOLLANDALE TERRACE oadway and Troup Rd. and W.

8th Bro len Auto Sales. 234 S. Palace. 2-A Mobile llomes A Travel Trailers street. 9 to 5 wk.

days. LY 2-4315, PAINTING, PAPERING, Sheet Rocking and Repair (i. (Shortvi CRAFT. 2-5260 JONES. 3-5379 Top Soil UVlNGROOM, dining room and 220 NylriM.


Cashier. 5 days $250, Cashier-Gen. off. 5 das. 25-35 $250 LVN.

tvpist. Local MD $275 114 E. Dobbs, Aptr-JJ upstairs sob mo, 3-9231 or 3-6952 orM-9124. NEWLY DECORATED: WMr bm'paldl Luxury and bedroom apartments. BOB'S TRAVEL TRAILERS Travel trailer mobile home rental Parts accessories call LY 2-3336 Van Highway, mile NW of T.nnn "lT Only single offices oould bj irseted and TOP SOIL FILL DIRT IRON ORE TRAVEL FOR DRIVEWAYS SLAG Artistically draoes.

All 2- bedrooms St ia only $50 a month. ll kitchen. Dllhwash- fTEP. YTHTNG MUST GO AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE SAVE 30' to 70' Picture make vour own frames with our surplus moldings D.ctur g.as non-lare 1 glass ART SUPPLIES -BRUSHES DUPONT PAINT $2 00 PER OAL. 50c' PER.

QT 35 Vi PER 20c Vi PT FROUSSARDS 1423' Troup Hwy-1 s. Gibsons used as double onicee. win reni. month or lease. Coffee bar and Janitorial service.

Call today. Chad Hanna call 3-5123 after on weekdays. Qarbasre disposal. TV cable. TV NEW 1967 3 Brs, -Medallion it SBha 12x60 Mobile Homes C-More SAWDUST TOP.

SOIL fill dirt slag Trailers. 3111rW. 'native gravel tractor work (i I'D- Store Fixtures GARAGE apartment. 3 Rooms ana LY 3-2H73 Or Z-0317 817 Peonies Bank LY 2-6558 sll apartments 2 bedroom nrtmerit 2 full baths. 8wlmmlris pool.

Patios Laundrvv facilities. 3 free ear fashes per month. Wlthln 3 minutes of town be bath. Across from Vaughns Bakery LY 3-7472 after 9 a.m. Can Abercromhle LY 4-4974.

300' OFF East Loop. New. rtf Tnin neerla LARGE selection of 12 wides nicks. Plenty SMALL CAFE equipment for sale. Owner retired, must be sold and moved by Dec.

31. All or part sold. See by appointment only. LY 4-2773. of parking.

LY 3-4881 or LY 2-1427. 1409 E. 5th. $65. Adults.

No bills pd. Newly decorated. 1-BR. duplex. Else.

all bills oald. Broadmore. Melodv Home. Fleetwood, i Native) dravel' lill dirt vnrA lwal Lane Mobile Homes Inc. Hwv.

i VQrd level 175-N. Athens. Tex. Plione OH 5-2979 I LY 2-6498. For Good "Centa" Use a Want Ad DIAL LY 2-3818 LY z-ooso stove, wasp, conn, hi arter arsery BEE THE ALL NEW 19H7 Tourlte1 WnU7 ITT TIT rUKNlHHEU a oearoom u.ui 3926 fe 3928 8.

Broadway, new 2-rm. 3-rm. office suites Both have private front St rear entranced Carpeted, air heat. Coffee bar. Drinking fountain rest rooms.

Reasonable rent. J. B. Murray, LY 4-6559 or 95 Houses, Furnished WANTKD- A'hnnt. 50 000 rose bUSheS.

See Harold Patterson. Loop 323 North a He. bii Din ou. a mobile -homes 2 and. 3 Bedrooms.

SOIL PILL DIRT gravft baths. Up to 12 Wide and 65 ft. Davs-'call LY 4-2191 nlte OBlv two models left at co-t. Take "ip-T hl 54 trade. Easv financing Rose Trail-1 "Oter Well Drilling 2-BR TRAILER home for rent with all conveniences.

LY 2-8070. Nights, or call LY 2-6577. I-707B. -3065. oa.ra.

sun ti. iy-. Dftid Adult onlv. No oU. 206 Phil ler.

LY 4-7771. VII LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES TECHNICAL SOUTH TYLER. Redecorated nicely furnished house, Lly. din. kit DEEP WELL hps, rnune j-jih.

REAL ESTATE WANTED 2-D Camping Trailers 45 path, am juinasey Lane JUSTTRYUS QUALITY PrTcE SERVICE We think we can please vou when vou buy RCA VICTOR COLOR TELEVISION from DAVIS RADIO AND TV Chandler, Texas Authorized Dealer Authorized Service 70 Pets, Stock Supplies 1403 N. CHURCH. Small house. Plen- 101 Business Properties AND ty eloeete St oabtpets. Clean.

No pets. LY 3-2689. LY 3-2691. SALEH APARTMENTS PICKUP CANOPIES $150 flent a canonv. cab-over camp or ravel traiier at C4More Trailers 3111 Bow LY 2-8574.

Wanted TROPICAL FISH aquarium uoums-live plants food tonics. 42 display tanks Across from Aoache Drive-in Theater Phone 3-6306. DRILLING Over 20 vears experience In the Tvler rea Experienced, competent, and conscientious driller Customers and Dump dealers our references. ROY C. WHITE Phone, day or night TE 9-2335 1 COttaSO.

3 DV BU1S Sd. LY 2-2721 and 8-7165. 528 S. SAUNDERS 95-A Ilemse Partly RENEE POODLES: Grooming puppies and studs. LY 3-2721.

PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Furnished WANTED TO BUY Id. Tyler: Commer. clal zoned lot with small bulldlns suitabl for drlve-in malt St hamburger business. Must have heavy traffic As larg residential area nearby and priced reasonable. Stat price, location St general description.

Reply in writing to Box 48V yler Courier-Tlmes, Tyler. Texas. -L GARAGE SALE Brlc-a-orac. lurnlture ft Junk. ilortone 3 Auto Parts Service f'lUY YOUR Auto Seat Covers direct rom factory to vou $7 95 and uo We nstall seat covers for $3 00 extra Auto floors mats $4.50 and ud Car batteries $6 95 Car mufflers at factory price SURPLUS SUPPLY STORE 402 East Erwln LY 2-1061 MARZAY KENNELS.

AKC REG. 1 KOaO kitchens. Wall to wall custom KJ UMl 1927 MAGNOLIA, 3-br 3 baths, yr around heat Si air. Will tarnish. Call IV tnPLOYMEM lor SHOPPING.

SNAVE-1 Grooming, Boardings LT 3-6784 alk-ln la an- utn -6831 or i-VJ14, ClUBCB, IWllBDllll 11 30 Help Wanted, Male itio at olai lie iry laeuiiiee. owcim TOY POODLE STUD. 7" DARK APRICOT. PUPPIES. LY 2-7475 OS Houses Unfurnished TtniM nam AnuiKM nun.

XI REAL ESTATE luiass lo junki Park in rear 623 N. Palace 9:30 trTvy I. WILL tlx your cookstove. hTaT 3 good -Motorcycles Prom $80 moniniv. AT STUD: Miniature French Poodle.

LY 3-1257 107 -A For Sale or Rent uifu. onni rxrif-nlK 2-1435 MUST SELL 1966 Siuukl X-6 Hustler Bee 1801 8. Beckham or call fi245i Keg. AKC. Cocoa color.

Proven, ree WHY HUNT? Ft serrlM to yon. MEN NEEDED iiiu, VML-MSil jr cnoice or utter, ly 2-BED ROOMS QUiet St. near schools. or 3-2353. HEATING SERVICE Noon TR TROPICAL FISH, frozen food Ss sup- Reasonable Price.

BARLEY DAVID80N Scat. LY 3-0609 cr see at 510 East Vaientlne. Furn, un 1-2-3 bdrm ft. Apartments Duplexes Houses hr. or after 6:00.

piles urvant Aauarlum. 533 uavton. LY 2-7698. room. Duplex Apt.

Larsa Uvlns twm, dlnlns room and kitchen. Adults. STB I JO Houses For Sale cnuaren. pet, wslvums Ever location and price rang 5 Boats and Motors KEMALR TOY Toodle. See after 5 and per montn.

LiX TeTl us your needs and what vou can REPOSSESSED 3 BR. 2 bath kit-den dbl, gar Bring Dmts to date St ween ends at 2217 Mimosa ur. AKC TOY POODLE STUD anora. iwcu save vou time ana mnnifl NEWSALES TYLER WEATHERMAKERS Carrier Dealt-rs ervice calls 6 50 tee estimate. LY- CHAMPAGNE BLONDE.

HEAVY assume loan zoix '-'S a it Alta Mlra Addition Call Sam l.llmher -Q I 3-866 Refer to our ad under instruction Classification No, 43 headed MEN NEEDED MACHINISTS tfc DRAFTING TRAINEES or call Mr. Inman at LY 4-L'780. or writ Box 496. Tver Co'ifer-Ttmes -giytng name. ad.l:- anri phone numner A.S'I fclj CAB URlTf.R.

4'J6 North Bo! d'Arr APP.I f-HFCKFR r'AB en GUY 5PARKMAN RENTAL SERVICE SHOW COAT, I.Y 3-3461 NEW- 3 HP, ESKA OUTBOARD MOTOR. $7.0, LY 4-2706. ii AyyoiSiEMESis 19 Alcoholics Anonymous MEN and WOMENwl)o hare" -a drinking problem are invited to contact A1-- unTxirar. DOWN pav like Excellent -positions now available for persons interested in production or technical management, for a leading and expanding Tire Manufacture located in the Southwest. Must have experience in technical aspects, possess initiative and have the ability to manage personal.

Salon open. Paid vacation. Nine holidays. Hospitalization life insurance, profit sharing, retirement and Reply by letter furnishing complete resume to Coorier-Timei Box 495, Tyler, Texas. niithslde Bldg 1324 Hkhaw Spacious 5-room BRICK Garage, corner lot.

846. S. Donnvbrook. LY PUPPIES AKC Reg. "jrV.

Pick vour choice VINE TERRACE Garden Apartments BEAUTY AND COMPORT COMBINED WITH QUALITY AT REASONABLE RATES All Electric Living 3 Minutes to Downtown 1-2 bedroom furnished Free TV Cable Free Laundry Facilities LY 3-6971 lor Christmas; LY 3-6020 2-6384. WV. HAVB1 nicn 9 hedroom Al 3 bed UN KM. AN WANTED rnnm homes for rent Or lease. Some FOR SALE: 5-room house ana loi.

Newly remodeled Will sell pay like Toy Silver' cononc Anommous A.i mau.ries will EXPERIFNKD ONLY' Ko- Cab'e TV be answered and will be treated con-; io Permanent employment corr- can be nurcnasea witn no aown uav- ChrlylriiaF. will rial rl T'-rms: rent Li 4-502 no dues or fees'nanv berplits. paid Call ment Call Chad Hanna eanv uorn-nim r.v t.Wi Rill Vlck I.Y 4-9156 fali -alter LY 2-52'j'l; 11 no answer rail LY 3-0911 or 634 Petroleur Dale Cox LY 3-0006 Lola Chandler 1965 SINGER Select-o-stitch $59.80 Like new. used lust few months In pretty walnut cabinet, Does everv-i2knr "i1" attachments built-in 3 Ii73 month. Call LY Bkig.

2-2583 Gladys Messer 2-ian4 3 BR- BRICK In uuiiara. musi No money down Take op pmU $96. per mo. Call VVT Rosa 842-3769. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom 1V4 bath.

Small, equity. Assume GI Loan. ray- We need a part or full time ma REST LOCATION Members coiicr it a do'v and Diea-aure to carrv tne message of their recovery to others lTOWNTOWN GROUP. Three regular meetings each week at Club Room 421 Tuesday. Wednesday.

fDBtmBAN oroup alcoholics BHAUI1H1L Heg. Apricot Male Tov Poodle puppy. Championship blood lines. 8 wks old. LY 2-4268.

T.attra 9.hrlrnfim housed 1 hlk. ShOD Call Woldert menis $93 mo. mi j-ouqu. LARGE CLEAN 3-room garage apartment. Near shopplns pins center, pars, ana arsae scaooi.

I 4i AKC CHIHUAHUA puppies for Xmas. 2 ml Jacksonville. Tex. Hwy. 69.

Call S86-8969 Jacksonville, Tex. 150f Kim. UOUPie oaiy. HI m-vev. W91.

BOt 3-MB ants quiet Ook firs wood, cut ny six. LY 2-7914, CUTE Shrohe St CfUTiryr.V nurhraH la Overtoa. Perfeet fee Chrtftmaa. LT.

Tyler Morning Telegraph from Tyler, Texas (2024)


Why are so many people moving to Tyler Texas? ›

I mean it's affordable, there's great health care here, we have colleges here so there's like retirement, and there's also college and kids and family," Martin said. According to the US Census Bureau, Tyler's population was less than 97,000 people in 2010, but that figure jumped to nearly 110,000 in 2022.

Why is Tyler Texas famous? ›

Tyler is known as the Rose Capital of America, and for good reason. At its peak in the 1940's, more than half of the United States' rose supply was grown within 10 miles of Tyler. Today, the city's long love affair with roses lives on at the Tyler Municipal Rose Garden.

How old is Tyler Texas? ›

Tyler, Texas, (population 108,969) was settled in 1846, when Smith County was created from Nacogdoches County. Tyler was incorporated in 1850 and serves as the seat of Smith County.

Does Tyler Texas have a newspaper? ›

Tyler Morning Telegraph. Tyler, TX. News, business, sports and more.

What is the richest neighborhood in Tyler Texas? ›

The Woods

With a median home price of $1,824,843 and a median rent of $1,100, The Woods is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in The Woods over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Tyler.

What is the nicest town to live in Texas? ›

Explore the best places to live in Texas — from the big cities of Dallas and Houston to the charming riverfront destination of San Antonio.
  • El Paso, Texas. ...
  • Corpus Christi, Texas. ...
  • San Antonio, Texas. ...
  • Fort Worth, Texas. ...
  • Irving, Texas. ...
  • Arlington, Texas. ...
  • Lubbock, Texas. ...
  • Wichita Falls, Texas. Cost of living: 76.3.
Jul 31, 2024

Who is the richest person in Tyler, Texas? ›

Caldwell, the richest man in Tyler, Texas.

What is the racial makeup of Tyler Texas? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American25,66324.11%
Two or more races6,8706.45%
Other race3,3383.14%
3 more rows

Is Tyler Texas nice to live? ›

Tyler is a city in Texas with a population of 106,440. Tyler is in Smith County and is one of the best places to live in Texas. Living in Tyler offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Tyler there are a lot of coffee shops and parks.

Is Tyler, TX a dry county? ›

Tyler, TX (75702)

This November marks 10 years since retail beer and wine sales were legalized in Smith County. A beer at South Tyler Speakeasy in Tyler, Texas, on Wednesday, June 7, 2017.

Is Tyler Texas a good place to retire? ›

Tyler is a popular retirement destination for seniors looking for a peaceful and affordable place to spend their golden years. The city is located in East Texas, approximately 98 miles east-southeast of Dallas, TX, and about 98 miles west-northwest of Shreveport, LA.

Who owns Tyler Morning Telegraph? ›

Roberts Media purchased the Tyler Morning Telegraph from the T.B. Butler Publishing, Co. forming one of the largest media companies in East Texas.

What is Tyler Texas considered? ›

Today, Tyler has a population of more than 108,063 and covers 57.16 square miles. The city is considered the manufacturing, health care, educational and retail center of East Texas. Tyler is a prosperous and growing city, offering big city amenities, while still maintaining its pleasant and friendly small-town charm.

Is Tyler Texas a college town? ›

In addition to TISD, private and parochial school systems offer complete pre-school to 12th grade programs. Tyler is also home to Tyler Junior College, Texas College, and the University of Texas at Tyler.

Why is Tyler, TX growing? ›

Tyler boasts a diverse economy supported by multiple industries, including healthcare, education, manufacturing, and agriculture.

Is Tyler, Texas a good place to live? ›

Tyler is a city in Texas with a population of 106,440. Tyler is in Smith County and is one of the best places to live in Texas. Living in Tyler offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Tyler there are a lot of coffee shops and parks.

What is the major industry in Tyler Texas? ›

Diverse Economic Base in East Texas

Tyler attracts and retains companies of all sizes and sectors from agriculture to health services. Major business clusters in Tyler include agribusiness, energy, health services, manufacturing, and transportation and logistics.

What part of Texas is everyone moving to? ›

Top 10 Cities That People Moved to in Texas (2022)
CitiesNumber of People
San Antonio45,799
6 more rows
Aug 1, 2024


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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.